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New photo shows that China has really copied the U.S. RQ-170

That Guy

Mar 29, 2013
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New photo shows that China has really copied the U.S. RQ-170 Sentinel stealth drone

The following image, grabbed by Chinese forums, is circulating on the Internet.

Image source: http://hobbyshanghai.com.cn/

It allegedly shows a series of brand new UAVs (unamanned aerial vehicles) one of those resembles the famous Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel, one of those was captured in Iran in 2011.

Last Februrary, Iran released footage that proves it has, if not literally decoded, at least accessed some of the data stored inside the U.S. stealthy RQ-170 drone captured in December 2011.

Previously, in Aug. 2012, The Aviationist published an article titled: Chinese delegation currently in Iran to copy the U.S. stealthy RQ-170 drone captured in 2011 about the news that a group of 17 Chinese expert had visited Iran not only to inspect, but also to collect and bring back to China some key components of the U.S. RQ-170 drone captured by Iran in December 2011.

That article ended with the following text:

“As already explained when commenting Iran’s claims that they had decoded the stealthy drone, while the internal memories were (probably) automatically erased as a consequence of the loss of control procedure and data will never been recovered, the circuitry, lenses, sensors have probably survived the mysterious crash landing.

Therefore they can be evaluated and tested.

And copied, one of the tasks China does better.”

If the above image is genuine, China has already cloned the stealthy drone the U.S. lost (almost intact) in Iran.

Last week Iranian officials claimed they are ready to fly their own RQ-170 copy as well.

The Aviationist » New photo shows that China has really copied the U.S. RQ-170 Sentinel stealth drone
If true, than I'll guess that they had access to the RQ-170 which Iran managed to capture. If so, than its likely that Iran and China probably agreed to share information regarding this drone with each other.
If true, than I'll guess that they had access to the RQ-170 which Iran managed to capture. If so, than its likely that Iran and China probably agreed to share information regarding this drone with each other.

What you don't believe the source of hobbyshanghai?
I do not think we Chinese copy him, made ​​no copy of this broken plane, we Chinese waving a wave took him build up, and better than the United States.
New photo shows that China has really copied the U.S. RQ-170 Sentinel stealth drone

The following image, grabbed by Chinese forums, is circulating on the Internet.

Image source: http://hobbyshanghai.com.cn/

It allegedly shows a series of brand new UAVs (unamanned aerial vehicles) one of those resembles the famous Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel, one of those was captured in Iran in 2011.

Last Februrary, Iran released footage that proves it has, if not literally decoded, at least accessed some of the data stored inside the U.S. stealthy RQ-170 drone captured in December 2011.

Previously, in Aug. 2012, The Aviationist published an article titled: Chinese delegation currently in Iran to copy the U.S. stealthy RQ-170 drone captured in 2011 about the news that a group of 17 Chinese expert had visited Iran not only to inspect, but also to collect and bring back to China some key components of the U.S. RQ-170 drone captured by Iran in December 2011.

That article ended with the following text:

“As already explained when commenting Iran’s claims that they had decoded the stealthy drone, while the internal memories were (probably) automatically erased as a consequence of the loss of control procedure and data will never been recovered, the circuitry, lenses, sensors have probably survived the mysterious crash landing.

Therefore they can be evaluated and tested.

And copied, one of the tasks China does better.”

If the above image is genuine, China has already cloned the stealthy drone the U.S. lost (almost intact) in Iran.

Last week Iranian officials claimed they are ready to fly their own RQ-170 copy as well.

The Aviationist » New photo shows that China has really copied the U.S. RQ-170 Sentinel stealth drone
This is possible that china has copied US drones
.That is why Iranians where saying that we will unreveal our stealth drone this year.May be Iran showed the stealth drone to china,and in return they will get reversed engineered drone.
New photo shows that China has really copied the U.S. RQ-170 Sentinel stealth drone

There are so many claims about drones being copied and drone being this or drones being that.

If China has such planes, then please do not insult them that they "copied" anyone. Chinese nation have enough engineers to develop their own.

And if China doesn't have these planes, then you may be just part of group spreading rumors.

Drone tech or design basics are straightforward.

What really matters is that the engine and control electronics are reliable enough to stay aloft for long periods of time.

And that my friend is a tough tough problem to solve for anyone including many many nations besides China.

For example, Russians are still struggling with a good drone design that is as large as the largest American drones.

And oh by the way, Russians are ahead of China in aerospace tech.

There are so many claims about drones being copied and drone being this or drones being that.

If China has such planes, then please do not insult them that they "copied" anyone. Chinese nation have enough engineers to develop their own.

And if China doesn't have these planes, then you may be just part of group spreading rumors.

Drone tech or design basics are straightforward.

What really matters is that the engine and control electronics are reliable enough to stay aloft for long periods of time.

And that my friend is a tough tough problem to solve for anyone including many many nations besides China.

For example, Russians are still struggling with a good drone design that is as large as the largest American drones.

And oh by the way, Russians are ahead of China in aerospace tech.


He just copy and past the link, it has nothing to do with him, and I will be please if we're able to copy this RQ-170, maybe one day Pakistan will have this toy flying around remotely :D
This is not true。

The Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) has been working on this particular UAV for years and maiden flight test was conducted in an airfield in Inner Mongolian a couple of years ago。

China is 3D-printing,literally,all sorts of prototypes。:azn:
There are so many claims about drones being copied and drone being this or drones being that.

If China has such planes, then please do not insult them that they "copied" anyone. Chinese nation have enough engineers to develop their own.

And if China doesn't have these planes, then you may be just part of group spreading rumors.

Drone tech or design basics are straightforward.

What really matters is that the engine and control electronics are reliable enough to stay aloft for long periods of time.

And that my friend is a tough tough problem to solve for anyone including many many nations besides China.

For example, Russians are still struggling with a good drone design that is as large as the largest American drones.

And oh by the way, Russians are ahead of China in aerospace tech.


I'm simply posting an article, if you have problems with the wording of said article, I suggest that you contact them.

This is not true。

The Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) has been working on this particular UAV for years and maiden flight test was conducted in an airfield in Inner Mongolian a couple of years ago。

China is 3D-printing,literally,all sorts of prototypes。:azn:

I request source, kind sir.
western media are easily fooled. that pic is most probability picture of ameriacan drones. small, blurry and maybe a little photoshoped of the original image. typical..:lol:

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