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Nepal PM Bhattarai is nothing more than an Indian tool: Chitra K. C


May 21, 2011
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Nepal PM Bhattarai is nothing more than an Indian tool: Chitra K. C


Telegraph Nepal
Chitra Bahadur K.C. of Rastriya Janmorcha Nepal claims that Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai is nothing more than an Indian tool.

K.C. roared at a program held in his home district of Baglung, December 2, 2011.
“It is wide and clear now that Unified Maoists Party Vice Chairman Baburam’s nationalist slogans and street protests for preserving national interests were basically to grab power and then finally to serve the Indian strategic interests,” claimed K.C.

K.C. also demanded immediate scrapping of the BIPPA (Bilateral Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement) with India and said, “Signing BIPPA deal with India, Baburam has proved his Indian utility.”

“Baburam’s government is nothing more than a tool of the Indian expansionists,” he concluded.

Nepal PM Bhattarai is nothing more than an Indian tool: Chitra K. C

Nepal PM Bhattarai is nothing more than an Indian tool: Chitra K. C


Telegraph Nepal
Chitra Bahadur K.C. of Rastriya Janmorcha Nepal claims that Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai is nothing more than an Indian tool.

K.C. roared at a program held in his home district of Baglung, December 2, 2011.
“It is wide and clear now that Unified Maoists Party Vice Chairman Baburam’s nationalist slogans and street protests for preserving national interests were basically to grab power and then finally to serve the Indian strategic interests,” claimed K.C.

K.C. also demanded immediate scrapping of the BIPPA (Bilateral Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement) with India and said, “Signing BIPPA deal with India, Baburam has proved his Indian utility.”

“Baburam’s government is nothing more than a tool of the Indian expansionists,” he concluded.

Nepal PM Bhattarai is nothing more than an Indian tool: Chitra K. C


Maoists leader .......... Indian puppet :lol:

very hard to digest
Nepal PM Bhattarai is nothing more than an Indian tool: Chitra K. C


Telegraph Nepal
Chitra Bahadur K.C. of Rastriya Janmorcha Nepal claims that Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai is nothing more than an Indian tool.

K.C. roared at a program held in his home district of Baglung, December 2, 2011.
“It is wide and clear now that Unified Maoists Party Vice Chairman Baburam’s nationalist slogans and street protests for preserving national interests were basically to grab power and then finally to serve the Indian strategic interests,” claimed K.C.

K.C. also demanded immediate scrapping of the BIPPA (Bilateral Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement) with India and said, “Signing BIPPA deal with India, Baburam has proved his Indian utility.”

“Baburam’s government is nothing more than a tool of the Indian expansionists,” he concluded.

Nepal PM Bhattarai is nothing more than an Indian tool: Chitra K. C


you mean one another member in list of puppet( karzai, hasina, abdulla. Could be zardair, PM of P O K and CM of balochistan but can't say)? We should celebrate this because it shows the growing infuence of India and one another member of friend list. Thanks for informing us. Who said that neighbour country can't be friend? And this could lead us for sweeping maoist problem.
Chitra Bahadur K.C. ,,,,This man looks like villain of some movie.
By the way,a maoist leader and tool of india...!!!!!:hitwall:
I think the writer forgot the spelling of China and had written India..:lol:
Shiekh Hasina Indian stooge. Aung Suu Ki Indian agent.Bhattrai an Indian agent. Why only pro India leaders are targeted?
zardari=indian lapdog
hasina=indian lapdog
Bhattarai=indian lapdog(although he is maoist leader)

who is next?
Dude...If nepal does not like their PM...simply vote for a change and make a new PM...Dont be a cry baby...
No passport and visa needed for traveling between India and Nepal. Nepalese can take any type of education, government, army and private jobs in India without a work permit. People of Nepal are culturally and lingually similar to Indians. Even their land topology makes them pro-India.

Do Chinese and Pakistan really think that they can breach inside such a relation. Can Chinese provide same preference to Pakistanis what Indians have with Nepal as Yusaf Raza Gilani thought.
Lol Nepali Maoists themselves are influenced by Indian counterpart so that make nepali maoist what indian tool? Great !! india poilcy makers knows to keep both tools in different parties of nepal.
Why not Nepal and India integrated as a whole one,then the voices about pro-india have no meaning.
The above news report is a truck load of crap and epic fail. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

In recently held UN elections Nepal have voted against India and in favor of china. :tdown:

It shows the Maoist are chinese tool/puppets and are against India. :tdown:
For a second I thought I was in the BD defence section.

All I can say is that India is surrounded by dalals and terrorists. Why could we not get some normal neighbors???

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