My views are slightly different
Internal Policies
Implement a social Political Party system (single) as implemented in China which promotes social workers
at 4-5 levels of social service. You can only get elected to lead the nation if social work group feels you deserve to
lead (Vote of 300,000 social workers)
Make it Law for owners of Homes to maintain at least
2 Large Trees close to their homes , watering , fertilizer and
care. Corporate Buildings need to maintain 10 Trees around the building.
Preserve Water by making Cannals to divert water being wasted into Ocean
Animal Protection Laws in country to protect Animal & Wild life
No foreign car Assembly in Pakistan , unless they design a car 100% in Pakistan every 2 years
Ban on Old Cars into Pakistan
Introduction of Parking Plazas in Urban Areas (Parking Tool Charges)
Street Children Identified and registered in Foster Care centers (educated and cared for)
Storage of
None Perishable food for
future droughts
Recycling of Garbage 80-90% garbage recycled aim to achive that goal in 4 years
Ban on Buses older then 5 years , Ban on Un Regulated Taxies, take vehicle and crush it
Introduce Law to
Paint Property (Or get Fined) all walls
Ban on Motor Bikes , take the bus. Before the Ban lease 400 Buses to run in city (Under Government watch)
Reduction of Vehicles on roads by 60% replaced by Buses or Taxi
Closure of Zoo , in favor of "Open Animal Parks" animal protection areas
Agricultural Tax on anyone who owns more then 1 Acre of Land !!!
Overhaul of Education System 100%
- Higher quality Teachers Development program
- 60% Focus on English , Math , Science , Humanities , 15% on History, 10 % Character development
- 15% Religions studies (None credit course, focus on Knowlege of student private regulated criculam), freedom to study with no credit awarded
- Closure of "unregulated" religious centers and none degree holder teachers
30% Reduction of Population Goals
- Ban on Facebook , Linkedin , Google , Hotmail unless privacy standards are maintained, Pakistani Secretary of Defence will have to give a certificate to ensure the sites are not being used as spying tool and anti Pakistani Activities
- Adapt stance like EU on privacy laws
Policy Impacts Karachi/Gawadar
- 20 Mile radius away from sea shore is cleared. Old city structures are demolished which have no heritage value. Bulldosed , population is moved/ relocated from old living spaces to brand new better facilities on new city neighbourhoods. The 20 Mile radius is reserved for new Urban development
- Condos / Tourist friendly areas / Theatre / Cultural centers Museums etc / Financial District / Brand new malls / Linked with Train or Metro Service
A trend inline with major metro areas of world
- Make police salary Three times more then Politicians and police appointment is done Federally in Islamabad, allowing police officer to NAB a provincial politician for criminal offence charge with our fear of retribution
Foreign Policies
Work with UN to help adapt a 2 state policy to Palestine's freedom. I agree lets burry the dead weight lets help UN
implement the resolution sooner. Don't see problem with seperate Jew state
Help UN free Kashmir
Oil Pipeline from Saudia (Nation to Nation 17 Year Deal) Gas Deal with Iran
Lead Movement to promote "Harmoney" in Region , Anti Racial / Sect forum
Encourge Free Trade deal with GCC countries
Setup a Task Force to Counter RAW agressively

and tackle Hindu Extremist in India
Support Khalistan Movement and Moaist Movements , provide Humanitarian support
FREE TRADE with GCC countries as we do with Turkey
Better ties with Europe
Better ties with South America
Better ties with Asia
Better ties with Africa
Speak the Languge hindu Extremist understand , and that is not the voice of logic
If neutral Hindus regain their country help develop normalized relations
Raise Value of Green Passport , reduce international harassment of Green passport holders , close down Embassy of nations who don't provide safe honorable passage (Top Prioroty)
Develop a 50 Ship Navy
Join International Space Research Programs (Look for collaborations)