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Nepal PM Oli takes India-made Covishield vaccine


Jul 6, 2018
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Sun, 07 March 2021

Nepal Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli took the India-made Covishield coronavirus vaccine on Sunday, as the Himalayan nation gears up to start the second phase of its immunisation drive.

The 69-year-old Nepalese leader received the Covishield jab at the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital here on Sunday morning. His wife Radhika Shakya was also vaccinated.

The Covishield vaccine was developed in a collaboration between Oxford University and pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. It is manufactured by Pune-based Serum Institute of India.

Oli's personal physician, Dr Dibya Singh Shah, said the new vaccine guidelines allow the COVID-19 shot to be administered three months after kidney transplantation.

"(After) evaluating the risks and benefits, it was decided that the prime minister should take the vaccine," Shah told The Kathmandu Post. In March last year, Oli had undergone a second kidney transplant surgery.

After getting the vaccine, Oli asked all senior citizens in the country to get the vaccine jabs, saying they are safe with no side-effects.

Covishield is a British vaccine.

Why didn't he take the actual Indian vaccine, Covaxin?

Strangely enough, the Dalai Lama also took Covishield rather than Covaxin, even in India.

I was under the impression that Covaxin was at the forefront of India's make-in-India-isolate-napakistan-vaccine-diplomacy-kamala-is-one-of-us grand scheme for 2021.
1.4 million vaccinated in a single day in India yesterday. India is vaccinating at the fastest rate in the world. Here in UK and US we manage a small number in comparison .
1.4 million vaccinated in a single day in India yesterday. India is vaccinating at the fastest rate in the world. Here in UK and US we manage a small number in comparison .
Quote a source please because I have different information, taking denominators into account.

"First, the vaccine rollout has been slow. While the government may celebrate being the quickest to administer 7 million vaccines, the reality is that the pace is unimpressive given the country's massive population.

Even at half a million vaccinations per day — higher than the current overall daily average — it would take more than six years to vaccinate the entire population."
First, the vaccine rollout has been slow.
We don't need to hurry the vaccination. Our plan is to vaccinate the vulnerable 300 million people by July. Which we can comfortably achieve. We have the capacity to do it, it's only a matter of expanding to more centres which will happen in a few months and the vaccination will reach 5-7 million a day.

I was under the impression that Covaxin was at the forefront of India's make-in-India-isolate-napakistan-vaccine-diplomacy-kamala-is-one-of-us grand scheme for 2021.
When your time comes, we will send you the required supplies. Just wait, we have other needy countries.

The vaccine is made in India, doesn't matter if Astrazeneca or oxford developed it, if they can't mass produce, it's as good as water on the moon. If you didn't read the title, it said India made vaccine.

Why didn't he take the actual Indian vaccine, Covaxin?
It will come by and I will update you on the further development given there are enough threads you were screaming about Covaxin, I will not forget to update you on the same. It already has a 20 million order from Brazil. Mexico is also reviewing the status for approval more countries will follow suit, and if all things go right, you will also import them.
Interim efficiency is 81% of phase 3 trials, in few weeks we will have the full results and be peer-reviewed.
We don't need to hurry the vaccination. Our plan is to vaccinate the vulnerable 300 million people by July. Which we can comfortably achieve. We have the capacity to do it, it's only a matter of expanding to more centres which will happen in a few months and the vaccination will reach 5-7 million a day.
Firstly it's a British vaccine. Similarly, numerous generic medicines are produced in third world countries under license. This is nothing more remarkable here.

Why did India stockpile so many vaccines and pre-emptively negotiate to produce the British vaccine under a franchise agreement so early if there is now no hurry to distribute those vaccines? Usual Indian chit stamping 50 times before getting anything done..meanwhile, tell these guys there is no rush:

The lackadaisical approach of Indians despite every opportunity being available to them never ceases to amaze.
and if all things go right, you will also import them.
Is Covaxin the only vaccine in existence now?
Firstly it's a British vaccine. Similarly, numerous generic medicines are produced in third world countries under license. This is nothing more remarkable here.

Why did India stockpile so many vaccines and pre-emptively negotiate to produce the British vaccine under a franchise agreement so early if there is now no hurry to distribute those vaccines? Usual Indian chit stamping 50 times before getting anything done..meanwhile, tell these guys there is no rush:
Yeah, nothing remarkable when the country you live in has to buy that vaccine from the "third world" country.

India? No, it was a private company like SII taking a risky corporate decision, a pretty huge risk manufacturing millions of vaccines before it was given approval in clinical trials and if things go shiit they will hang, not India. It is not Indian chit stamping but a Pakistani frothing at mouth reading about vaccine manufactured in India. And your usual snide remarks which are unfound and outright stupid. And yes, there is no need to hurry into mass vaccination yet. Our approach is in the right direction.
MeaNwhile, make sure you convince your own countrymen and the Dalai lama to use Covaxin before worrying about Mexico and Brazil.

If Modi's signed picture comes with every vaccination certificate, no wonder Chattisgarh, Punjab and Kerala will continue to reject this pathetic attempt at idolatry.
pretty huge risk
SII incurs zero risk because it's a typical family run corner shop business model. Its shareholders are baba jee, saas and bhabi.
Is Covaxin the only vaccine in existence now?
No, we have Zycov D, another vaccine going in the phase 3 trial. an m-RNA vaccine undergoing trials, results out by June. And we have Sputnik V which will be mass-produced if required. What matters is capacity and we are not worried about getting vaccines.
No, we have Zycov D, another vaccine going in the phase 3 trial. an m-RNA vaccine undergoing trials, results out by June. And we have Sputnik V which will be mass-produced if required. What matters is capacity and we are not worried about getting vaccines.
That's great. 150,000 deaths and 11million cases later, India will simply claim job well done, whereas every other heavily hit nation, including UK and USA,will ask serious questions of their systems and their failures in handling this pandemic as best as they could have. For India though, Modi's pic is on the Covaxin certificate, what more is needed?
And yes, there is no need to hurry into mass vaccination yet
Really? Because that worked well for Israel.
If Modi's signed picture comes with every vaccination certificate, no wonder Chattisgarh, Punjab and Kerala will continue to reject this pathetic attempt at idolatry.
The vaccination is provided free of cost (& at Subsidized price at pvt Hospitals) using the Prime Ministers Citizen Assistance Fund, so it will bear the Indian Prime Ministers picture.

And, I don't know what you mean by Rejected by Chattisgarh, Punjab Kerala? What??? Elections are going on in Kerala, West Bengal, Assam, so the election commission asked to take down those pictures as it will be seen as an attempt at influencing voters.
I gUess all that matters is the endpoint of this project. If the desired endpoint is greater adulation of Modi-jee and two more inches added to his chest girth, then India can be pleased with its efforts.
don't know what you mean by Rejected by Chattisgarh, Punjab Kerala?

That's great. 150,000 deaths and 11million cases later, India will simply claim job well done, whereas every other heavily hit nation, including UK and USA,will ask serious questions of their systems and their failures in handling this pandemic as best as they could have. For India though, Modi's pic is on the Covaxin certificate, what more is needed?
Like I have always said, countries that tests more will have more cases to show for. India may very well have more than 11 million cases even with the amount of testing we do. I don't know if we claim a job well done or not, it doesn't matter, the point is we have a crisis, we have our own solutions. We don't need to beg any country to give us a vaccine or wait for some powerful country to provide us with alms.
I gUess all that matters is the endpoint of this project. If the desired endpoint is greater adulation of Modi-jee and two more inches added to his chest girth, then India can be pleased with its efforts.
Covaxin uptake has already increased, India bought more covidshield shots than Covaxin. Bharat Biotec has limited capacity compared to SII and the uptake will be less because of less availability, besides, covaxin is administered to more than a million people already. As for the politics over it, I don't care much.
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Like I have always said, countries that tests more will have more cases to show for. India may very well have more than 11 million cases even with the amount of testing we do. I don't know if we claim a job well done or not, it doesn't matter, the point is we have a crisis, we have our own solutions. We don't need to beg any country to give us a vaccine or wait for some powerful country to provide us with alms.
It's also true that a nation with a larger population will have more cases, regardless of testing rates and quality of tests. Your high number of positives may also be because of poor lockdown management and regional resistance to guidance issued from Delhi because of petty party politics. But nobody will ever do a post-mortem on whether locking down up to a hundred million (more than the whole population of UK) migrant workers and subsequently letting them trickle back to their villages because someone forgor to provide them with temporary accommodation actually caused a surge in cases. India would be better off begging for assistance with basic public health contingency planning rather than gambling with the lives of its citizens. But hey, since these dalitised groups never complain and simply chant "jai Modi" obediently, why bother?

As for Indians not begging...

...Rishi bhai respectfully disagrees and is more than happy to assist.
It's also true that a nation with a larger population will have more cases, regardless of testing rates and quality of tests. Your high number of positives may also be because of poor lockdown management and regional resistance to guidance issued from Delhi because of petty party politics. But nobody will ever do a post-mortem on whether locking down up to a hundred million (more than the whole population of UK) migrant workers and subsequently letting them trickle back to their villages because someone forgor to provide them with temporary accommodation actually caused a surge in cases. India would be better off begging for assistance with basic public health contingency planning rather than gambling with the lives of its citizens. But hey, since these dalitised groups never complain and simply chant "jai Modi" obediently, why bother?
You're all over the place clutching at straws. No shit sherlock, I'm not talking about how covid expands but how we can vaccinate without, waiting for countries to supply us vaccines. Even many "first world" countries are finding it hard to get supplies and are sourcing from India. I know your issues. I don't need to chant Jai Modi when for example see what the Prime Minister of Barbados said.
As for Indians not begging...

...Rishi bhai respectfully disagrees and is more than happy to assist.
haha, your tax money is being wasted for buying out influence. You see these are no really aid money but money send for running "programmes" whatever that be and as for not begging, here.

Rishi bhai needs to get his priorities right.
Why your Brits are running NGO's in India, like Amnesty and you funnel funds to them from UK.
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