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New Russian Missile Penetrates Missile Defense


Jun 28, 2010
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New Russian Missile Penetrates Missile Defense
New Russian Missile Penetrates Missile Defense

The chief of a secretive Russian military industrial corporation boasted to a Russian news agency that a new intercontinental nuclear missile it is helping to build cannot be stopped by proposed U.S. or European missile defenses.

Artur Usenkov, head of the firm Rosobshemash (Russian General Engineering), last week told ITAR-TASS that its unnamed replacement rocket for the aging SS-18 intercontinental ballistic missile, a project begun in 2009 and to be completed possibly as early as 2017, will get past any nuclear missile shield, the London Telegraph reported.

"This applies in the fullest sense to the USA's anti-missile defense system and to NATO's European missile defense system," Usenkov said. The SS-18 is the only heavy ICBM the original START treaty allowed Russia to deploy; its range encompasses the entire continental United States.

Equipped with 10 warheads, there are between 59 and 88 SS-18 silo launchers spread across Russian territory, the Telegraph's Moscow correspondent Andrew Osborn reported.

"They are capable of withstanding anything except a direct hit from a nuclear weapon," Osborn noted.

The development of the new ICBM comes in spite of the New START treaty between the U.S. and Russia, which calls for deep cuts in the nuclear
arsenals of both powers. Osborn said Usenkov's boast regarding the new Russian ICBM's capabilities went "largely unnoticed."

Moscow-based defense analyst Pavel Felgenhauer last week wrote that
the Russian military claims it will keep SS-18s in use until 2026 "to keep a sufficient number of deployed warheads." Felgenhauer also noted that Yuri Solomonov, chief builder of many of Russia's nuclear missiles, "confirmed Russia's new ten year (2011-2020) armament program contains a clause about developing a new heavy liquid-fuel ICBM." Solomonov said that in 2012 or 2013 Moscow must make a "collective decision" on whether to go beyond "design research" regarding such a missile.

Seeking a missile that thwarts missile defense is nothing new for Russia's military. In December, 2009, Russia's then-Strategic Missile Forces chief, Lt. Gen. Andrei Shvaichenko, said Moscow planned by 2016 to replace the SS-18 by developing a new liquid-propellant ICBM that could carry 10 warheads. And as long ago as May, 2007, Moscow boasted that a test of its ten-warhead RS-24 "strengthens the capability of the attack groups of the Strategic Missile Forces by surmounting anti-missile defense systems."

Russia's legislature wants to amend the New START treaty with provisions allowing Russian "development, testing, production and deployment of new strategic offensive weapons, capable of penetrating" ballistic missile defenses. It also threatens a Russian unilateral withdrawal from the treaty if a missile defense against Russian nuclear missiles is successfully deployed.

The money for an effort as ambitious as an unstoppable ICBM is available; Vladimir Putin, Russia's powerful prime minister and former president, has promised over $670 billion in new spending on Russia's military in the course of the next decade.

Last month, Putin told CNN's Larry King that Russia would deploy nuclear weapons and "put in place new strike forces" if Western missile defense installations created "additional threats" near Russia's borders.

Russia should share the technology with Pakistan and China.
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they rely on decoys,chaff and metal balloons....
I am not sure about the tall claim that the missile can survive anything except being hit by a nuke..At the hypersonic speeds at which these missiles travel anything solid hitting the warhead can do lot of damage....
they rely on decoys,chaff and metal balloons....
I am not sure about the tall claim that the missile can survive anything except being hit by a nuke..At the hypersonic speeds at which these missiles travel anything solid hitting the warhead can do lot of damage....

Assuming that it really works as intended, then US and co would have to come up with something that can destroy all 59 and 88 SS-18 silo launchers instantly or find ways to break up the process of those launches. It seems like the US foreign policies are backfiring all the time. Surely they cannot afford an arms races with both China and Russia. I guess their global policing policies needs some good reviewing.
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and why so????

Why with Pakistan????

I cannot figure that out.....................Pakistan is ally of USA from last many decades..............

Why to even raise this question when you and i know that its not gonna happen.
Let people have sleeping pills.
and why so????

Why with Pakistan????

I cannot figure that out.....................Pakistan is ally of USA from last many decades..............

isnt india ally with the USA??? isnt india not reaching heights with american friendship and buying american weapons now??

if india can be in bed with the two, then so can pakistan and after all its all about mutual interest
isnt india ally with the USA??? isnt india not reaching heights with american friendship and buying american weapons now??

if india can be in bed with the two, then so can pakistan and after all its all about mutual interest

whose fighting with US of A????

not India

Whose is getting military and financial aid from US of A???

not India

what possibly can Pakistan provide Russia in exchange of this tech????

I am egger to know..............

India buys weapons from almost all the major weapons makers.................that includes Russia, Isreal, france, Britain etc.

Is it bad to make friends???
India make friends because India knows how to make friends.......a friendship is not always take take take.............you have to give equal thing back.
whose fighting with US of A????

not India

Whose is getting military and financial aid from US of A???

not India

what possibly can Pakistan provide Russia in exchange of this tech????

I am egger to know..............
India buys weapons from almost all the major weapons makers.................that includes Russia, Isreal, france, Britain etc.

Is it bad to make friends???
India make friends because India knows how to make friends.......a friendship is not always take take take.............you have to give equal thing back.

You have a point, Pakistan may not have the bargaining chip to deal with the Russians, but the Chinese on the other hand has. It is not rare to see Chinese tech ends up in the hands of Pakistanis, so to let you know, nothing is impossible. :cheers:
You have a point, Pakistan may not have the bargaining chip to deal with the Russians, but the Chinese on the other hand has. It is not rare to see Chinese tech ends up in the hands of Pakistanis, so to let you know, nothing is impossible. :cheers:

Russians will like to keep it exclusive for a long time.

I am still waiting for time when tech of "father of all bombs" coming to china.
No we are not going with usa its just friendship with russia its a relationship we have bought wepons from every one may be france usa isreal uk every one that does not mean we are paeting with russia and one more thing russia gives nothing for free
isnt india ally with the USA??? isnt india not reaching heights with american friendship and buying american weapons now??

if india can be in bed with the two, then so can pakistan and after all its all about mutual interest
Russians will like to keep it exclusive for a long time.

I am still waiting for time when tech of "father of all bombs" coming to china.

Well, it will depend on how well the Nato-US led missile defense shield goes then wouldn't it? If the Russians in any case feel that they are being left out of the picture, then surely they will have to come up with something of their own? Since China and Russia are strategically aligned together in terms of economy and foreign policy also, it does in some ways fuel our imaginations. Furthermore, money speaks louder than words and China has plenty.

As for the Father of All Bombs, does China really need one? As far as I know, we can only have one father and a mother. Since they are both taken already, China would probably come up with something of their own. How do you like the sound of "The God of all bombs"? :lol:
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LOL the SATAN is an old missile which has been upgraded a couple of times, the last of which was in the early 90's. Even though its old its still one of the best ICBM's on the planet. No way in hell Russia will give the tech to anyone, especially China.
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