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Need To Reexamine Roots Of Violence In Muslim Culture

I don't like preaching or proselytizing of any kind ! :unsure:

I believe more in - Show them what the deal is through right action !

Doing dawa if possible is a very good deed and important. It is mentioned in the Qur'an and in the ahadith.

It never hurts to invite people to Islam. It is their choice if they will accept it or not but as a Muslim one should rejoice when new brothers and sisters take the oath of Islam. Because we believe that this will enrich their lives.

We can show as many good deeds as Muslims but if people are not aware of us being Muslims then this is worth little in terms of spreading Islam. In majority Muslim countries doing dawa is not as important as in countries where most are not Muslims.

I do not feel awkward at all. Look at all the nonsense commercials on TV, internet and elsewhere.

Anyway this is a trolling thread.
I believe you preferred the pagan beliefs of bowing to statues and saints and slaves being treated as property..baby girls being burred alive....Also where tribes were the ones holding all the power ...guess what South Asia is a perfect example of it! So why scream your lungs out? Move back to South Asia why stay in Saudi? Go experience what you support! :pop:

Can you tell me why bowing to statues is wrong??

Also what is wrong if one bows infront of a saint who is elder and has great knowledge ??

regarding burning babies and all, this is banned in S.Asia.

Pagan beliefs are flexible and can be changed accordingly , unlike some beliefs which teach violent ways to spread the faith.
Can you tell me why bowing to statues is wrong??

Also what is wrong if one bows infront of a saint who is elder and has great knowledge ??

regarding brining babies and all, this is banned in S.Asia.

Pagan beliefs are flexible and can be changed accordingly , unlike some beliefs which teach violent ways to spread the faith.
For a Muslim bowing is the lowest thing 1 can do and is reserved for GOD alone not for every stone you see or every man you consider a saint (Mind you in India there are too many to count)

As for burying female fetus, it was a part of pagan culture coz of shame god knows what other reasons...it is also a culture in many parts of the world and still alive in Africa, some cults in America, Some villages in Pakistan as well as India (kindly dont deny it is not helpful at all)

As for the boded part please bring forward your proofs or dont pull things out of thin air...Thank you
For a Muslim bowing is the lowest thing 1 can do and is reserved for GOD alone not for every stone you see or every man you consider a saint (Mind you in India there are too many to count)

How many muslims in this world will only Bow infront of GOD and do not bow to anyone else??

As for burying female fetus, it was a part of pagan culture coz of shame god knows what other reasons...it is also a culture in many parts of the world and still alive in Africa, some cults in America, Some villages in Pakistan as well as India (kindly dont deny it is not helpful at all)

Even in China or South East Asia female child is not favored. This problem exists in every part of world and not only in S.Asia.

As for the boded part please bring forward your proofs or dont pull things out of thin air...Thank you

This forum do not permit religious discussions, and as a Quran expert you would have read the hadiths related to killing infidels and destroying their faith.

Do not tell me Islam is the only religion, one has to follow.
How many muslims in this world will only Bow infront of GOD and do not bow to anyone else??
If one is a Muslim then this applies because we give our shahadah which means only 1 GOD (la ilaha illah) none others (la sharika la) and Muhammad is his msgr
Even in China or South East Asia female child is not favored. This problem exists in every part of world and not only in S.Asia.
Yes I said many cultures
it is also a culture in many parts of the world
This forum do not permit religious discussions, and as a Quran expert you would have read the hadiths related to killing infidels and destroying their faith.
Yes I have read those and they all mention that is for that time only...If you want to take out of context it is like taking Krishna and Arjun's story and showing the world Hinduism supports fighting...
Do not tell me Islam is the only religion, one has to follow.
Well, as a Muslim yes. But there is no compulsion in religion since sombozo was talking about Islam so I replied him...

Since the thread is on "Muslim Culture" I talked about Islam never compared it to other religions, just said what it says...
If one is a Muslim then this applies because we give our shahadah which means only 1 GOD (la ilaha illah) none others (la sharika la) and Muhammad is his msgr

I agree with the practice of bowing infront of GOD only exists but in practice it is difficult.

Yes I have read those and they all mention that is for that time only...If you want to take out of context it is like taking Krishna and Arjun's story and showing the world Hinduism supports fighting...

Yes During the period of Muhammed, Muslims are minority and so the laws apply to them, But Islamic scholars teach what is there in Quran needs to be followed strictly. This is contradictory.

Hinduism supports violence and there is justification given in that it says "if fight against evil requires violence so be it, no discrimination based on worship or ethnicity .....etc....etc...".

I am ending the discussion as of now, Nice talking to you :cheers:
I agree with the practice of bowing infront of GOD only exists but in practice it is difficult.
we are brave and strong hence the test is harder and more difficult.

Yes During the period of Muhammed, Muslims are minority and so the laws apply to them, But Islamic scholars teach what is there in Quran needs to be followed strictly. This is contradictory.
Most of the teachers dont even know proper Arabic and try to decode the Quran using their Urdu which has 20% Arabic (so 20% Arabic got them no where) others just follow what some Mullah preaches blindly without ever opening the Quran....
Hinduism supports violence and there is justification given in that it says "if fight against evil requires violence so be it, no discrimination based on worship or ethnicity .....etc....etc...".
The same verse is in the Quran...
Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory. Quran 22:39
I am ending the discussion as of now, Nice talking to you :cheers:
I dont believe it is fair to end a discussion with only your points in while the other is left hanging...

Now that I have put in my say: Thank you for listening!
we are brave and strong hence the test is harder and more difficult.


Strong genes , weak genes and then you will say hellraiser do not quote me ..... (strong right ..... :lol:!!!!!)

I dont believe it is fair to end a discussion with only your points in while the other is left hanging...

Mods don't like religious discussions here, may be some day through PMs .... :tup:

Now that I have put in my say: Thank you for listening!

Are you telling me 'Keh Saluuu Mian pakraaa giyaaa' ! :woot:

Oi @BLACKEAGLE - No Hello/Hi....no nothing anymore from you ? :cray:
Hello or/and Hi...:-)

As you see my friend, I'm less energetic and cheerful, maybe it's because I'm away from my family and country. No offense to my Saudi brothers, but even if you're inside your country and away from where your family live, you feel homesick. Nothing personal, it's me.
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