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Negative attitudes toward Iran increasing among Turks, survey shows


Jul 15, 2012
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while 88 percent of Sunnis had an unfavorable view toward the country.

The poll, titled “Looking at How 20 Arab and Muslim Nations View Iran and Its Policies,” surveyed 20,051 citizens from 20 countries including Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Pakistan.

The survey covered a range of topics, including attitudes toward Iran, its people, culture and nuclear program.

Zogby said in the 2006 poll, Iran's favorable ratings in Arab and Muslim countries were at their highest point in the six-year span of the surveys.Back then, in most countries, Iran's favorable ratings were in the 75 percent range (with Saudis giving Iran an 85 percent positive rating). Iran's favorable ratings in these same countries fell to less than 25 percent (the Saudi numbers have plummeted to 15 percent) last year.

The poll said one important factor contributing to Iran's diminished regional standing has been the rise of Turkey. The survey pointed to Turkey's declining relationship with Israel as an important factor that pushed Turkey's popularity up in the region. Tracking Zogby's Arab polling from 2006 to 2011, it is clear that Iran's decline in popularity was matched by Turkey's rise. However, with its strong stand against Syria's government and its ally Iran in the wake of the Syrian uprising, Turkey's support among the Shia populations in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia declined in 2012, dragging down its favorable ratings in these countries. The 2012 favorable numbers given to Turkey continue to be appreciably higher than those given to Iran in 14 of the 20 countries surveyed.

In 2006, of the nine countries covered in the survey (the UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Pakistan, Indonesia and Turkey), only in Turkey did a majority believe that Iran had “ambitions to produce nuclear weapons.” Most of the rest expressed the belief that Iran was “pursuing its nuclear program for peaceful purposes only.” Back in 2006, when these countries were asked what the international community should do about Iran's nuclear program, the answers were almost universally “no” to economic sanctions while only a slight majority of Turks agreed to sanctions. Only in Turkey and Indonesia did most respondents say the international community should “do something” if Iran were to persist with its nuclear program.

Today, only Shias in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, and Turkey say the Middle East would be more secure if Iran had a nuclear weapon. Eighty-two percent of Turks believe that the Middle East would be more secure if it were a nuclear-free zone. A similar number of Turkish respondents, 80 percent, agree that the Arab Gulf states are right to be concerned with Iran's nuclear program because this program makes the region less secure.

The survey also revealed that a worrisome sectarian divide has opened up between Sunni and Shia Muslims in several countries, most notably in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iraq, Turkey and Pakistan. In the 2012 survey, an overall majority of respondents point to Iranian policies as the cause.

Asked whether the culture of their country is equal, superior or inferior to Iran's culture, only in Bahrain, Yemen and Turkey do the two sects disagree -- with Sunni Muslims saying that their own country is superior, while their Shia compatriots claim that the two are equal or actually consider Iran's culture superior to their own. When asked which culture is more violent between Iran and their own, majorities of Arabs -- both Sunni and Shia -- in most of the countries surveyed point to Iran.

Less than a quarter of respondents in Pakistan (24 percent), Turkey (22 percent) and Azerbaijan (20 percent) view Iran favorably. There is a significant split on Iran between Sunni and Shia respondents in Turkey, with 88 percent of Sunnis unfavorable versus 92 percent of Shias favorable.

Less than three in 10 respondents in Turkey (29 percent) identify more with the Iranian government than the “Green Movement” in Iran. Iran's impact on the world is viewed as negative by wide margins in all questionsby respondents in Turkey. Respondents in Turkey are only somewhat divided with respect to sect on these questions.

A full 90 percent of Turks disagree with the statement that Iran is a role model for their country while only 16 percent agree that Iran is working to promote peace and stability in the region. A total of 88 percent of Turkish respondents agree that Iran is pursuing its own agenda to serve its interests while those who believe that Iranian policy is contributing to sectarian division in the Arab world total 78 percent. While only 15 percent of Turks believe that Iran, the US and Russia contribute to peace and stability in the Arab world, a strong majority of Turks believe the opposite with respect to Saudi Arabia (72 percent).

A majority in Turkey (63 percent) say that the Iranian Revolution in 1979 made the region less stable. Shia respondents in Turkey (31 percent), however, feel that the region is more stable because of the revolution.

In Turkey, a majority disagrees with the statement that Iranians are “good, religious people” (75 percent), “hard-working” (72 percent) and “people just like me” (78 percent). Sunni respondents in Turkey are extremely negative on these questions, while Shia respondents are far more favorable in their views of Iranians. There is near unanimity among respondents in Turkey (95 percent) that the country's relations with Iran are negative. No one in Turkey believes that relations with Iran are positive and 74 percent of Turks disagree that Ankara's relations with Iran should be closer. Only 18 percent of Turks think that Iranians have made a positive contribution to Islam.

Most respondents in Turkey (80 percent) share the concerns of Arab Gulf states about Iran's nuclear program; however, a majority of Shia respondents in Turkey (58 percent) do not share this concern. At least two-thirds of respondents in Turkey (77 percent) are not comfortable with Iran as the dominant Gulf power. A majority of Shias (54 percent) are comfortable with a dominant Iran in the Gulf region. Among Turks, 87 percent believe that Iran has ambitions to build nuclear weapons. Most respondents in Turkey (68 percent) are supportive of economic sanctions if Iran persists with its nuclear program. Views are divided by sect with the Shia communities strongly opposing sanctions (87 percent). Opinion is split in Turkey (49 percent supporting versus 46 percent opposed) regarding military action if Iran "continues to resist." A majority of Sunni respondents in Turkey (56 percent) support a military response to "continued Iranian resistance."
Many still favor Turkey as model

Majorities in all the Gulf countries except Bahrain see Saudi Arabia and Turkey as positively impacting peace and stability in the region.

Respondents in Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine feel that Saudi Arabia and Turkey make positive contributions to peace and stability. Egypt (87 percent), Algeria (74 percent), Sudan (71 percent) and Tunisia (70 percent) feel Turkey makes a positive contribution, while Moroccans are split and Libyans disagree.

A majority in Saudi Arabia (57 percent), Lebanon (73 percent), Iraq (63 percent), Jordan (60 percent), Pakistan (79 percent) and Palestine (70 percent) consider Turkey a good model to follow. Majorities in all North African countries consider Turkey a good model, including 72 percent of Sudanese, 67 percent of Moroccans and 63 percent of Tunisians.

Majorities of respondents in Yemen (76 percent), Saudi Arabia (71 percent), Oman (66 percent), Kuwait (63 percent) and the UAE (58 percent) view Turkey favorably.Sunni respondents are more likely to have favorable attitudes regarding Turkey than Shia respondents in Saudi Arabia (83 percent versus 5 percent), the UAE (63 percent versus 10 percent) and Bahrain (58 percent versus 38 percent).

Turkey is seen favorably by strong majorities in Jordan (68 percent) and Palestine (83 percent), while slim majorities in Lebanon (50 percent, more than those expressing the opposite) and Iraq (55 percent) have unfavorable attitudes regarding Turkey. In North Africa, opinion is more mixed with respect to Turkey. While respondents in Egypt (89 percent), Algeria (80 percent), Tunisia (78 percent) and Sudan (64 percent) have generally favorable attitudes regarding Turkey, just 48 percent of Moroccan respondents and 34 percent of Libyan respondents concur.

Non-Arab countries mostly have favorable attitudes toward Turkey, with Azerbaijan at 82 percent, Pakistan at 79 percent and Turkey itself at 98 percent.

Just 33 percent of respondents in Turkey hold favorable attitudes regarding the US and only 14 percent of Turks hold favorable attitudes toward the UK. Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey are viewed positively by very strong majorities in Turkey, Pakistan and Azerbaijan.

Respondents in Turkey strongly reject any other country as a model for their development and progress.

In all 20 countries surveyed, strong majorities -- unanimous in some cases -- are concerned that sectarian division is growing across the region. There is very high level of concern about this in Turkey (83 percent).

In Turkey, the survey was conducted in the cities of İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Bursa, Adana, Gaziantep, Konya, Antalya, Diyarbakır, Mersin, Kayseri, Hayman and Ceyhan with 1,019 adults.

Negative attitudes toward Iran increasing among Turks, survey shows

long live our shia brethrens.
Iran has done this herself. She alienated Turkey that always was nice to Iran while the world wants to see Iranian blood.

Turks also have patience.. And it is slowly running out..
I think most negative feelings are against the regimes of those countries,as to the people.
Like we could care less about what Turks think of us. We are not trying to be friendly with Turks or Turkey, our allies have always been and will remain to be elsewhere.

Iran has done this herself. She alienated Turkey that always was nice to Iran while the world wants to see Iranian blood.

Turks also have patience.. And it is slowly running out..

Your own fault. We don't want your friendship. Glad Turkey is finally realising this.
I think most negative feelings are against the regimes of those countries,as to the people.

Of course, it says Iran, not Iranian people and of course not against Azeri in south-Azerbaijan.

This negative feeling is aimed at Iranian foreign policy and domestic policy.
Like we could care less about what Turks think of us. We are not trying to be friendly with Turks or Turkey, our allies have always been and will remain to be elsewhere.

Your own fault. We don't want your friendship. Glad Turkey is finally realising this.

if you read the report closely, it comes to one thing: fear. everybody in the region (sunnis) is fearing us. thats a good thing; it keeps them sharp.
if you read the report closely, it comes to one thing: fear. everybody in the region (sunnis) is fearing us. thats a good thing; it keeps them sharp.

There is a difference between "fear" and "disfavor", this atmosphere in the ME is absolutely unhealthy which was created by Iranian regime. However, Iranians are victims and we all should differentiate between the regime and the people.
Well this is normal considering that every now on then, a Iranian general or a cleric threatens Turkey.

Atawolf; this is known thing. Don't posts these types of threads; you going to become a troll because you are opening threads which attracts other trolls. Stop.
Well this is normal considering that every now on then, a Iranian general or a cleric threatens Turkey.

Atawolf; this is known thing. Don't posts these types of threads; you going to become a troll because you are opening threads which attracts other trolls. Stop.

Do you think whether or not I'm posting this thread is going to change that? Just look in the other threads. Whether it is related to Iran or not, Iranian trolls come there under their own flag and foreign flags (hiding behind German flag for example) and nag us. I read this news for the first time. I think it is an interesting development. If Iran really props up support for PKK. I wonder what the response of the Turkish public is going to be.
Well this is normal considering that every now on then, a Iranian general or a cleric threatens Turkey.

Threaten to Turkey is a lifestyle for current Iranian regime but You know It is something like a cool air in summer times touching your face. I mean It just makes me enjoy. I also believe that The generals/officials who threaten Turkey, have some menthal problems in their lifes/special stories such as unsuccesfull sex attempts with their wifes...etc

In this circumstances, Only an idiot or mentally corrupted people who lost proper thinking ability can dare to threaten a NATO's elite power like Turkey in region. They also know that Playing dangerous games with Turkey will cause a systematic destruction for them but Their Flaunting nature to introduce themselves as "I am the king of region. Take a look How great My defence industry and technology (Propaganda). I m strong!!!" like behaviors/attempts cause to be so hot or aggressive but empty...
Strange...based on experience in PDF...Iranian posters never aggressive to turkey.rather I find many posters from turkey really like to show low to Iran.is my understanding is true in real life too. For me it seems like turkey is trying to present itself as a savior of Muslim world which is now more or less attributed to Iran at this point of time.i think Turkey is simply trying to get the benefit of both sides of the world. Being a NATO ally, it is getting support of West and by criticizing Israel,it is trying win heart of Muslim world.....this one kind of very smart diploma y by turkey...
AKP will bring destruction upon the people of Turkey... maybe not in the short-term, but in the long-term... Turkey is now becoming an enemy with its neighbors... Turkey needs to realize, that its neighbors are more important then pleasing the west... Turkey needs to leave the dream of becoming a member of the EU...
AKP will bring destruction upon the people of Turkey... maybe not in the short-term, but in the long-term... Turkey is now becoming an enemy with its neighbors... Turkey needs to realize, that its neighbors are more important then pleasing the west... Turkey needs to leave the dream of becoming a member of the EU...

Turkey is a much matured country and its regional policies are not designed to serve the west or for the EU process. Turkish policies are purely for its own interest and to fulfill the void of regional leadership that has been vacant since the destruction of Ottoman Empire. Erdogan and his Government transformed the Turkish inward looking policies to outward policy. The current crisis with Syria and Iraq are the culmination of that policy because Turkey cannot remain indifferent in the fast changing Middle East. Turkey wants more than friendly neighbors with whom its relationship should be more than working relationship.

If you read today’s newspaper you would find that the group of Turkish main opposition Parliamentarians (CHP) had meeting with Assad in Damascus. Is it possible in Iran? Or any other country in the region who have this much political openness and maturity.
Strange...based on experience in PDF...Iranian posters never aggressive to turkey.rather I find many posters from turkey really like to show low to Iran.is my understanding is true in real life too. For me it seems like turkey is trying to present itself as a savior of Muslim world which is now more or less attributed to Iran at this point of time.i think Turkey is simply trying to get the benefit of both sides of the world. Being a NATO ally, it is getting support of West and by criticizing Israel,it is trying win heart of Muslim world.....this one kind of very smart diploma y by turkey...
Well,there you wrong.
We dont care about religion as many do(shia, sunni,christian,jew,hindu)either you are friendly or you are not up to you.
The base for our friendship is mutual understanding and respect.
We do not attack noone(words or military)but if you try attacking us,you get the full load.
This beeing the savior of the muslim world crap is made up by countries who are jealous of our achievements in foreighn relations(not all).
There is no revival of the ottoman empire,we just want good relations related to bussiness.
About'' Iranians posters never agressive to Turkey''either you dont see good or you dont want to see.
This above is only for well known Iranian trolls,most are friendly and respected.
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