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Dec 14, 2008
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United States
Foreign surveillance: Dread of the unknown deepens

The army’s announcement last week of the news of a failed coup attempt has been followed immediately by claims from the Indian intelligence that they had tipped off the Bangladesh authorities about the impending danger of a coup, and, the army moved swiftly to foil the alleged coup attempt.

“Indian intelligence has watched the plotters for about eight months and unearthed the plot,” the Daily Mail of the UK and the Anandabazar Patrika of Kolkata, India, quoted Indian intelligence officials as saying.

The Indian claim carried a message that the electronic communications of the members of the Bangladesh armed forces have long been bugged by India. India has a unique way of dealing with Bangladesh, and, it has once again hinted to intervene militarily, if needed, to save the regime in Dhaka. When non-interference in the internal affairs of another country is the norm, why this aberration with respect to Bangladesh?

The army’s press conference does elaborate this answer to some extent. The press conference constructs the spectre of an Islamic fervour having engulfed the armed forces, something India has been saying for a long time. The content of the briefing, however, turned self defeating for the military’s own interests as it blotted the long-held secular credential of the military by proving how widespread and representational were the ‘extremist views’ among serving and retired officers at home and abroad, as well as civilians within and outside the country.

According to media reports “the military coup sought to thwart the friendship created between India and Bangladesh” and the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has “decided to provide all forms of assistance in case of efforts to remove Sheikh Hasina from power through any undemocratic process.”

The political message of the press briefing has seemingly hurt the government more than helping. Any undemocratic move to unseat the government being unlikely to benefit either of the political parties, blaming the BNP, the Jamat-e-Islami and the Hizbut Tahrir for the alleged plot proved only how representational the plot was, being pervasive within all parties excepting the ruling AL and its ally, Jatio Party (JP).

There are whispers that the JP leader, H.M. Ershad, knew before anyone else what was in the offing. He even rushed to India after learning about an impending crisis in the army and started threatening to go independent of the AL upon returning to the country.

From a legal standpoint, an attempted coup cannot be defined by mere initiation of clandestine or conspiratorial email or phone conversations alone; unless a physical move was found to have kicked off, or intercepted to have been ordered, to unseat the government. Besides, according to the army’s press briefing, except the absconding Major Ziaul Huq (Zia), no one else seems to have distributed or responded to similar subversive email correspondences.

Yet, one Major General, one Brigadier General, two Lieutenant Colonels and 12 officers of the ranks of Majors and Captains are known to have been arrested or attached over the preceding weeks. A source within the military says, “23 officers, including Major General Kamruzzaman (GOC 33 Division) and Brigadier General Tariqul Alam (Commander 71 Brigade) are under custody.” In passing, a few words about Major General Kamruzzaman seems apt; given that the two-star General is the senior most officer in the pack.

General Kamaruzzaman stood first in the combined merit list in both the SSC and HSC examinations, and, was awarded with the Sword of Honour as well as the Academic Gold Medal for his extraordinary achievements in Bangladesh Military Academy (BMA). Reliable sources within the military say his only fault was that he did not inform the higher command when some mid-ranking officers bemoaned before him about the arbitrary arrest/kidnapping of some other officers.

A commander reports only what is ‘reportable’, without jeopardising the core interests and wellbeing of his under-command. There also seems to be a discernible pattern in the types of officers being hounded and investigated. Gen. Kamruzzaman once served as the commander of the strategic 46 brigade during the last Caretaker Government (CG), and, Brig. Tariq was the Military Secretary to the CG’s Chief Adviser, Fakhruddin Ahmed. Given that all the leading stalwarts of the army-backed CG have been purged off the military and have either fled the country or went underground in fear, the latest move could be the last ditch attempt to cleanse the armed forces of elements holding powerful positions under the CG.

This scenario also shows how the very CG that had engineered to coming to power of the AL is now blaming the AL regime for betraying the nation. The Holiday has further learnt from a senior officer of the army that the government has branded the remnants of the former CG staffers within the military as being active in cobbling together a national government to stave off the explosive situations facing the nation. The concerned officer requested anonymity.

This scenario too holds some water as another of the CG stalwarts, Major General Sheikh Munir, was attached to the foreign ministry weeks ago. Gen. Munir served as the DG of the Special Security Force (SSF) during the CG period.

But how does the absconding Major Zia fits into this paradigm? Perhaps Zia’s bearded appearance and rumoured to be pro-Islamic zealot may have made him an ideal bogey to pass off as an Islamic radical, something the authorities needed to prove the infiltration of radical Islamists within the armed forces, and, about which the Prime Minister’s son, Sajeeb Wajed Joy, co-authored an article in the Harvard International Review (Stemming the rise of Islamic Extremism in Bangladesh) after the AL’s coming to power.

The other author of that theorem being one Carl J. Ciovacco, a little known US researcher who is reported to have tracked the rise of Islamic fanaticism in South Asia for his undergraduate thesis, the real story behind this deadly game against Bangladesh’s national security has just begun to emerge.

wow...you can twist the news of indian tip to the democratically elected govt of bd which helped it foil an undemocratic coup in this way too..:blink:
Where is shady character "eastwatch" while RAW had infiltrated, monitoring and torturing Bangladesh army members. This shady eastwatch had been bullying Bangladeshi members whenever RAW infiltration and interference was discussed. Now that RAW activities are out in open eastwatch went into tactical hiding.
Where is shady character "eastwatch" while RAW had infiltrated, monitoring and torturing Bangladesh army members. This shady eastwatch had been bullying Bangladeshi members whenever RAW infiltration and interference was discussed. Now that RAW activities are out in open eastwatch went into tactical hiding.

He has always resented that i discussed RAW in my book. Where is he now?
idune Bhai do you expect any thing else from Hasina's BAL. Its in the blood of the tratiorous BAL goons to boot lick forgein
masters. We also have some BAL dalals here on PDF as well.
Where is shady character "eastwatch" while RAW had infiltrated, monitoring and torturing Bangladesh army members. This shady eastwatch had been bullying Bangladeshi members whenever RAW infiltration and interference was discussed. Now that RAW activities are out in open eastwatch went into tactical hiding.

Shame on you for targeting a innocent patriotic member and posting a fake and twisted thread title. :tdown: :tdown:
BAL government should be voted out, thie Indian government and RAW has too much influence on this government. Joy, Sheikh Rehana, Toufik Elahi and basically every top BAL politician is selling the country to India.
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