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New U.S. Stealth Jet Can’t Hide From Russian Radar

On contrary. F-35 has DSI intakes instead regular on F-22 which are more stealthy.
F-35 has better coating than F-22.

So F-35 frontal RCS should be better.

The US has said OFFICIALLY that the F-22 is "marble-sized" frontal RCS and the F-35 is "golf-ball sized" frontal RCS.

I would rather believe the US officials than someone on the Internet thanks.:lol:

Based upon what ? I want to see hard data.

We have are information about the F-35 than we do for the J-31. So unless you have direct access to the Chinese engineers who works on the J-31, anything you say about it is sheer fantasy.

It is hilarious seeing people think that soon to be the richest country in the world also would be incapable of developing the best technology.:lol:
You claim to be "mature " yet you start your post with a personal insult. You are a simpleminded propagandist just like the rest. Hence why i take nothing that you say seriously. Now get off the nuts. This thread is so last week and that flying turkey isnt looking any better even after your rants

Sure there are, among the mature people, which we can see you do not belong in this group.

Have you posed a technical question befitting a doubtful but fair minded person ? No.

You name dropped but the sorry part is that the name you dropped -- Pierre Sprey -- was found to be inadequate in his criticism.

Sprey still believes in the visual combat situation as the sole arena for any air superiority fighter.

The Last Ace - Mark Bowden - The Atlantic

Cesar Rodriguez would challenge Sprey on that. Rodriguez was an F-15 combat pilot who shot down an opponent with a missile from far beyond what bullets could travel and what the human eyes can discern. Sprey never had to put his life into trust. Rodriguez had to. Are YOU going to tell this forum that Rodriguez have an 'agenda' or 'politically motivated' or 'toeing the party line' if he disagree with Sprey ?

So as far as intellectual honesty go, you have none.
You claim to be "mature " yet you start your post with a personal insult. You are a simpleminded propagandist just like the rest. Hence why i take nothing that you say seriously. Now get off the nuts. This thread is so last week and that flying turkey isnt looking any better even after your rants
Calling you a troll is not a personal insult but the correct labeling.

Here is your first post about this subject...

I just read a similar article in aviation week. Hahahahahahahahahaha. Is all I can say. Be proud of that money pit the rest of the world calls a flying turkey.

This is what happens when corporate interests are in charge of national security. These companies should be nationalized before the US military becomes the laughing stock of the world
If that is not troll behavior, then what is ?

The nationalization of companies somehow make them innovative and altruistic ? Show us where has that ever happened.
The US has said OFFICIALLY that the F-22 is "marble-sized" frontal RCS and the F-35 is "golf-ball sized" frontal RCS.
No, there is nothing official. Only "reports":

According to November 2005 reports, the US Air Force states that the F-22 has the lowest RCS of any manned aircraft in the USAF inventory, with a frontal RCS of 0.0001~0.0002 m2, marble sized in frontal aspect. According to these reports, the F-35 is said to have an RCS equal to a metal golf ball, about 0.0015m2, which is about 5 to 10 times greater than the minimal frontal RCS of F/A-22. The F-35 has a lower RCS than the F-117 and is comparable to the B-2, which was half that of the older F-117. Other reports claim that the F-35 is said to have an smaller RCS headon than the F-22, but from all other angles the F-35 RCS is greater. By comparison, the RCS of the Mig-29 is about 5m2.

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Lightning II

I would rather believe the US officials than someone on the Internet thanks.:lol:
I was not talking about any beliefs. I am talking facts:

1) F-35 has stealthier DSI intakes compare to F-22.
2) F-35 has better coating compare to F-22.

The F-35 RAM is thicker, more durable, less expensive and, being manufactured to tighter tolerances compared to that of the F-22. The tighter tolerances means less radar signal can penetrate openings and reflect back to its source. The newer RAM is more effective against lower frequency radars, and maintenance should cost about a tenth that of the F-22 or B-2.
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This Jew wants more of this for Israel, its his people's way of negotiating with America.
@500 : Please explain why the US refuses to this day to sell F-22 but it is willing to sell F-35?
Again the double standards. Youre bullshit is tired sally. Dont cry about insults unless you dont make them yourself. You look foolish otherwise.

I think its obvious tthat the mic in the united states is out of control. Didnt the pentagon just lose a trillion or more during rumsfeld? Arent we spending close to a trillion a year in defense while cities across the US go bancrupt? I get it, youre a military welfare baby. But the rest of americans are sick of wasting trillions so some fagboys can gloat on military forums.

The simple fact is the US taxpayer needs to put these mic dogs on a very tight leash. Nationalizing is just one example. There are others. But yes, making things not for profit, especially extremely sensitive projects like the next generation of american fighters, would not only save taxpayers billions off the skim but also delivery a better product in a faster timeline. Because their would be no incentive to do otherwise.

You as a military welfare baby have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and your hubristic propaganda. But therest of the american tax payers, who are quite a few more than you, dont.

Calling you a troll is not a personal insult but the correct labeling.

Here is your first post about this subject...

If that is not troll behavior, then what is ?

The nationalization of companies somehow make them innovative and altruistic ? Show us where has that ever happened.
Again the double standards. Youre bullshit is tired sally. Dont cry about insults unless you dont make them yourself. You look foolish otherwise.

I think its obvious tthat the mic in the united states is out of control. Didnt the pentagon just lose a trillion or more during rumsfeld? Arent we spending close to a trillion a year in defense while cities across the US go bancrupt? I get it, youre a military welfare baby. But the rest of americans are sick of wasting trillions so some fagboys can gloat on military forums.

The simple fact is the US taxpayer needs to put these mic dogs on a very tight leash. Nationalizing is just one example. There are others. But yes, making things not for profit, especially extremely sensitive projects like the next generation of american fighters, would not only save taxpayers billions off the skim but also delivery a better product in a faster timeline. Because their would be no incentive to do otherwise.

You as a military welfare baby have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and your hubristic propaganda. But therest of the american tax payers, who are quite a few more than you, dont.
Again...The evasion and the song and dance routine is boring. You name dropped but refused to support your argument when challenged. Typical behavior of the intellectually dishonest and a troll.
what song and dance. You have a vested interest in spouting your drivel. Youre on the military welfare gravy train. I am not. If anyone is being dishonest its you. You wont address my points yet you want me to address yours. What a joke. Dont you have a wedding in afghanistan or a little kids birthday party in pakistan to go bomb? Theres literally nothing else you are good at.

Again...The evasion and the song and dance routine is boring. You name dropped but refused to support your argument when challenged. Typical behavior of the intellectually dishonest and a troll.
what song and dance. You have a vested interest in spouting your drivel. Youre on the military welfare gravy train. I am not. If anyone is being dishonest its you. You wont address my points yet you want me to address yours. What a joke. Dont you have a wedding in afghanistan or a little kids birthday party in pakistan to go bomb? Theres literally nothing else you are good at.
Let us know when you present one. :lol:

So far all we have seen is how much the program cost. Duh...Yeah...The more sophisticated the device, be it a cell phone or a stereo or a jet fighter, the more it will cost.

You name dropped Pierre Sprey...Duh...Yeah...The man was never a designer, despite what you may have lifted from the Internet. He was never in the military, despite being employed by the military. And what he opined as what is an air superiority fighter have been challenged by professional military pilots.

So what points have you brought on ?
You obviously have your head very far up the pentagons ***. Good luck with that

Let us know when you present one. :lol:

So far all we have seen is how much the program cost. Duh...Yeah...The more sophisticated the device, be it a cell phone or a stereo or a jet fighter, the more it will cost.

You name dropped Pierre Sprey...Duh...Yeah...The man was never a designer, despite what you may have lifted from the Internet. He was never in the military, despite being employed by the military. And what he opined as what is an air superiority fighter have been challenged by professional military pilots.

So what points have you brought on ?
F-22 is not produced anymore. Even the Americans themselves don't need it.

In 2007 Japan was willing to pay 30 billion for only 100 F-22. Us turned them down. Japan is turning to F-35 as that is the only 5th generation plane available to them.

US does not produce any more F-22 as they have nearly 200 and Russia and China have zero 5th generation fighters currently. In the future, when the need arises, US can restart the F-22 production line.
In 2007 Japan was willing to pay 30 billion for only 100 F-22. Us turned them down. Japan is turning to F-35 as that is the only 5th generation plane available to them.
No, its just rumor. I dont see any reason why US sold the F-15 no problem but declined selling the F-22.

US does not produce any more F-22 as they have nearly 200 and Russia and China have zero 5th generation fighters currently. In the future, when the need arises, US can restart the F-22 production line.
The chances of F-22 restarting are zero. It wil be too expensive.
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