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Naya KPK | News & Updates on the development in KPK.

A person with even a little sense would not be saying such stupid stuff..such kind of behavior only comes when the 1 does not have any logic to support his statement..

whats wrong in providing an example or standard which one keeps in mind to achieve, nothing funny or stupid.. Grow up..
My friend my apologies if i offend you in any manner...but what dubai is today is because of strict law enforcement.... Ik cant do much about it because many steps still come under federation...however i dont disagree that if we move on right track we can make it dubai...we have potential local market and consumption..

No need to apologize. Yeah, you are right about federation but I didn't said it will turn into dubai tomorrow I said that it will soon IN sha ALLAH. If you look back two decade than you know what was dubai it was nothing. Entire Pakistan can be converted into Dubai if we use Pakistan resources in a good manner and realize the potential of Pakistan. UAE is based on oil while Pakistan has billions of barrels of oil, lots of gas, lots of gold, lots of copper, lots of coal, lots of precious minerals etc reserves and a very big youth which can convert Pakistan into Dubai in a decade or two if we get a great leader as our Prime Minister and I think that is Imran Khan because a very simple reason to support him is that he hasn't came into power yet and we have seen all other craps.
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Building Naya Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


It was impossible to imagine, let alone implement, the kind of policies that are in place in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa today” – Atif Khan
Atif Khan is the Minister with two important portfolios – Education and Energy – in the government of PTI in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. We met up with him to gauge for ourselves what is happening in that province which can be considered different in comparison to the rest. It is important, after 16 months, to be able to assess the governance of a party that had made the loudest promises of reforming the system.

Urbane, suave and young, Atif embodies the new breed of politicians who have been persuaded to come in to this field only because of the change that was promised by PTI. Atif disclosed that the work they are doing is taking longer to show, as opposed to the highly visible optics of constructing roads and bridges, because the priorities of the KPK government were different. The KPK government is focusing on the dual tasks of providing citizens with improved and tedium-free civic facilities on the one hand and making the government machinery totally accountable for all its actions, on the other. Its efforts to root out corruption have begun to be vouched for and a province that has long suffered because of being torn asunder by war and conflict, is proudly leading the policy changes in Pakistan. We spoke about several areas of the government’s performance since it took over.


Police Reforms: There is a marked difference in KPK’s police force, compared to the past. This is due to zero political interference and involvement in the selection, recruitment and promotion of officers and personnel in the police. “Visit any police station in KPK and try bribing a police officer” Atif Khan challenged. The cumbersome process of registering an FIR has been simplified to an extent that it can be registered online too. There is also a complaint management system in place where any complaint can be sent through an SMS. A response to the grievance is compulsory and is monitored. The use of modern technology has definitely streamlined procedures and ought to be copied by other provinces too, in our opinion, where people still have to wait for months at a time just to register complaints and without the assurance of justice, even after that.


RTI: The PTI has introduced the Right to Information (RTI Act 2013) which entitles a common citizen to any or all information from public bodies. The RTI Act 2013 is so thorough that it is lauded as the third best application of the RTI globally. Through this Act, citizens can hold public officials accountable for their actions. If the sought information is not given within the stipulated time frame, the responsible government functionary risks having to pay a hefty fine. Atif Khan told us about a recent example of the use of RTI when a citizen invoked his right and wanted to know the annual budget allocated for the KPK Chief Minister’s house, which was shared with him.

RTS: The Right to Services Act 2014 has brought about huge conveniences for the people of the province too. Facilitation Centers are being set-up all over KPK to provide one-window solutions for any and all civil services. The transfer of property, which has always been the lengthiest and the most difficult thing to get done in this country, has been made unbelievably simple in KPK.

Education: “The lowest rate of out of school children in Pakistan is in KPK” Atif told us. The first thing they did after coming in to government is to turn the medium of instruction in government schools in to English, starting with one class at a time from the lowest level. This was done to stop the discrimination that is there in opportunities for students of private and public schools.


The budget for education in KPK is the highest in the country. It is 28% of the total budget of the province. A recently implemented monitoring system that uses GPS technology to track and report activities of the field monitoring staff has solved the problem of the issue of teacher absenteeism to a great deal. The teachers are also being given training and hundreds of new schools are being established as well. The percentage of schools for girls is 7o%, proving the importance that PTI attaches to educating the girl child. The incentives for good performance for both the teachers and students are in the form of recognition and acknowledgement as well as monetary rewards.

Energy: Atif Khan said that while electricity tariffs have increased several-fold since 1992, the federal government refuses to revise the Net Hydel Profit earned by the province. The PTI government has registered a case against the federal government about this issue and, if it wins, it will get an adjustment to the tune of PKR 36 billion versus the current, incorrectly calculated figure of PKR 6 billion only. Atif Khan told us that the actual production of electricity by KPK is over 4000 MW, of which only 1600 MW is actually provided to the province from the national grid to meet its requirement of 2500 MW.


“The federal government is promoting coal-based power generation despite its higher cost as well as the disastrous impact for environment” stated Atif. He said that hydel power was cheaper, cleaner and easier to replicate due to the number of tributaries in the province. He revealed that over 356 hydel power plants were being planned for KPK, specifically for communities that are not connected to the national grid along with 6000 stand-alone solar units for renewable energy. “The rate of return on hydel power projects, ironically, has been capped at 21% by the federal government” says Atif.

The task of reviving Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is comparable to a phoenix rising from the ashes, given its recent, harsh circumstances. Its people are brave and upright and voted en bloc for change which, slowly but surely, is beginning to impact their lives. There is still a long way to go but, at least, the initiatives are in place. Not just in the areas mentioned but also in Health, Environment and Tourism. KPK leads the change in Pakistan and proves that sincerity of effort is the key for the cry of ‘Tabdeeli’.
Malakand forensic lab established by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, UNDP

PESHAWAR – Malakand Division will soon have a forensic science laboratory (FSL), thanks to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) government and the UNDP. The FSL is scheduled to open in July 2015 and provide investigative services to the division's seven districts.

The UNDP plans to pay for 75% of the facility's construction, which is estimated to cost US $4.5m (Rs. 451 m), as well as the staff's salaries for the first year. The KP government is expected to pay the remaining cost of construction and salaries after the first year.

The half-acre facility, which began in December 2012, is about 75% complete. It will include two bomb-proof buildings and house 18 forensic scientists and 45 support staff, authorities say.

A KP deputy director will head the regional FSL, which will operate under the FSL Peshawar. The labs will work in co-ordination, officials told Central Asia Online

State of the art facility and training

The project is a component of the UNDP's efforts to strengthen the rule of law in Pakistan, including "violence-wracked Malakand," the UNDP's Mustafa Khan told Central Asia Online. "We have already imparted training to 40 police officers at the Forensic Science Agency in Punjab, who will act as master trainers in the future."

"Equipment and machines have been purchased, and some technical job vacancies have been advertised in the press," Khan said.

The FSL will have machines to analyse and examine chemicals, narcotics, questionable documents, individuals’ ages based on tissue samples, evidence of sexual assault, forensic photographs and gunshot wounds, he said.

By examining 50,000 specimens a year from Malakand, it will reduce the burden on the lab in Peshawar and eliminate the expense of shipping all those samples to the KP capital, police officer Anwar Khan in Mingora said.

Malakand received top priority in the race for new labs, but KP officials plan more of them because FSL Peshawar is over-burdened, they say.

"We are conducting a feasibility study to establish another FSL in Peshawar to reduce workload on Peshawar FSL, which presently has [a backlog of] 100,000 specimens," UNDP Country Director Marc-André Franche said, adding that Another FSL is planned for Hazara Division.

Forensic science leads to badly needed proof against suspects, said Prof. Hakim Khan Afridi, chairman of the Department of Toxicology and Forensic Science at the Khyber Medical College.

Crime surges and criminals gain confidence if courts lacking evidence are forced to acquit them, he said. But incontrovertible forensic evidence traps them into facing punishment, he added.

Dr. Muhammad Rafiq, one of the work's participants, is upbeat about the outcome.

"We desperately needed training because we receive at least 10 medico-legal cases every week where we need to make reports for courts," he said. "We send samples to Peshawar, which takes time."

Having a local lab wold represent a great leap forward in jailing criminals, he said.

Speedy justice in KP

The UNDP is carrying out other efforts to improve the rule of law in the tribal areas, such as training judges and lawyers.

"We have trained 25 female lawyers," Franche said.

The UNDP and the Peshawar High Court are reviewing laws as a long-term project while short- and medium-term programmes such as mobile courts and dispute resolution councils are also taking shape, he said.

"The people have suffered a great deal at the hands of Taliban militants who have implemented their idea of Islam,” Peshawar lawyer Shah Nawaz Khan told Central Asia Online. "The Taliban publicly 'executed' their opponents and flogged women and men in the name of their so-called Sharia Law."

"We won't make any progress in other sectors, including education and health, unless we have a better system for the rule of law," he said.

Malakand forensic lab established by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, UNDP - Central Asia Online
Malakand forensic lab established by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, UNDP

PESHAWAR – Malakand Division will soon have a forensic science laboratory (FSL), thanks to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) government and the UNDP. The FSL is scheduled to open in July 2015 and provide investigative services to the division's seven districts.

The UNDP plans to pay for 75% of the facility's construction, which is estimated to cost US $4.5m (Rs. 451 m), as well as the staff's salaries for the first year. The KP government is expected to pay the remaining cost of construction and salaries after the first year.

The half-acre facility, which began in December 2012, is about 75% complete. It will include two bomb-proof buildings and house 18 forensic scientists and 45 support staff, authorities say.

A KP deputy director will head the regional FSL, which will operate under the FSL Peshawar. The labs will work in co-ordination, officials told Central Asia Online

State of the art facility and training

The project is a component of the UNDP's efforts to strengthen the rule of law in Pakistan, including "violence-wracked Malakand," the UNDP's Mustafa Khan told Central Asia Online. "We have already imparted training to 40 police officers at the Forensic Science Agency in Punjab, who will act as master trainers in the future."

"Equipment and machines have been purchased, and some technical job vacancies have been advertised in the press," Khan said.

The FSL will have machines to analyse and examine chemicals, narcotics, questionable documents, individuals’ ages based on tissue samples, evidence of sexual assault, forensic photographs and gunshot wounds, he said.

By examining 50,000 specimens a year from Malakand, it will reduce the burden on the lab in Peshawar and eliminate the expense of shipping all those samples to the KP capital, police officer Anwar Khan in Mingora said.

Malakand received top priority in the race for new labs, but KP officials plan more of them because FSL Peshawar is over-burdened, they say.

"We are conducting a feasibility study to establish another FSL in Peshawar to reduce workload on Peshawar FSL, which presently has [a backlog of] 100,000 specimens," UNDP Country Director Marc-André Franche said, adding that Another FSL is planned for Hazara Division.

Forensic science leads to badly needed proof against suspects, said Prof. Hakim Khan Afridi, chairman of the Department of Toxicology and Forensic Science at the Khyber Medical College.

Crime surges and criminals gain confidence if courts lacking evidence are forced to acquit them, he said. But incontrovertible forensic evidence traps them into facing punishment, he added.

Dr. Muhammad Rafiq, one of the work's participants, is upbeat about the outcome.

"We desperately needed training because we receive at least 10 medico-legal cases every week where we need to make reports for courts," he said. "We send samples to Peshawar, which takes time."

Having a local lab wold represent a great leap forward in jailing criminals, he said.

Speedy justice in KP

The UNDP is carrying out other efforts to improve the rule of law in the tribal areas, such as training judges and lawyers.

"We have trained 25 female lawyers," Franche said.

The UNDP and the Peshawar High Court are reviewing laws as a long-term project while short- and medium-term programmes such as mobile courts and dispute resolution councils are also taking shape, he said.

"The people have suffered a great deal at the hands of Taliban militants who have implemented their idea of Islam,” Peshawar lawyer Shah Nawaz Khan told Central Asia Online. "The Taliban publicly 'executed' their opponents and flogged women and men in the name of their so-called Sharia Law."

"We won't make any progress in other sectors, including education and health, unless we have a better system for the rule of law," he said.

Malakand forensic lab established by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, UNDP - Central Asia Online
this was what i was waiting for after investigation college and forensic vans
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ایک ٹریفک پولیس والا کیسے لوگوں کے سمجھا رہا ہے دیکھئے ویڈیو میں. بہت خوب (کے -پی- کے) حکومت اور پولیس

A little detail for non-KP residents would be highly appreciated. :coffee:
its mufti mehmood flyover
which was started in MMA govt
than in ANP govt
both enjoy kick backs and commission but did not complete it
now pti is completing it
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Thread be dedicated to all the positive developments in KPK for Naya Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa and suggestions on part of the pdf members to make the dream of Naya KPK come true.

and ofcourse short coming are also welcomed to be discussed, pushing the government in right direction and keeping them on right direction is the prime duty of its supporters who voted them to representatives posts in the assembly... vigilant supporters, effective government..

therefore, lets start the thread with "Aeya ka nabudu, wa iyaka-nastaeen"

and after 5 years, end the thread with a feeling of duty fulfilled..
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