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Apr 27, 2013
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United States
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In one of my previous blog; I had questioned Imran Khan’s rightist agenda. One of his supporters sent me a video where he is seen talking about how he will handle the terrorism issue. I may not completely agree with his views on this issue as yet, but I am totally convinced with his overall stance regarding the hardships Pakistan is faced with today. I am convinced he is genuine in his concerns and really cares for Pakistan. I had an opportunity to meet with Imran Khan in Seattle on a one to one basis, not too long ago. We had a conversation about terrorism. I asked him a question about his stance on Taliban’s justification about Jihad. His answer was concise, and fact based, convincing me to take a look at Imran Khan in a positive manner. Living in Seattle, and being deeply involved with the community, and media, has given me a chance to meet with many Pakistani leaders. I have to say that he is one of the few who made an impression with his outlook. I believe Imran Khan is the destiny of Pakistan.

I support him on his stance on education, economy, and developments in Pakistan. In the last five years, we saw zero development in Pakistan. We saw Pakistan slip into the depths of poverty. People committed suicide along with their families because of hunger and poverty. The central government and the government in Punjab did nothing to elevate the lives of the people. Pakistan saw power shortages in all sectors. People would not have electricity for 22 hours. Gas was unavailable for days. Fuel for vehicles was scarce. No one in the government cared. PIA went from bad to worse. Railways came to a standstill. The leaders in the government hardly paid any taxes. It was standing joke among Pakistanis that if the most corrupt politician in the world is our president who can stop us from being honest.

The sad part is that most of these continue to persist. The story of Punjab was the same as central government. The only development the largest Provence saw was in Lahore. With the “sasty roti” scheme, the laptop scheme, and the Danish School projects were all very marred by corruption, and did not bring any long term benefits. The last stunt was to spend billions of dollars on rapid transit system, so the Sharif brothers could fool the nation into giving them a chance to loot, yes loot, Pakistan for the next five years. We should be able to see the truth just by seeing how much taxes they’ve paid in the last five years.

On the other hand, Imran Khan has a vision, a vision to transform Pakistan into an independent, powerful state. Every other leader in this coming election has been tried and tested more than once. And every time they have failed Pakistan miserably. Pakistan cannot afford another five years of loot and plunder. So Pakistanis, please open your mind and throw away the shroud of class, and creed, and just go out and vote to save Pakistan by voting for Imran Khan (PTI). As a Pakistani living abroad, I am not allowed to vote. The corrupt Chief Justice Ifthikar Chaudhary did not give me a chance to do so. But to those who live in Pakistan I urge you to exercise your right to vote and help create a “NAYA” Pakistan. You are in the same league as people in their early forties, walking step by step with their Quaid, to create Pakistan. Go stand with you visionary leader Imran Khan and VOTE to create a “NAYA PAKISTAN” Insha Allah.

Source: Naya Pakistan | The Pakistani Spectator
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