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Navy left 'defenceless' after being forced to 'make do' with outdated Soviet hardware


Jan 27, 2014
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United States
India's biggest warships, including the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, have been left with nearly no protection against enemy submarines.

As if not having a new Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) for more than a month was not embarrassing enough, the Indian Navy is facing a situation in which its biggest warships, including a bunch of top destroyers, have become virtually defenceless against the ever-growing submarine fleets of the Pakistani and Chinese navies.

The reason behind this is the dithering of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) over the Navy's plea seeking an urgent go-ahead for an upgrade of Kamov 28 anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopters.


Vulnerable: INS Vikramaditya has very little protection from enemy submarines

Of the 10 Kamov28 helicopters that were procured from the USSR in the mid-80s, only four are in flying condition today; the remaining have been mothballed for spares, it has been learned.

"The Navy is today being asked to make do with four Ka28 helicopters that have the technology of mid-80s for training pilots, doing ASW roles against modern submarines for the five Rajput Class destroyers as well as the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya," said a source.

Initiated in June 2011, the Indian Air Force's (IAF) project to replace its 56 HS Avro 748 was deferred last month by the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC), the Defence Ministry's highest body on procurements, which is chaired by Defence Minister A.K. Antony.

The project, which aims to replace the transport aircraft purchased in the 1960s, ran into rough weather last year when the Minister for Heavy Industries and Public Enterprise, Praful Patel, publicly objected to it.

Since then the project has been postponed twice, first in December 2013 and then last month.

Despite a request to the MoD's public relations department, no response was received clarifying the cause for the delay.

The Navy had made out the case for the mid-life upgrade (MLU) in 2008; in 2012 the bids were opened.

It was for the first time that the naval helicopters of Russian origin were to be married with western sensors, making the Ka28s state-of-the-heart.

The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Rosoboronexport and Finmeccanica joined up, and the Navy's Ka28s were to be the first aircraft to get this with the total project costing over Rs 2,000 crore - thereby requiring a Cabinet Committee of Security (CCS) nod.

Having secured the approval, the MoD and the Navy painstakingly processed the case and even concluded Contract Negotiating Committee (CNC) with the parties involved.

However, following the VVIP helicopter scandal of last year which had Finmeccanica's AgustaWestland 101 helicopters at the heart of the matter and Finmeccanica's involvement in the Ka28 upgrade, the MoD sought a clearance from the CBI.

Subsequently, a team from the MoD had provided to the CBI all the details of the case and had even got a go-ahead.

However, for over a month now, the Navy is yet to hear from the Defence Minister's office. Only when the Defence Minister accepts the Navy's case can the file be sent to the CCS for vetting.

A request sent last week to the MoD's public relations wing for a response on this went unanswered.

However, sources pointed out that with the upcoming elections, "shutters are being downed and things are moving slower, if at all."

For a surface ship, the biggest threat comes from sub-surface ships or submarines. While every ship has a hull-mounted sonar for tracking sub-surface threats, experts believe that for neutralising enemy submarines, few can match the potency of an ASW helicopter.

Navy left 'defenceless' after being forced to 'make do' with outdated Soviet hardware | Mail Online
Thanks to that fcking 'saint' Anthony and his Owner G.
if it is true then its a very serious issue..need to fasten the submarine acquisition and indigenous building....current goverement is incapable of taking any decesion..and BTW they take...the new acquisition would be outdated...
Some time i think all our Military leaders portray such picture of unseen danger to take more chunk out of tax payer money .
Can you even imagine an aircraft carrier with out this at first place
And they say Politicians are incompetent . Also unseen danger its all part of philosphy lead by US and unfortunately we all became part of it .They can afford it they have econ/numbers to support this but for people and countries in South Asia i guess its jsut we all are 50 years behind in planning understanding
Why acquire them when you can't have the basic protection? Some how I feel that the MoD is being blamed for everything. The IN should have included the cost of protection suite first before acquiring these assets. Only when we are sure that we can protect them we must have brought them in.
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