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Nawaz Sharif pushing Pakistan back to 1999


Sep 21, 2011
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In Pakistan, history is repeating itself. It’s a déjà vu moment and the Pakistanis are watching the unfolding events with their fingers crossed. Whatever is happening proves one cardinal rule; mediocre leadership, with focus on personal vendetta, cannot grow. Only yesterday, a journalist predicted that Nawaz Sharif was planning to make Jehangir Karamat out of his hand-picked army chief, Gen Raheel Sharif.

Jehangir Karamat was the army chief when power-drunk Nawaz Sharif, encouraged by cronies and close relatives, sacked him for no reason. He wanted to demonstrate, in Lahori-Kashmiri style, his contempt for the most power institution of the State, an institution which made the mistake of making a politician out of him. He then appointed Musharraf and when the latter was in the middle of his tenure, and his home-bound international flight, Sharif struck again and dismissed him. The rest is history.

Not only army chiefs, Sharif has a history of seeking confrontation with other institutions, president and the chief justice, so much so that he had the Supreme Court attacked and vandalized in 1997 to deal with a top judge who was adamant at prosecuting him for contempt. The judge had to go as did the president who felt humiliated.

When Sharif was sworn-in as a third-time prime minister, people genuinely expected that after having spent fourteen years in political wilderness, he would have attained maturity and would demonstrate some semblance of statesmanship. He proved everyone wrong and with less than a year in office, he started daring the armed forces through different means, and through more mediocre political nobodies. He unilaterally decided to enter into dialogue with terrorists who have blood of 70,000 Pakistanis on their hands. He gave them concessions; the most disgusting of these was surrendering the sovereignty of the State and giving them their much desired recognition of a stakeholder of peace in Pakistan. He ordered unilateral release of hardened terrorists and has promised to release more.

As if this was not enough, he initiated legal proceedings against Musharraf to get even with him at the moment when his government had utterly failed to deal with terrorist attacks on the eve of Aashura. Apart from the fact that Musharraf trial is selective, smacks vendetta and has become laughable, his team started bashing army; an army which is at war. Those laying down their lives for the defense of the country were upset and apprehensive at all these moves. They were genuinely fearful that at the time when they are offering supreme sacrifices, their prime minister was busy stabbing them in the back. It was at this moment that army chief had to pacify his soldiers saying army would protect its honor and prestige at all costs.

Was this a veiled warning? Will Sharif do some damage control or will he repeat what he has already been doing? A part of the media is busy creating further misunderstanding between him and army and painting Gen Raheel as a villain. The very same media is already busy in army-bashing on one pretext or the other.

For Pakistanis, it’s a déjà vu moment again.

Army vs Nawaz Sharif: Is it a déjà vu moment for Pakistan?
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a serious question .. do average Pakistani really dislike Democracy or is it because of ZArdari and Nawaz types !
Not all dislikes. Check the voting turnout in last general elections. This is a defence forum, so hate against politician is obvious

thts why i was amazed. its only recently that Nawaz sharif was elected with clear majority. give him some time.
a serious question .. do average Pakistani really dislike Democracy or is it because of ZArdari and Nawaz types !

If you belong to army family (yes we even have those too), or an ex-army person then hell yes you dislike Democracy....perks of being army in power are just too much to ignore.

thts why i was amazed. its only recently that Nawaz sharif was elected with clear majority. give him some time.

even if NS makes Pakistan heaven these people will still be bad mouthing him...we ignore them so should you
Not all dislikes. Check the voting turnout in last general elections. This is a defence forum, so hate against politician is obvious
Childern, school going, retired minds, sarcastic babaz and trolls make up the majority.

Democracy in Pakistan is a play and games for same families in different political parties. If chacha is in PPP then his nephew would be in PML N.
And yet a party can sit in the lap of everyone i.e. PPP, PML-N and dictorships.

even if NS makes Pakistan heaven these people will still be bad mouthing him...we ignore them so should you
Please don't abuse PDF's "nahnay-munnay" keyboard warriors.
It looks like Pakistani politicians are so far gone that the only salvation for Pakistan is martial law. The politicians seem rather too drunk on power and pelf and don't seem to have a clue on how to govern.

The Mullah brigade is in full control of Pakistan. Just sit back and watch the show and also a erect a large wall on Pakistan border just in case.
I called this weeks ago. NS is going to take things back to the way it was before 2001. I.e. Compromise with TTP (funding and some autonomy) in return for serving government interests and allowing relative peace within Pak borders.

Very short-sighted and dangerous game...
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