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Netizen outrage after Chinese tourist defaces Egyptian temple

I'm sorry but the excuse that hes just a kid and that's why we should just let it go is frankly pathetic.
The boy was 15, at 15 everyone should be able to think rationally and behave themselves especially anywhere with historical value or heritage. I for one never thought that i should vandalise some paintings in the National arts gallery for instance at the age of 15. Isnt that much a problem the ministry of antiquities will restore it. "sigh"
I'm sorry but the excuse that hes just a kid and that's why we should just let it go is frankly pathetic.
The boy was 15, at 15 everyone should be able to think rationally and behave themselves especially anywhere with historical value or heritage. I for one never thought that i should vandalise some paintings in the National arts gallery for instance at the age of 15. Isnt that much a problem the ministry of antiquities will restore it. "sigh"

luxor is usually crowded. how did he managed to do it without anybody's knowledge?
15 year is still considered juvenile here..
poor guy has been cursed by pharoh now.. :devil:
Sometimes I feel some of the Chinese are too harsh on ourselves, esp. those netizin warriors in Weibo. They will make a storm out of teacup! Every tiny accident by individual will be dramatized and generalized, then would be explained as somehow related to political system, education system, or even Confucius, lol. Then people would start bashing Confucius, blaming him for all problems right now, how pathetic.

Those so called democracy loving Weibo netizens are doing disservice to true democracy.

you are right he is a kid let him behave like one
yes he made a mistake let him apologies & pay any compensation if any
luxor is usually crowded. how did he managed to do it without anybody's knowledge?
15 year is still considered juvenile here..
Not anymore, after 2011 and the security vacuum that followed tourism has gone down tremendously. Luxor is more like a ghost town now even at peak times during the year. This kid probably took advantage of that. At 15 you should be aware of your own actions, the age of criminal responsibility is 10 here in the U.K as you know and he should be shamed, what an absolute muppet.

poor guy has been cursed by pharoh now..
His death shall be slow and painful :D
Apparently the wrath is coming mainly from the Chinese netizin, and not from outside China.

The Chinese learnt well from Chairman Mao on self-criticism.

Apparently the wrath is coming mainly from the Chinese netizin, and not from outside China.

The Chinese learnt well from Chairman Mao on self-criticism.


Haha, so true. When China fell from its empire and got humiliated in late 19th- early 20th Century, all those so called "intellectuals went berserk and started questioning everything Chinese. This trend has not been reversed. Those people lost every bit of self esteem. Everything Chinese to them is bad. Confucius caused everything!

That's why I don't really use Weibo. If you ever read Weibo, China is like living hell, so much drama. Every family problem is the government's fault! haha. To me, what China needs most is rule of law and rationality! If China goes democratic now, it would fall into anarchy.

Democracy for local government is good.
Democracy for central government is bad
for China in the near future....
one Chinese traveler saw a mark on temple, "丁锦昊到此一游"-“Ding Jinhao a visit here”, then he made a picture by phone and share on Weibo(Micro blog post), the post was shared by Chinese Netizen for 90000times and comments 18000 in several hours, bring a big discussion and reflection. at that night netizen find that there are 5 people with the name 丁锦昊 in whole China, and finally lock the one--15years old student in a middle-school. Then his Parents Public apology.
Notice: 1.As 《The law on the protection of minors》,children not reach the age of 16 years old have not civil liability, his guardian should take all responsibility for him.
2. "丁锦昊到此一游"-“Ding Jinhao a visit here”---this first come from a Chinese Classical Mythology Fiction-《Synopsis of Journey to the West 》, Sun Wukong right the "Monkey King A visit here" on the finger of Tathagata Buddha, but get a 500 years imprisonment, children sometimes imitate
3. the words in this picture

is wrote by chalk,thank god the words are fully clear at 26th May

well China can make a fake copy and send to Egypt for replacement.
No such thing as a 'fake copy'. Every copy/clone is real. As real as the original. The issue is how good is the copy/clone compares to the original. China can artificially age the copy in secret somewhere then pay the Egyptian government to swap out the original. Face is everything so no bribe is too high.
I'm sorry but the excuse that hes just a kid and that's why we should just let it go is frankly pathetic.
The boy was 15, at 15 everyone should be able to think rationally and behave themselves especially anywhere with historical value or heritage. I for one never thought that i should vandalise some paintings in the National arts gallery for instance at the age of 15. Isnt that much a problem the ministry of antiquities will restore it. "sigh"

the kid parents apologised they agreed to pay the fine ,for god s sake what more do you want? beheading the kid?
I think the Indians have no locus standi to comment on this issue. Our historical monuments have been covered with people's name and drawings and expressing love to their girlfriends and boyfriends.

I am ashamed to say that Indians lead in such disfigurement of our own heritage leave alone foreign countries
the kid parents apologised they agreed to pay the fine ,for god s sake what more do you want? beheading the kid?
Not at all, I just don't want to hear excuses.
He is an teen.. Parents apologised, they will pay up fine.. A small incident guys and move on.
................Chinese teen defaces Egypt temple; sparks outcry
Chinese teen defaces ancient Egyptian temple; sparks public soul-searching
By Gillian Wong, Associated Press | Associated Press – 4 hrs ago....Email0Share1132

BEIJING (AP) -- A Chinese teenager who defaced an ancient temple in Egypt with graffiti has come under fire at home where his vandalism prompted public fretting about how to cultivate a good image overseas as more newly affluent Chinese travel abroad.

The teen scratched "Ding Jinhao visited here" in Chinese on a temple wall in the ancient city Luxor, and the incident came to light when another Chinese tourist posted a photo of it on a popular microblog with the comment: "My saddest moment in Egypt. Ashamed and unable to show my face."

The photo quickly caught the attention of the Chinese public, attracting thousands of comments, and someone was able to identify the person responsible for the graffiti as 15-year-old Ding Jinhao from the eastern city of Nanjing. Many criticized Ding's act as an embarrassment to the country.

"Why there are so many citizens who go abroad and humiliate us? How many generations will it take to change this kind of behavior?" Xuan Kejiong, a prominent journalist with Shanghai Television, wrote on his microblog.

The sentiment was echoed by the mouthpiece of the ruling Communist Party, the People's Daily newspaper.

"Nowadays, people in China no longer want for food and clothing, and even in the luxury shops abroad, there are advertisement posters in Chinese," the paper wrote in a commentary. "But many people also feel as though their 'hands are full but hearts are empty.' In the process of modernization, how have the people come to lack modern manners and consciousness?"

The outcry prompted Ding's parents to publicly apologize. In an interview with a Nanjing newspaper, Ding's father said "the child has committed a mistake and the main responsibility falls on the adults. It was because we did not supervise him well, and have not taught him well."

The soul searching comes as Chinese tourism overseas has seen an explosion in growth over the past decade, fueled by rising incomes and the relaxation of government restrictions on citizens' ability to travel abroad.

China has been the fastest-growing source of international tourists in the world for the past 10 years, the World Tourism Organization, a U.N. agency, said in April. The organization said the volume of international trips by Chinese tourists has grown from 10 million in 2000 to 83 million in 2012 — accompanied by a nearly eightfold increase in spending.

Last year, China surpassed Germany to become the largest spender in international tourism, with tourists' expenditure amounting to a record $102 billion, the organization said.

But Chinese travelers, many of whom join tour groups, are frequently criticized for rude behavior. Deputy Premier Wang Yang earlier this month during the passage of a tourism law urged Chinese travelers to mind their manners.

"They make a racket in public places, carve words at scenic spots, cross the road when the light is red, spit, and do other uncivilized things," Wang was quoted as saying. "This is detrimental to the image of the country's people and leaves a bad impression."


Associated Press researcher Fu Ting contributed to this report from Shanghai.

Chinese teen defaces Egypt temple; sparks outcry
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