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New humility for India

I didn't ask you for excuses. I could do the same.

did u forget maoist problem. insurgenccies in 25 states.impending chinese take over of ap, bangladesh cutting over chiken neck and taking over north east, pak nuking delhi, india to become size of sri lanka in some time and above all gazwa tul hind... :D
i can understand your emotions and in the beginning,i too shared similar ideas.i remember a guy called "dakhoit sakhya" in this forum who thought of building up a friendship between india and pakistan. he opened a thread which was soon filled with flaming and ultimately closed.

trust me,this india-pakistan friendship won't cook here well.

You are right, I remember when I mentioned that in my very first posting that I had a couple of very close friends who were Pakistanis & that we were close to each other since our University days, a Pakistani member on this forum came with all guns blazing saying that no Pakistani likes to be friends with an Indian. He said that they would rather be friends with Turks, Iranians, Arabs, whites or anybody else in the world but Indians. He made it sound as if Indians would bend backwards to be friends with Pakistanis, while they do not care. I explained to him that if any kind of complex was involved in choosing friends in an Australian University, then a Gora would be the choice not a Pakistani. Anyway I think that his opinion was based on his experiences & my opinion is based on mine.
India treats China with more respect than their other neighbours? That still isn't very much at all.

It is the fear of the Congress party, rather than anything else, which leads them to keep an "appeasement" approach to China.

Just say INDIA..this guy comes in the second post :partay:

some people never realize what they are :lock:
. .

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