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NATO/ISAF/US Withdrawl News....


Apr 24, 2007
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lets start a thread related only to logistical withdrawl news of NATO/ISAF/US Forces from Afghanistan thru Pakistan ONLY - example as below.

■Since October last year, the UK has closed 28 forward operating bases (FOBs) in Afghanistan, down from a peak of 137 bases, and will soon reduce their footprint to just 4 patrol bases plus Camp Bastion . They sent back 625 vehicles (300 left to go), and 1,815 containers have either been shipped back or disposed of locally. 90% of land convoys will travel through Pakistan while most vehicles are flown to the al Minhad base in Dubai. The Royal Air Force ramped up its presence there at the beginning of the year.
Though the the US would be pulling out most of its troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014, but no call yet on what to do with the 750,000 pieces of major military hardware in country – hardware worth $36 billion!!

Planners have three basic options:

> Leave the equipment—or destroy it—in Afghanistan.

> Move it to other U.S. military locations.

> Transfer it to another country. The estimated cost for the last two options: Approx $5.7 billion.

This concerns aircraft, trucks, armored vehicles etc.

Transport is hard in landlocked, mountainous Afghanistan. But leaving it behind intact means the wrong hands could get hold of it. So is it best to torch these assets that are worth $36 billion?

Would Pakistan be interested to get hold of this equipment? Nope! Why should they absorb used equipment? And any new-fangled stuff they induct which is presently not on their inventory would mean a huge additional burden on them for setting up new repair facilities/workshops, procuring spares, facilities for stocking, training of personnel and so on which would run into a few billion dollars more, over a 5-10 year period of their residual life. And then what? The infrastructure would be a total waste. Therefore, this is not an option.

The same applies to Afghanistan. The ANA would be unable to absorb all this equipment.

The only option is to destroy all 'beyond economical repair' (BER) equipment in situ. Of the remainder, a portion including 100% reserves be left in Afghanistan for use of US troops that would be stationed permanently there (About a division worth or 10-15000 troops) and the remainder shipped out of Afghanistan to a third country where American bases exist or back to the US for recycling.

All sensitive equipment like tanks, most APCs and weapon systems including artillery guns would be taken out by air (mostly C-5A Galaxy and Boeing C-17 Globemasters). The remainder equipment would be sent by road through Pakistan and then shipped out.
How much Pakistan would be willing to absorb and what equipements?
How much Pakistan would be willing to absorb and what equipements?

Apparently very little, most of the equipment that the US was trying to sell off to Pakistan, Pakistan had very little interest in, and what they did have interest in, the US sold to other nations.

The rest is being shredded and being sold as scrap in Afghan markets.
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