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New Deal - 10 policy decisions for Pakistan

Pakistan doesn't follow religion, practicing some annual rituals and keep arranging and shuffling sermons around the year based on those annual events is hardly religion. We (most of us Pakistanis) know we can shag, drink, do whatever we want even in the most conservative areas. What Pakistanis do is label everything they do as religion ............... its to do with their own petty interests and motives ................. hardly anyone thinks critically and questions.

I can safely bet even if you remove religion from them they will remain the same ................ except that they will start finding their excuses in secularism (or whatever you call it). We are people full of our own petty desires and an addiction to find excuses for our sins ................... there is nothing religious about majority of us. Remove it or not nothing will change.
I agree with some but dis-agree with some. This is my take on this matter

1. Recognize State of Israel -

Me: Recognize or don't it will not make any difference to Pakistan.

2. Pakistan government avoids itself in engaging wth or getting involved in religious issue or theological matters as that is a endless pit of grief and is best left in hands of the mullahs.

Me: Agreed, but not all mullahs, only qualified mullahs. We need to close down all of these madrassas and start new ones which teach the true Islam, free of takfiris & khawarij influence.

3. Inspired by China a 'profieering law' is passed which makes it illegal to use religion as vehicle for any type of gain. Accounts are checked and those who use religion for making money get justice fast.

Me: Agreed, We need to arrest and punish all these fake pirs and faqirs

4. Hate law is passed. It is serious crime for any person to discriminate, incite hatred of any group within Pakistan. all citizens are equal.

Me: Agreed,

5. Mass public campaign to reduce population growth rate. Economic penalties are imposed on those having more than 3 children. Media, mullahs are used to bring societal change.

Me: Agreed but i would say the limit should be 2 children.

6. Mass education law passed. All citizens between 18-19 are drafted for 12 month public duty service. Building public utilities, parks, cleaning and those with good education grades drafted into 'education corp' and sent all over Pakistan to raise literacy.

Me: Agreed, We need to also have a "Civil Medical Corp" for all health professionals that will have to spend 1 Month every 2 years in a remote village randomly allocated by the Corp till the age of 45 years.

7. Most public companies like PIA sold. Let private sector sort out the economy. The state only helps, encourages, lays policy and creates level playing field.

Me: Agreed

8. Increased expenditure on nuclear deterance but reduced expendture on conventional forces. Possible 30% reducation in military size. Increase in size of internal security force managed at federal level.

Me: Disagree - Pakistan has enough nuclear deterrent, no need to spend more on it. Also don't agree on reduction of military size, especially when we have neighbors that are extremely hostile. But I do agree in increasing of the para-military forces for internal security.

9. Education that reinforces a secular thinking and focus on the now, the mundane like cleanliness, orderliness, respectfulness, respect for the law, civil duty rather than spiritual trappings.

Me: Agreed with focusing on social education, but disagree on secularity. Proper and accurate religious education will be very beneficial. We do need to get rid of all these Made in India Islamic Sects.

10. Increased exchange with Chinese to learn the recipe that made that country hurtle toward the sky.

Me: Agreed, its actually one of the things that the prophet said. But i would not limit it to China only, but include other countries.

11. Dumping of Arabic characters and adoption of Roman so to make reading, writing easier inthe age of computers. Roman is used by Pakistani's in sites like this and other places - why not go the full monty?

Me: Disagree - The script of our languages are part of our culture, eliminating the script means you are eliminating your culture. There is a unique beauty in our script that is not found in the roman script. The art of calligraphy found in the Asian languages whether using Arabic script or Japanese is better than English.

Also i love reading in Urdu, makes me feel like home away from home.

12. A entire revamping of Pakistani history books. Start at 100,000 yeares BCE with Soanian Age then move forward era by era the momentous events that have played out on the Indus valley - the foundation of Pakistan. Creating a more holistic identity based on land and tradition. Infuse pride in the land that is Pakistan. From birthplace of civilization (Harappa, Mohenjo Daro, Rehman Dheri etc) on to modern day - so as to fortify nation building and address the chronic inferiority complex that afflicts too many Pakistan who then seek refuge in jihadi Islam as identity and political vehicle leading to the fractious voilence the country faces.

Me: Agreed to some extent, but i think the reason people get pushed to jihadism is not due to lack of historic education, but lack of education of Islam and the spread of takrifi / khwarifi mullahs.

13. Copying the Turkish model all religious bodies are taken over by a state 'dinyiat' that regulates and brings religion in harmony with the state.

Me: Well i am not convinced with the use of Turkish model. But i do agree that there should a body whos job is to regulate all the madrasses and the education being provided is accurate.

My additions to the above list.

14. Dumping of the current west-minister form of governmental system. I suggest going for a democratic technocracy form of government. I will be starting a new thread on this subject soon.

15. Revamp of the Judaical system. Pakistan's Judicial system has failed to provide justice at all levels. So a new system is required from the bottom up.

16. Technical Adult Education - Institutes should be setup that impart technical skills and assist in getting employment.

17. Eliminate quota system in every section of the society. Meritocracy should be the only option.

18. Creation of new Provinces.
Is Pakistan's national identity really that weak and fragile?

Yes unfortunately it is ... may be people outside pakistan dont feel it but within pakistan people feel more proud by referring themselves to their provincial thinicity ... however, religious association of a common pakistani is very strong ... so it is religion which bind us more closely rather than pakistani citzienship ...
Everything is all right but need to increase conventional force than nuclear because increasing nuclear weapons westren countries will put sanctions against us and will be hard to do trade with west.
My friend @Sinopakfriend suggested I put forth some ideas I would like Pakistan to adopt as national policy. Here is my list.

1. Recognize State of Israel - this is a land dispute between European settlers and native Palestinian Arabs. It's all about land, plain and simple. There are Christians, Muslims on the Palestinian side. Both are as opposed to the European settlers underlining that this is not about religion. It is plain land grab. Most of the Arab countries directly involved and those who actually fought Israel have recognized that country. Others like GCC/KSA are in in bed with Isreal behind the door. We see this with the tango in Syria or the shared hatred for Iran.

So it is time Pakistan dropped this deadweight around it's neck and moved forward. No the heavens are not going to rain down with gold dust but Pakistan will find it that more easier to traverse the geo-political scene as it will be free from the burden that Pakistan presently carries. We need to leverage foreign policy on basis of absolute 'self interest'.

2. Pakistan government avoids itself in engaging wth or getting involved in religious issue or theological matters as that is a endless pit of grief and is best left in hands of the mullahs.

3. Inspired by China a 'profieering law' is passed which makes it illegal to use religion as vehicle for any type of gain. Accounts are checked and those who use religion for making money get justice fast.

4. Hate law is passed. It is serious crime for any person to discriminate, incite hatred of any group within Pakistan. all citizens are equal.

5. Mass public campaign to reduce population growth rate. Economic penalties are imposed on those having more than 3 children. Media, mullahs are used to bring societal change.

6. Mass education law passed. All citizens between 18-19 are drafted for 12 month public duty service. Building public utilities, parks, cleaning and those with good education grades drafted into 'education corp' and sent all over Pakistan to raise literacy.

7. Most public companies like PIA sold. Let private sector sort out the economy. The state only helps, encourages, lays policy and creates level playing field.

8. Increased expenditure on nuclear deterance but reduced expendture on conventional forces. Possible 30% reducation in military size. Increase in size of internal security force managed at federal level.

9. Education that reinforces a secular thinking and focus on the now, the mundane like cleanliness, orderliness, respectfulness, respect for the law, civil duty rather than spiritual trappings.

10. Increased exchange with Chinese to learn the recipe that made that country hurtle toward the sky.

11. Dumping of Arabic characters and adoption of Roman so to make reading, writing easier inthe age of computers. Roman is used by Pakistani's in sites like this and other places - why not go the full monty?

12. A entire revamping of Pakistani history books. Start at 100,000 yeares BCE with Soanian Age then move forward era by era the momentous events that have played out on the Indus valley - the foundation of Pakistan. Creating a more holistic identity based on land and tradition. Infuse pride in the land that is Pakistan. From birthplace of civilization (Harappa, Mohenjo Daro, Rehman Dheri etc) on to modern day - so as to fortify nation building and address the chronic inferiority complex that afflicts too many Pakistan who then seek refuge in jihadi Islam as identity and political vehicle leading to the fractious voilence the country faces.

13. Copying the Turkish model all religious bodies are taken over by a state 'dinyiat' that regulates and brings religion in harmony with the state.

@TaiShang @Sinopakfriend @KediKesenFare @Ottoman123 Thoughts? Others can include or exclude ideas.
Ban all madrassas loudspeakers for internal security's cause pls
My friend @Sinopakfriend suggested I put forth some ideas I would like Pakistan to adopt as national policy. Here is my list.

1. Recognize State of Israel - this is a land dispute between European settlers and native Palestinian Arabs. It's all about land, plain and simple. There are Christians, Muslims on the Palestinian side. Both are as opposed to the European settlers underlining that this is not about religion. It is plain land grab. Most of the Arab countries directly involved and those who actually fought Israel have recognized that country. Others like GCC/KSA are in in bed with Isreal behind the door. We see this with the tango in Syria or the shared hatred for Iran.

So it is time Pakistan dropped this deadweight around it's neck and moved forward. No the heavens are not going to rain down with gold dust but Pakistan will find it that more easier to traverse the geo-political scene as it will be free from the burden that Pakistan presently carries. We need to leverage foreign policy on basis of absolute 'self interest'.

2. Pakistan government avoids itself in engaging wth or getting involved in religious issue or theological matters as that is a endless pit of grief and is best left in hands of the mullahs.

3. Inspired by China a 'profieering law' is passed which makes it illegal to use religion as vehicle for any type of gain. Accounts are checked and those who use religion for making money get justice fast.

4. Hate law is passed. It is serious crime for any person to discriminate, incite hatred of any group within Pakistan. all citizens are equal.

5. Mass public campaign to reduce population growth rate. Economic penalties are imposed on those having more than 3 children. Media, mullahs are used to bring societal change.

6. Mass education law passed. All citizens between 18-19 are drafted for 12 month public duty service. Building public utilities, parks, cleaning and those with good education grades drafted into 'education corp' and sent all over Pakistan to raise literacy.

7. Most public companies like PIA sold. Let private sector sort out the economy. The state only helps, encourages, lays policy and creates level playing field.

8. Increased expenditure on nuclear deterance but reduced expendture on conventional forces. Possible 30% reducation in military size. Increase in size of internal security force managed at federal level.

9. Education that reinforces a secular thinking and focus on the now, the mundane like cleanliness, orderliness, respectfulness, respect for the law, civil duty rather than spiritual trappings.

10. Increased exchange with Chinese to learn the recipe that made that country hurtle toward the sky.

11. Dumping of Arabic characters and adoption of Roman so to make reading, writing easier inthe age of computers. Roman is used by Pakistani's in sites like this and other places - why not go the full monty?

12. A entire revamping of Pakistani history books. Start at 100,000 yeares BCE with Soanian Age then move forward era by era the momentous events that have played out on the Indus valley - the foundation of Pakistan. Creating a more holistic identity based on land and tradition. Infuse pride in the land that is Pakistan. From birthplace of civilization (Harappa, Mohenjo Daro, Rehman Dheri etc) on to modern day - so as to fortify nation building and address the chronic inferiority complex that afflicts too many Pakistan who then seek refuge in jihadi Islam as identity and political vehicle leading to the fractious voilence the country faces.

13. Copying the Turkish model all religious bodies are taken over by a state 'dinyiat' that regulates and brings religion in harmony with the state.

@TaiShang @Sinopakfriend @KediKesenFare @Ottoman123 Thoughts? Others can include or exclude ideas.
such a change will be good for the region but alas all of it Sounds like mungerilala ke haseen sapne.
N u probably know why;)
@Kaptaan my young brother,

I am honoured and grateful for the fact that you honoured my request. Thank you.

A friend who knows you makes you...

Allow me to be less generous and push you hard in the corner... I know you will come back fighting and the output of your thought process will be benefitiary to the PDFers...both active and passive ones.

The ideas you put forward are not revolutionary ..least of all crazy at all.

We need to begin at the beginning..i.e. point of the Circle.

From Nothing emerges Everything and thence goes back to Nothingness. It is the Law, the Way.

In our discourse, you correctly identified the deep slumber of Pak. The country doesn't know what it is.

Pak is a Civilisational State
..yet there is such a disconect that its creating the problems you see.

When that definition is recovered...yes, snatched back from Feudals and religion hijackers...then the Momentum of Life is unleashed... it is Meta-Material Force.

Regarding your proposals...if I may request...cluster them into 3 or 5 sections.. most are really subsections of Core Policy Principals. These are just lurking behind the back of your mind. I can see them almost.

So, my young brother, what are the Core Policy Principals of Pak Civilisational State?

Capture their minds and their hands will follow.

As a guest here in your house (PDF), I as an outsider, can only ask...writing such ideas is the burden and duty of you lot!

My views are slightly different

Internal Policies
Implement a social Political Party system (single) as implemented in China which promotes social workers
at 4-5 levels of social service. You can only get elected to lead the nation if social work group feels you deserve to
lead (Vote of 300,000 social workers)
Make it Law for owners of Homes to maintain at least 2 Large Trees close to their homes , watering , fertilizer and
care. Corporate Buildings need to maintain 10 Trees around the building.
Preserve Water by making Cannals to divert water being wasted into Ocean
Animal Protection Laws in country to protect Animal & Wild life
No foreign car Assembly in Pakistan , unless they design a car 100% in Pakistan every 2 years
Ban on Old Cars into Pakistan
Introduction of Parking Plazas in Urban Areas (Parking Tool Charges)
Street Children Identified and registered in Foster Care centers (educated and cared for)
Storage of None Perishable food for future droughts
Recycling of Garbage 80-90% garbage recycled aim to achive that goal in 4 years
Ban on Buses older then 5 years , Ban on Un Regulated Taxies, take vehicle and crush it
Introduce Law to Paint Property (Or get Fined) all walls
Ban on Motor Bikes , take the bus. Before the Ban lease 400 Buses to run in city (Under Government watch)
Reduction of Vehicles on roads by 60% replaced by Buses or Taxi
Closure of Zoo , in favor of "Open Animal Parks" animal protection areas
Agricultural Tax on anyone who owns more then 1 Acre of Land !!!

Overhaul of Education System 100%

  • Higher quality Teachers Development program
  • 60% Focus on English , Math , Science , Humanities , 15% on History, 10 % Character development
  • 15% Religions studies (None credit course, focus on Knowlege of student private regulated criculam), freedom to study with no credit awarded
  • Closure of "unregulated" religious centers and none degree holder teachers

30% Reduction of Population Goals

  • Ban on Facebook , Linkedin , Google , Hotmail unless privacy standards are maintained, Pakistani Secretary of Defence will have to give a certificate to ensure the sites are not being used as spying tool and anti Pakistani Activities
- Adapt stance like EU on privacy laws

Policy Impacts Karachi/Gawadar

  • 20 Mile radius away from sea shore is cleared. Old city structures are demolished which have no heritage value. Bulldosed , population is moved/ relocated from old living spaces to brand new better facilities on new city neighbourhoods. The 20 Mile radius is reserved for new Urban development
  • Condos / Tourist friendly areas / Theatre / Cultural centers Museums etc / Financial District / Brand new malls / Linked with Train or Metro Service
A trend inline with major metro areas of world

  • Make police salary Three times more then Politicians and police appointment is done Federally in Islamabad, allowing police officer to NAB a provincial politician for criminal offence charge with our fear of retribution

Foreign Policies

Work with UN to help adapt a 2 state policy to Palestine's freedom. I agree lets burry the dead weight lets help UN
implement the resolution sooner. Don't see problem with seperate Jew state
Help UN free Kashmir
Oil Pipeline from Saudia (Nation to Nation 17 Year Deal) Gas Deal with Iran
Lead Movement to promote "Harmoney" in Region , Anti Racial / Sect forum
Encourge Free Trade deal with GCC countries
Setup a Task Force to Counter RAW agressively :sniper:and tackle Hindu Extremist in India
Support Khalistan Movement and Moaist Movements , provide Humanitarian support
FREE TRADE with GCC countries as we do with Turkey
Better ties with Europe
Better ties with South America
Better ties with Asia
Better ties with Africa
Speak the Languge hindu Extremist understand , and that is not the voice of logic
If neutral Hindus regain their country help develop normalized relations
Raise Value of Green Passport , reduce international harassment of Green passport holders , close down Embassy of nations who don't provide safe honorable passage (Top Prioroty)
Develop a 50 Ship Navy
Join International Space Research Programs (Look for collaborations)
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The problem Pakistan faces is that, one part of its society is extremely conservative and the other part of the society is extremely secular ..........there is no in between in pakistan . Both extremists (conservatives and secular) are dangerous for Pakistan . Both extremes fight for their views and don't ever come on a single solution for our future ......
Pakistan is not a state on which we can apply models of other countries . your advice are just a total copy of Turkish model ..........Mustafa Kamal may be hero to you but maybe villain to some, he doesn't have to remove Islam from the daily lives of people, but he did remove religion from every little accept of life .......
Pakistan is made in the name of Islam and we can never remove Islam from our lives .....

1) Every Muslim country has accepted isreal, Saudia Arabia even do secret dealing with them. So there is no reason why we should not. Of course our heart beats for every Palestinian but we cannot do anything against Isreal. we certainly have too many enemies right now and we don't want another powerful enemy with backing from the west.
Now the thing is that does it necessary at this moment and does our society allow it ? Our society and people would never allow this, even the powerful military dictators and the civilian governments has not been able to do this ......
and frankly there is no need , having no relations with isreal doesn't mean much , its not like they would start funding you or lobby for you in u.s or something ......
Now what we can do with isreal is that, we can sign secret peace pact or deal with them..... We should sign that both of us would not do secret activities or plot against each other . neither you hurt us and neither we hurt you . Also we both would stop opposing or lobbying against each other etc .

2) You are right that our mullahs and molvis should be in check. Not all but some madrassas are really teaching hatred towards each other . There should be madrassa reforms and all madrassa should teach government approved courses . They must not teach about sects and not developed hatred for other sects ..........Also there is a combined government approved khutba and courses preached at mosque which is totally free of hatred against each other .
Also these "sajda nasheens" and "gaddi nasheens" who make their businesses by making small mazars everywhere and earn thousands of money by making people fool , there mazars should be taken into government custody.
All ursse and ceremonies according to Bralvi teachings should be conducted under the government control .
No sect would spread hatred against each other . A mass campaign should start that Hindus , Christians living in pakistan and all the sects living in Pakistan have the right to practice their faith in their own home and cannot criticize others ...... everyone have to live together and can differ with each other but you cannot force then to your views or hate them .......

3) Khan of kallat living abroad has been interviewed by saleem safi..... He clearly mentions that he didn't believe in the civilian government but only believes in Army. He would be ready to come home if approached by army . He is a old man not like others Bastards and can he easily be persuaded if your promises are real ... CPEC is ushering a new era in the progress of Baluchistan. He would come back if promised by the Army and perform his duties in stabilizing the situation in Baluchistan......... Khan of Kallat should be made President of Pakistan . He is prefect for the position. this would remove the grievances of baluch people too ....... condition is Baluchistan is 100 times improved then 5 to 7 years ago . we just need final touches to remove these indian elements completely.

4) The cabinet should be made of ministers from all provinces including gilgit baltistan ......... the Federal budget is of 4 provinces only , they should immediately from this year, start making budget for 5 provinces including gilgit baltistan , even thought they have not been given a provincial status due to Kashmir issue but still are a region of pakistan and they must be given a provincial share ........ instead of giving them their share through capital , give them their share as a province .....Also give them representation in the senate and parliament.......this would not hurt Kashmir cause. There is no rocket science .........Dont change the status of GB because of Kashmirs issue but give them their due share of province and also give them representation which is the only thing they ask.........if giving representation takes time, you must immediately give them representation in ministries and foreign offices or government capital institutions ....

5)The situation of Fata is the simplest .........they are begging, weeping for them to be merged into kpk .......they are phuktoons and kpk is also phuktoon province, no need to make 2 provinces . Everyone has agreed and approved that 2 shall be merged ....... The tribal have always insisted ti live with their own customs and laws.....they are themselves saying that they need the constitution , they need law , they need courts and police system .......
the only thing hindering this is lack of money .......make it our top priority and establish all institutions there ..... They are true Pakistanis and suffered a lot , they must be compensated in every way .......All money is less for them, their sacrifices and their bravery ....they are really the pride of Pakistan........

6) Afghanistan is our official enemy .......you feel so sad for common afghan, seeing the misery the nation is going through nowadays . our media don't cover much but those who keep an eye on afghan situation knows that it cannot be worse then now and it would remain so for a long time sadly .........Close your border , have a border force more fierce they anything that can keep our border in check ...........Again the problem is that we have no money to achieve this , The Arab countries should be told that the only reason we cannot help them in Yemen is that we are busy in our country.
They must give us money for our defense needs and help us built a wall or fence on our border with Afghanistan ... so that we would be tension free from one border and can work with them in solving their issues better ... we can help them more if we are not that stretched ....A s our dependence on u.s is now limited , theirs is also .......
Also we must make a new gorilla secret force, that can go inside Afghanistan under cover and attack all of the Pakistani terrorist NDS Is hiding and giving shelter .........this is much easily achievable......the Taliban are no longer reliable ...........kick them out with making them enemies, they dont listen to us anymore ..........let them and afghans deal with each other and sort out their own problems ...........both are afghans . if they want to fight, fight with each other on their own land..........if want peace we would appreciate that ........

7) All white elephants should be sold ........PIA should be privatized immediately, Even railway should be privitized .......the government has to do it now, dont come under pressure anymore , the government have to go through ....... The same media that want government to privatize PIA and other organization would eat government alive with criticism when government started to do it ......you have to take hard decisions now ........you would be remembered for that ...............for all those people who are against privatization remember that government has proved time and again that it just cannot run any business with corruption , so let other do it .......

8)Why do you want roman urdu ..........do you think ke us ke bad angreezon ko hamari language perhni a gaya gi kaya?......
Mustafa kamal did this step only so that people cannot read Quran or Islamic manuscripts .... do you really want to remove Quran from our daily life .........you are welcome to it but dont impose it on others.....isn't it some kind of dictatorship too. Secularism is actually allowing everyone to live their life's how they want to .....

9) there should be some military service or community service type thing to get people more involved ......

10) you dont have to remove islam to become developed ..........How much we love turkey , we are not turkey ...
we actually feel sad that how islam has been removed from every aspect of Turkish life forcefully ....

11)unity should be promoted among provinces ....though we cherish our unique culture but on the whole emerge as a new pakistani culture which is a mix of all cultures...marriages between provinces should be encouraged .......also hatred should be banned in all forms ............
12) focus on made in pakistan and make everything locally ............have as many research institutes you have ....there should be one board in pakistan which is federal that conducts quality education throughout pakistan ....

no model can work on us , we have to form our own model.......
fundamental change that we need is that: State and all it leaders should stop fooling masses and stop telling lies. once we cope with lies and distrust of masses Pakistan will be on right track automatically.
i see a problem, the population part. if you look at 'westernised countries and their population, you will notice that the current native population is declining whislt the imigrants increase the population. poorer families tend to have more kids thats a fact everywhere which is weird but its true.

personally i think the pakistani population is good for the long term. dont play into the same trap as the japanese.
how is point 1 going to help? please explain what as per you what is aggressive nuclear posture??

Friend, let us keep ouselves out of this debate and do not spoil the thread...India has its own issues with respect to Pakistan..If really Pakistan adopts the points that are mentioned by Kaptaan, trust me, they will find majority of Indian with them although they have luxury to consider us an enemy...
My friend @Sinopakfriend suggested I put forth some ideas I would like Pakistan to adopt as national policy. Here is my list.

1. Recognize State of Israel - this is a land dispute between European settlers and native Palestinian Arabs. It's all about land, plain and simple. There are Christians, Muslims on the Palestinian side. Both are as opposed to the European settlers underlining that this is not about religion. It is plain land grab. Most of the Arab countries directly involved and those who actually fought Israel have recognized that country. Others like GCC/KSA are in in bed with Isreal behind the door. We see this with the tango in Syria or the shared hatred for Iran.

So it is time Pakistan dropped this deadweight around it's neck and moved forward. No the heavens are not going to rain down with gold dust but Pakistan will find it that more easier to traverse the geo-political scene as it will be free from the burden that Pakistan presently carries. We need to leverage foreign policy on basis of absolute 'self interest'.

2. Pakistan government avoids itself in engaging wth or getting involved in religious issue or theological matters as that is a endless pit of grief and is best left in hands of the mullahs.

3. Inspired by China a 'profieering law' is passed which makes it illegal to use religion as vehicle for any type of gain. Accounts are checked and those who use religion for making money get justice fast.

4. Hate law is passed. It is serious crime for any person to discriminate, incite hatred of any group within Pakistan. all citizens are equal.

5. Mass public campaign to reduce population growth rate. Economic penalties are imposed on those having more than 3 children. Media, mullahs are used to bring societal change.

6. Mass education law passed. All citizens between 18-19 are drafted for 12 month public duty service. Building public utilities, parks, cleaning and those with good education grades drafted into 'education corp' and sent all over Pakistan to raise literacy.

7. Most public companies like PIA sold. Let private sector sort out the economy. The state only helps, encourages, lays policy and creates level playing field.

8. Increased expenditure on nuclear deterance but reduced expendture on conventional forces. Possible 30% reducation in military size. Increase in size of internal security force managed at federal level.

9. Education that reinforces a secular thinking and focus on the now, the mundane like cleanliness, orderliness, respectfulness, respect for the law, civil duty rather than spiritual trappings.

10. Increased exchange with Chinese to learn the recipe that made that country hurtle toward the sky.

11. Dumping of Arabic characters and adoption of Roman so to make reading, writing easier inthe age of computers. Roman is used by Pakistani's in sites like this and other places - why not go the full monty?

12. A entire revamping of Pakistani history books. Start at 100,000 yeares BCE with Soanian Age then move forward era by era the momentous events that have played out on the Indus valley - the foundation of Pakistan. Creating a more holistic identity based on land and tradition. Infuse pride in the land that is Pakistan. From birthplace of civilization (Harappa, Mohenjo Daro, Rehman Dheri etc) on to modern day - so as to fortify nation building and address the chronic inferiority complex that afflicts too many Pakistan who then seek refuge in jihadi Islam as identity and political vehicle leading to the fractious voilence the country faces.

13. Copying the Turkish model all religious bodies are taken over by a state 'dinyiat' that regulates and brings religion in harmony with the state.

@TaiShang @Sinopakfriend @KediKesenFare @Ottoman123 Thoughts? Others can include or exclude ideas.

All of the above ideas are good and honest ones.but most of them don't suits our culture and can't be implemented on ground due to many reasons. here is my analysis:
1. not recognizing israel is a part of our religious belief. Clear hadith are present in this regard to not allow jews in Arab land. Any government even trying won't be winning elections ever again.
2. Pakistan is an ideological islamic state. quaid e azm once said "We do not demand Pakistan simply to have a piece of land but we want a laboratory where we could experiment on Islamic principles.”(In 1946, Quaid-e-Azam Islamia College Peshawar).
the only way to give this country in good hands is to implement pure merit. even educated mullahs are not extremist.
3. it's impossible to implement in Pakistan as most people have affiliations with sufis and peers. also madrassas and mosques will get affected. but using religion for spreading hate or taking illegal benifits should be banned and punishment should be severe.
4. i agree with hate law.
5. agree on public and media campaign. best way is to tell the people about disadvantage. they should be educated to have that much children,they can afford to raise well. no economic penalty could be imposed as it would get challenged in Islamic council and government would lose the case.
6. mass education law is good.
7. agree. other than defence related companies all other should be either privatized or should be made autonomous organization.
8. impossible with already too much challenges on two borders. india is increasing it's conventional strength putting even extra pressure on Pakistan.
9. not fully agree. education that teaches peace and all those moral values using religious and cultural examples as well as scientific researches should be implemented. as islam do teach all those values. currently we lack the combination. currrently we are using just religion.
10. agree. chinese language should be taught in universities as optional course as china is the future of the world.
11. It won't work much as urdu language is now deeply rooted in our culture. it is more similar to local languages. besides this issue was raised before Pakistan came into existance and even after but the founders of the state stood by it. also Pakistan education is mostly in english language. besides urdu language and islamic studies courses, most courses are in english.
12. fully agree. but currently social studies courses mostly cover these topics.
13. it is not possible to implement it in Pakistan. many tried it before and they didn't succeeded.
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All your suggestions are very good and much needed EXCEPT
1:No.Not untill Palestine issue is resolved
and personally the only reason im still in Pakistan is because its a Muslim country and i believe in its great destiny.Islam is the main reason connecting my heart to many people and countries on earth including Iran and Afghanistan even tho its being naughty these days.
Pakistan is governed under a democracy. The people who are in majority will decide how it is going to be run. And they dont want any Kemalist face wash.
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