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Nawaz Sharif going to Louis Vuitton store

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Forget all of the shopping for a moment. It is the elephant in the room that people are missing. The backers of Nawaz Sharif. Britain likes to present itself as a civilised nation. Yet this country always provides help to absconders and terrorists like Altaf Hussain. There is not a single soul to question how Britain is providing refuge to an absconder. The irony is that Britain acknowledges Panama paper findings. Yet here we are. Imran Khan tried to make a point of this during his tenure, but even he stopped questioning Britain's role at some point.

Britain is a problematic country when we look at its role in destabilising Pakistan.
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Nawj is serving Pakistan...

since most you all don't how to spend money he will show you how it is done.
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parked on the sidewalk, body guard looks like he wants to catch some hands. I would throw down against him no joke. Hey British Pakistani, give them the Leicester treatment that you gifted the Bhakhts last year!
Loving father probably shopping for gifts for his daughter.

Also, Bentley, right ? Man travels in style

good job bodyguard man, scared the shameless jaahil hecklers away
I was about to say "Sharam karo, aakhir optics bhi koyi cheez hoti hai". But then I felt honesty is better.

This reminds me of a meeting I had about 10 years ago with a rich businessman who owed our company some 25 lakh Rupees. He came in a Jaguar to our office to tell us that he couldn't pay it because he had recently bought a Jaguar.
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STFU you Hindutva scum.
you're just jealous because you prolly cant afford nice things for your lady or kids

a father's love for his kid is beyond your comprehension

a rich businessman who owed our company some 25 lakh Rupees. He came in a Jaguar to our office to tell us that he couldn't pay it because he recently bought a Jaguar.
issey honesty, sharafat kehte hain
you're just jealous because you prolly cant afford nice things for your lady or kids

a father's love for his kid is beyond your comprehension

issey honesty, sharafat kehte hain

Of course I am jealous. I am in Pakistan and Nawaz Sharif is hiding in London LOL What should I be jealous about, nigga? A man who cannot visit his own country? You can have as many Bentleys and gifts as you like. What good are these if you are hiding and fearful of your life?
Forget all of the shopping for a moment. It is the elephant in the room that people are missing. The backers of Nawaz Sharif. Britain likes to present itself as a civilised nation. Yet this country always provides help to absconders and terrorists like Altaf Hussain. There is not a single soul to question how Britain is providing refuge to an absconder. The irony is that Britain acknowledges Panama paper findings. Yet here we are. Imran Khan tried to make a point of this during his tenure, but even he stopped questioning Britain's role at some point.

Britain is a problematic country when we look at its role in destabilising Pakistan.
U.K. follows U.K.'s laws. He can't be prosecuted or sent away unless he commits a crime in U.K., or he has committed a crime in a jurisdiction with whom U.K. has an extradition treaty. Some Pakistani's unhappiness is not enough to prosecute or extradite him. Unfortunately, when most Pakistanis consider Pakistan's judiciary to be a butt of jokes, you can't expect foreigners to hold it in high regard.
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