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Need suggestions & ideas.


Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Well since there are a bunch of changes on the PFF. Please suggest things to us, to make it even more better.

Enjoy your stay. :)
Two things:
1: The names, profile etc better the old way. Old flags better too.
2: You have to move scroll bar at bottom to view wholepage.
Otherwise amazing looks.:pff:​
Two things:
1: The names, profile etc better the old way. Old flags better too.
2: You have to move scroll bar at bottom to view wholepage.
Otherwise amazing looks.:pff:​

Done. Dont know about flags, they are fine.
The new outlook of PFF is wonderful. Please keep it like this.

Appreciate that.

Two things:
1: The names, profile etc better the old way. Old flags better too.
2: You have to move scroll bar at bottom to view wholepage.
Otherwise amazing looks.:pff:​

Can't make everyone happy. You will get used to it.

LOve this new look!!!! Keep it this way!!

Good to see you here TJ. Thanks for your comment.

Done. Dont know about flags, they are fine.

Reverted back. To look different than other forums. Special. :toast:

Gotta say I did like the newer format that was up for a while.

Its fine now. Thanks.

And for everyone. Enjoy!!
Yea i shall get used to it. Thanks for the reply brother!:)
Did you guys just swap from the top-side user info panel back to the side panel?

I can't stand when it's on top.
Do you guys like these animated flags? I notice that these flags are taking a little more time loading than they need to compare to the non-animated ones, we used to have.

Did you guys just swap from the top-side user info panel back to the side panel?

I can't stand when it's on top.

I tried to get used to it, but it didn't work out for me, so thought it wouldn't work out for others either. ;)
Do you guys like these animated flags? I notice that these flags are taking a little more time loading than they need to compare to the non-animated ones, we used to have.

I tried to get used to it, but it didn't work out for me, so thought it wouldn't work out for others either. ;)

Nothing beats speed.
I had submitted something of a review to Neo and Asim on WAB... I had also thought that perhaps the Global Defence & Strategic Forum could be reorganized into four forums, of which the first three have a direct effect on Pakistan's strategic outlook and would be areas of intensified focus:

  • Indian Military Watch
    [*]Chinese Strategic Affairs
    [*]Afghanistan Conflict
  • International Strategic Affairs (US, Europe, Russia, war in Iraq etc.)

And again, I would definitely merge the religion forum into the Social and Internal Political Issues, and perhaps partner with a well-organized popular quality Pakistani religious forum to exchange members who have an interest in both religion and Pakistani defense issues. I may have bias as a non-religious person, but I personally that religion does not have a place on a military forum, which IMO should be secular.

I would also ditch listing the country by name in the flags plugin in favor of just the flag itself, and perhaps do away with the PF/PFF Professionals Think Tank Group until there is a sizable core of professionals on the forum, and then make it unrestricted with a question and answer format.

And I thank Asim for his idea of expanding the issue-specific forums to include more subjects... it's on the backburner right now but it's something we're going to be taking a closer look at in the near future.

Overall, the skin and theme is really good and improvement over the last set up... the gray coloration is well-blended and has a nice appearance.

Some of the suggestions were pretty good, after discussing with Asim and Neo, they were implemented.

Thank you!
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