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Negotiating with moderates in taliban



New Recruit

Jan 25, 2009
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obama says negotiating with moderate taliban is possible,
which really means he wants to end the war and get the hell out of afghanistan as soon as possible.

the substance of any negotiation is almost irrelevant. american troops must be withdrawn because it is a strategic error to fight there where they can accomplish nothing.

it makes sense to beat the taliban back first to withdraw more easily.

so the tools left are coercion/persuasion of pakistan iran, assasination with drones.

coercion/persuasion of pakistan and iran is the real key here. its the reverse pottery barn rule. pakistan and iran sabotaged the afghanistan effort now they have to live next to it. besides which they are not prospering societies and can be kept in line with sanctions. in fact having to support military forces in afghanistan gives them leverage over us.
:lol: and when we do the same thing in Pakistan everyone start crying now when US does the same i dont see any paranoid speaking against US in the same breath as were speaking against Pakistan.
atleast they have started seein moderates in talibans as well... big change
btw wat if talibans win in the comin afghan elections???? will US let it happen??
obama says negotiating with moderate taliban is possible,
which really means he wants to end the war and get the hell out of afghanistan as soon as possible.

They can Negotiate with So called "Moderate" Taliban but when we talk to our Local people who are Living in Swat for centuries then we are Wrong.......They want to get the hell out of Afghanistan but they want Pakistan to Keep Fighting and Keep killing her own Citizens......... NO SIR ! That's not Possible.

We will deal with our Own Problems and you better find a better solution for your pain in the B***T don't ask Pakistan to "DO More" and dont accuse Pakistan of Double dealing.

No Body Ever has Defeated the Afghans, what were Americans Thinking at the First Place.
obama says negotiating with moderate taliban is possible,
which really means he wants to end the war and get the hell out of afghanistan as soon as possible.

the substance of any negotiation is almost irrelevant. american troops must be withdrawn because it is a strategic error to fight there where they can accomplish nothing.

it makes sense to beat the taliban back first to withdraw more easily.

so the tools left are coercion/persuasion of pakistan iran, assasination with drones.

coercion/persuasion of pakistan and iran is the real key here. its the reverse pottery barn rule. pakistan and iran sabotaged the afghanistan effort now they have to live next to it. besides which they are not prospering societies and can be kept in line with sanctions. in fact having to support military forces in afghanistan gives them leverage over us.

Obama is clueless. Not only Obama, but the US military commanders in Afghanistan are clueless.

They don't understand cultural differences, moreover they think all Muslims are the same. If something works in Iraq, it will work in Afghanistan.

My prediction. The Taliban aren't going to negotiate until the americans withdraw.
the taliban is like a chicken with its head cut off.
it has a body but no brain.

but pakistan needs its imf loan and to sell textiles

in order to get the loan and sell textiles you need to guide the taliban in the right direction.

obama has a clear mandate to end the war.

holbrooke is there to tell you to control the taliban or else.

do you read foreign press? we blame you for the taliban. we are going to make you clean it up. we are leaving.

"Officials in contact with the State Department said on Sunday that a new offensive would see a dramatic increase in Predator drone attacks on Taliban targets in defiance of Pakistani objections to cross-border attacks."

US to step up attacks on Pakistan as it forces Taliban to talk - Telegraph
^^Pakistan does not control the Afghani Taliban.

They would perhaps want friendship with Pakistan, but if Pakistan gets in the way of their objective, which is to remove the foreign troops from Afghanistan, then the Afghani Taliban would attack Pakistan. Pakistan, you see, has no control over the Taliban.

If the foreign troops left Afghanistan, I suspect militancy in Pakistan might decrease. The Pakistan can work towards eradicating this imported ideology, if the leaders have any sense.

I can't see them negotiating though.
do you read foreign press? we blame you for the taliban. we are going to make you clean it up. we are leaving.

It was CIA who invented Taliban in the first place, and invited fighters from all over the world into Afghanistan who later became Al Queda and now these groups are undefeatable.

You left us after the Soviet War with these people in our neighboring country, which we never had secure borders with. Pakistan, a young and a developing nation, couldn't get rid of Al Queda and Taliban when US turned their backs on us after the Soviet War...why does the world expect a miracle from Pakistan? Pakistanis just want to live their lives, spend time with family, earn a decent living, and be happy. So dont blame Pakistan for anything.
the taliban is like a chicken with its head cut off.
it has a body but no brain.

but pakistan needs its imf loan and to sell textiles

in order to get the loan and sell textiles you need to guide the taliban in the right direction.

obama has a clear mandate to end the war.

holbrooke is there to tell you to control the taliban or else.

do you read foreign press? we blame you for the taliban. we are going to make you clean it up. we are leaving.

"Officials in contact with the State Department said on Sunday that a new offensive would see a dramatic increase in Predator drone attacks on Taliban targets in defiance of Pakistani objections to cross-border attacks."

You are distorting and oblivious of the historical facts. CIA is the real brainchild, creator and sponsor of the Mujahideen and thus also responsible for the fractions that came forth out of this menace. It's unjustified to lay the blame on Pakistan. The Americans did a smart job by hiring the ISI, financing and arming a mercenary type Jihadist army for their war against the former USSR. Pakistani soil indeed was partially used for training and arming Jihadist elements with US resources. OBL which today is branded as the enemy of the US fought alongside US comrades against the Russians. In fact, the Mujahideen were hailed as the freedom fighters of the US by your own former president Ronald Reagan. The Mujahideen which the Taliban and the Northern Alliance were part of fought collectively against the Soviets. The Soviets were plundering Afghanistan whilst threatening to invade Pakistan. Pakistan had to choose between two evils and they chose deceivingly for the lesser one being the US. After the war the US left Afghanistan high and dry. Pakistan had to deal with the after effects of the war. Pakistan still hosts the largest war refugees in the world. Mistakes were obviously made by the Pakistani leadership and we cannot condone that. However, the only mistake of Pakistan was that they sided with another superpower which they today are paying a hefty price for. I believe that Pakistan should have fought the war on their own terms without allying with anyone. The US is today exploiting Pakistan's weakness.
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whats wrong with you you dont want to be deputy sheriff?

thats too bad because you are deputy sheriff. embrace your new role. consider yourself reprogrammed.

its hard to be sophisticated about the politics of another country if you didnt grow up there. the first thing a new president does is undo the work of his predecessor.

boots on the ground and policing of the countryside must end soon.
whats wrong with you you dont want to be deputy sheriff?

thats too bad because you are deputy sheriff. embrace your new role. consider yourself reprogrammed.

its hard to be sophisticated about the politics of another country if you didnt grow up there. the first thing a new president does is undo the work of his predecessor.

boots on the ground and policing of the countryside must end soon.

But for yanks although predecessors change but the policies remain the same one way or the other its same Neocon agenda which has to be carried out by the president.
no. my point is simple. political questions outweigh the military questions.

you get a skewed view from posters like s-2. america is not pakistan; our generals are politically impotent.

it benefits obama the new administration to make pakistan take responsibility for the conduct of the taliban and he will make an ultimatum to pakistan to that effect.

thats a crude way of putting it but that is essentially true.
whats wrong with you you dont want to be deputy sheriff?

thats too bad because you are deputy sheriff. embrace your new role. consider yourself reprogrammed.

its hard to be sophisticated about the politics of another country if you didnt grow up there. the first thing a new president does is undo the work of his predecessor.

boots on the ground and policing of the countryside must end soon.

Deputy sheriff? No, Pakistan shouldn't have any stake in a war that wasn't its making and will get nothing in return for except problems. The US has beef with AQ/Taliban because their own creation came back to haunt them in the form of 9/11. The US shouldn't have neglected Afghanistan after the Cold War. The US should have rebuilt Afghanistan. Worse, Pakistan is being destabilized by this war. Pakistan has also sacrificed thousands of lives. Pakistan needs to fight the insurgents and control its own borders on its own terms. Pakistan shouldn't fall for the same trap the second time. We have learnt the hard way not to trust anyone. No hard feelings against anyone, but the interests of Pakistan should have more priority.
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no. my point is simple. political questions outweigh the military questions.

you get a skewed view from posters like s-2. america is not pakistan; our generals are politically impotent.

it benefits obama the new administration to make pakistan take responsibility for the conduct of the taliban and he will make an ultimatum to pakistan to that effect.

thats a crude way of putting it but that is essentially true.

Pakistan needs to cater to its own people first.

Pakistani people have suffered the most in this war of terror. More Pakistani armed forces have been killed than Americans killed on 9/11, more Pakistani citizens have been killed than Americans killed on 9/11. There's more poverty in Pakistan because of this war. There's no economy left in Pakistan because of this war.

Pakistanis and Pakistan have suffered the most because of the war of terror started by Mr Bush Jr. Now its time Pakistani government puts the people of Pakistan first. Pakistan was doing just fine before September 2001.

And U.S. needs to stop all this bullying. U.S. also has suffered a lot because of this war, turn on CNN and watch how many Americans are scared of another depression.

It'll be best for everyone to put an end to this war and try to live like we were living before September 2001. The world was a much safer place before September 2001. This war has caused nothing but destruction for everyone.
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