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New Data Says Anti-Asian Hate Crimes More Prevalent Than Expected


Mar 16, 2020
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I originally wanted to post this in the America thread but wanted to make sure you Asians saw this. Share on social media.

New Data Says Anti-Asian Hate Crimes More Prevalent Than Expected

Megan Goldsby
April 15, 2020 - 9:27 pm

Coronavirus Bay Area
Local News
A website was launched recently designed to collect information on hate incidents against Asian people in the Bay Area and across the country. The first numbers have been released, and the prevalence of hate incidents might be worse than originally thought.

The website has collected more than 1,400 incidents of hate attacks in 46 states.

“We know that this is just a fraction of what people are experiencing on a daily basis,” said Chinese For Affirmative Action Co-Executive Director Cynthia Choi, “to even know that this reporting center exists, and then to go through the trouble of filling out a form describing this traumatic experience you’ve had - we know it’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

The organization was one of the groups that created the website, found online when searching for ‘Stop AAPI Hate.’ Professor Russell Jeung, who teaches Asian-American studies at San Francisco State University, also contributed to the site.

“The harassment isn’t just a micro-aggression, it’s actually pretty traumatizing and harrowing when you read the stories,” said Jeung, “people are yelling at people, they’re doing it when children are present, the hate is actually really palpable.”

Jeung said that one particular way in which these incidents manifest is through Asians being cough or spat upon. He said if you’re hit by the spit, it can be elevated to a hate crime or even a terrorist attack, since the virus can be spread through saliva.

“We think that this will become more violent and there will become a surge in anti-Asian violence, so those are things that we want to really monitor and prepare for,” said Choi, “we have FBI reports that suggest that there will be a surge.”

The numbers, she says, show that women are being harassed at twice the rate of men.
The root cause of anti-Asian violence in the west is the media propaganda war, part of the new Cold War, to stop China's rise. If US hegemony is not toppled soon, all Asians, not just Chinese, will be genocided in a mad rage (because whites cannot tell the difference, think all slanted eyes belong to Chinese). So I hope the white-worshipping Asians who support US imperialism can atone for their sinful thoughts and reform their wicked ways.

Despite being a westerner, I can only say you Asians need to put your historical animosities aside and arm yourselves to the teeth and get ready. It's going to get very ugly. If covid19 was a biological weapon, it is 100% made in America to kill China. China is not safe yet. More attacks are coming until the last man is standing...
The root cause of anti-Asian violence in the west is the media propaganda war, part of the new Cold War, to stop China's rise. If US hegemony is not toppled soon, all Asians, not just Chinese, will be genocided in a mad rage (because whites cannot tell the difference, think all slanted eyes belong to Chinese). So I hope the white-worshipping Asians who support US imperialism can atone for their sinful thoughts and reform their wicked ways.
No you are wrong.
Thanks to your Ego, nationalism, chinese racism and stupidity all Asians will suffer. The first thing the white appear to do is closing all Chinatowns in the West.
A big loss for you but not for us!
No you are wrong.
Thanks to your Ego, nationalism, chinese racism and stupidity all Asians will suffer.
Good we agree. That's right ― all Asians will suffer from anti-China propaganda.

The first thing the white appear to do is closing all Chinatowns in the West.
Sadly I expect it as well. Problem for you is, they will close Viet hooker massage parlors and Viet nail salons too, and do a "My Lai" massacre on the owners and employees. They don't know how to distinguish different kinds of yellow, especially if they are in a blind rage from being surpassed and humiliated by China.
The root cause of anti-Asian violence in the west is the media propaganda war, part of the new Cold War, to stop China's rise. If US hegemony is not toppled soon, all Asians, not just Chinese, will be genocided in a mad rage (because whites cannot tell the difference, think all slanted eyes belong to Chinese). So I hope the white-worshipping Asians who support US imperialism can atone for their sinful thoughts and reform their wicked ways.

white worshipping ppl need a beating.
. .
white worshipping ppl need a beating.

White-worshiping is a kind of mental problem. It's a sign of self-loathing, self-hatred, insecurity, and lack of confidence in one's race, culture, religion, etc. It could almost be understandable in the 19th and 20th centuries because non-western countries were simply so backwards compared to western countries (if they were countries at all, and not colonies). But now a new dawn is rising, and a multi-polar world is emerging where whites will lose their preeminence. So now there is no excuse not to get this mental problem treated.
Good we agree. That's right ― all Asians will suffer from anti-China propaganda.

Sadly I expect it as well. Problem for you is, they will close Viet hooker massage parlors and Viet nail salons too, and do a "My Lai" massacre on the owners and employees. They don't know how to distinguish different kinds of yellow, especially if they are in a blind rage from being surpassed and humiliated by China.
Communist China has no prostitution?
. .
The root cause of anti-Asian violence in the west is the media propaganda war, part of the new Cold War, to stop China's rise. If US hegemony is not toppled soon, all Asians, not just Chinese, will be genocided in a mad rage (because whites cannot tell the difference, think all slanted eyes belong to Chinese). So I hope the white-worshipping Asians who support US imperialism can atone for their sinful thoughts and reform their wicked ways.

Brother I know what you are going through. I can empathise with you. When 9-11 happened, indian hindus and sikhs tried to team up with white people in their hatred for Muslims. But when the Whites started murdering indian hindus and sikhs, they backed off. White people CANNOT differentiate between ANY brown people. A lot of Whites still think Turks, indians and Iraqis are all the same.........:lol:........Heck after 9-11, even some Brazilians and Colombians were beaten up/murdered in the UK because they had Brown skin and the Whites thought they were Muslim......:disagree:

This is how the White mind works when it comes to racism:

All Blacks = Africans/Jamaicans

All East Asians = Chinese people

All Brown people = Muslims
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More attacks are coming until the last man is standing...

And the secret weapons of the US that were not used against small players like Saddam, are going to be used against China.

What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?


The West wants to bait China into a conflict. Even a nuclear one, where China is not ready. Their economy is better than USA. Classified military weapons, not so much. China needs a decade of researching EW to fight the West. And up to 1 trillion yuan spent a year on these weapons and defenses.
. .
But the McDonald clowns Hamartia and F22Raptor said the Donald Cook incident was fake. In reality the Russians really did spooked the US sailors just as the Coronavirus is doing to the US Carriers.
During the Cold War, there was hatred towards Russians.
9/11 brought about hatred towards Muslims in the West.
I think the pandemic might do something similar towards Asians. Harassment will happen at work places, schools, Universities. Innocent people will have to suffer because of racism.
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