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Need info on arm transplant

Your best bet would be a prosthetic arm........I know that Pakistan Army CMH runs a R&D program in such field. You might wana check that out.......but i am not sure if CMH treats civilians????
. .
why did they amputate his arm? were all his tissues completely burned??

read this:

World's first double arm transplant as man gets teenager's limbs | Mail Online

good luck.

ohh my genius...........

germany my friend is real deal in technology

My cousin was electrocuted by 11000 volts and unfortunately the doctors had to amputate his right arm. He's only ten years old. Now I know he can get a prosthetic arm but is it possible for him to get an arm transplant? Like a real arm. I searched a lot on the internet about arm transplants but couldn't find a lot of info on it.
If someone can provide some info on it like where to get one and the costs etc.

such a young kid, real feel sad for him
Thanks everyone for your help, I'll look into all your suggestions.

why did they amputate his arm? were all his tissues completely burned??

read this:

World's first double arm transplant as man gets teenager's limbs | Mail Online

good luck.

I believe tissues were all burnt, some of his fingers were ripped off from the electrocution and I think bacteria or poison was spreading to other parts so they had only 72 hours to decide if they were going to go with the amputation or not.

Mr Merk trains in a gym at the hospital in Memmingen, Germany

Karl Merk (C), touches different rubber objects with his new hands with the help of surgeons Christoph Hoehnke (L) and Edgar Biemer in southern Germany


Transplant patient Mr Merk can grip with his left hand a year after he was given two new arms

Read more: Double arm transplant man can hug his children again a year after revolutionary operation | Mail Online

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Mate, try asking some of our resident Doctors ! I believe Antibody and Mosamania are either studying for a Medical Degree or they're already there. At any rate they'd be a much greater help than any of us, non technical people !
It quite impossible to do arm transplants and it having lot of issues. One of my professor worked in artificial arm development in John Hopkins so I knw things upto some extent. I felt sorry for your cousin condition.

Yet, too lucky to be alive. Not sure about limb transplant, but a artificial army could be transplanted. There is top class hospital in Dera Ismail Khan which I believe provides this service, not too sure though.

Go to the link that I provided you and try find out which medical facility did that operation and call that facility that did the operation, try to talk to the doctor or those associated with the medical group. See what needs to be done to have this type of operation funded, and whether the doctors will be willing to do this procedure and how to find your cousin a suitable donor. Since your cousin being in Pakistan, I will say for him to have an arm transplant would be at least 5-10 years down the road.

Also another good starting point (if you haven't already done so) for you is www.google.com. Type in "arm transplant" and various other keywords.

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