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Nation to mark Kashmir Solidarity Day today: February 5th


Sep 12, 2008
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Nation to mark Kashmir Solidarity Day today

ISLAMABAD/PESHAWAR: Kashmir Solidarity Day will be observed today (Thursday) across Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir with full zeal and fervour to express solidarity with the people of Indian-held Kashmir and pay tribute to the sacrifices of Kashmiri shuhada (martyrs).

The day is a regular annual event being marked to support the indigenous freedom struggle of the people of Occupied Kashmir and their right to plebiscite; and to condemn Indian aggression on the held valley, its illegal occupation, its tyrannical rule, and atrocities against innocent people.

A large number of people, organisations and parties will observe Kashmir Day, which is a gazetted holiday throughout Pakistan. The Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas has devised a comprehensive programme for the occasion.

One minute’s silence will be observed at 10am today. A request in this connection was made to the general public to participate in the one-minute silence to be held in honour of the Kashmiri shuhada. A human chain will be formed by the people of Pakistan and Kashmir at the Kohala Bridge, linking Pakistan with Azad Kashmir, as a gesture of oneness and commitment to their brethren in Occupied Kashmir. Provincial Minister for Industries Syed Ahmad Hussain Shah will represent the Frontier province in the function. Kashmir Solidarity Week will feature a presentation of a memorandum to UN representatives, TV talk shows and a Kashmir convention. An essay competition will be held among the students of colleges and universities on February 6-7 on the following topic: Kashmir Issue – A Quest for Solutions. Entries for the competition have been requested to reach the Kashmir Committee by February 16. Meanwhile, the Parliamentary Special Committee on Kashmir will observe Kashmir Solidarity Week by hosting events, starting from a seminar on "Kashmir Conflict and Need for Peace: Tackling the Root-cause".

In Peshawar, a rally will be held under the arrangement of district governments. The rally will start from Milad Chowk at 10am and culminate at Chowk Yadgar. Prominent local Kashmiri leaders, social and political figures will address the rally. Similar rallies will also be held in other district headquarters in the Frontier province to express solidarity with Kashmiri Muslims. A two-day photographic exhibition, aimed at depicting the sacrifices of Kashmiri Muslims, was inaugurated at Peshawar Museum Hall on Wednesday. People from different walks of life were also present during the exhibition and took keen interest in the photographic exhibition. The exhibition will continue today.

Nation renews today solidarity with people of Kashmir

ISLAMABAD, Feb 4: The Kashmir Solidarity Day will be observed across Pakistan and in Azad Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday to renew solidarity with the people of Kashmir.

The programme for the day includes public rallies, seminars, TV shows, human chains and many other events.

The day is an annual event marked to support the indigenous freedom struggle of the people of occupied Kashmir, their right to plebiscite promised to them by the United Nations and to condemn Indian attacks and atrocities in the valley, its illegal occupation and tyrannical rule.

The Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas has prepared a comprehensive programme for the day.

The day has been declared a public holiday. People all over the country will observe ‘one-minute’ silence.

The Special Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir will observe a Kashmir Solidarity Week, for which a series of events have been planned, starting from a seminar on ‘Kashmir conflict and need for peace: tackling the root cause’.

A ‘Human Chain’ will be formed at the Kohala bridge by people of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir to demonstrate unity with and commitment to their brethren in occupied Kashmir.

A memorandum on Kashmir will be presented to the UN representative and a Kashmir convention will be held.

An essay competition for students of colleges and universities will be held on Feb 6-7. The subject is: ‘Kashmir issue: a quest for solution’.

The parliamentary committee has adopted a resolution which says that self-determination is the right of Kashmiris approved by the nations of the world at the UN.—APP

Nation renews today solidarity with people of Kashmir -DAWN - Top Stories; February 05, 2009
Why we observe Kashmir Solidarity Day

By M. Raza Malik

Every year since 1991 the people of Pakistan observe the 5th of February as a day to express solidarity with the people of Kashmir, who have been struggling and rendering unparalleled sacrifices to achieve their birthright, the right to self-determination, for the past six decades.

To understand the importance of the observance of Kashmir Solidarity Day, one needs to understand the history of India’s occupation of Kashmir, which dates back to the partition of the subcontinent in 1947 after a century of British rule. According to the Indian Independence Act and Partition Plan of June 3, 1947, passed by the British Parliament on July 18, 1947, the Indian British colony was to be divided into two sovereign states. The Hindu-majority areas were to form India and the Muslim-majority areas of Western provinces and east Bengal were to be included in the state of Pakistan.

Under the criterion of partition, the princely states had to accede either to Pakistan or to India, keeping in consideration the geographical situation and communal demography. Being a Muslim-majority state, with an 87% Muslim population, Kashmir had a natural tendency to accede to Pakistan, but the evil designs of its then Hindu ruler, Maharaja Hari Singh, and the Indian National Congress paved the way to destroy the future of millions of people of Kashmir. India occupied the state by deploying its army there on October 27, 1947, in total disregard to the spirit of the partition plan and against the Kashmiris’ aspirations.

The people of Kashmir did not accept the illegal Indian occupation from day one and have been conducting their liberation struggle ever since. They started an armed struggle supported by a public uprising. On January 1, 1948, India approached the United Nations Security Council, which in its successive resolutions, accepted by both Pakistan and India, approved a ceasefire, demarcation of a ceasefire line, and demilitarization of the state and called for a free and impartial plebiscite to be conducted by the UN. The demarcation of ceasefire resulted in dividing Kashmir into two parts, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Indian Occupied Kashmir. Phase one of the UN resolutions -- the ceasefire -- was implemented while demilitarization of the territory and the holding of a plebiscite under the UN umbrella remains unimplemented till this day.

The most deplorable aspect of the Kashmir dispute is that India itself had taken the issue to the United Nations but later backed away from the promises it had made in front of the international community regarding the settlement of the dispute and allowing the people of Kashmir the right to self-determination.

The people of the occupied territory, after seeing the failure of all peaceful means aimed at settling the Kashmir dispute, started a massive uprising in 1989 to secure their right to self-determination, which gained momentum with every passing day, forcing India to sit down at the negotiation table with Pakistan. But the most lamentable aspect of the picture is that while Pakistan demonstrated considerable flexibility in the dialogue process, India’s intransigent approach continues to remain the biggest obstacle in the way to resolution of the Kashmir dispute.

Despite the continuation of the dialogue process between India and Pakistan and the initiation of the Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) between the two countries and across the Line of Control (LoC), the situation on the ground in the occupied territory remains unchanged as the Indian troops have broken all records of human rights violations by killing innocent people, arresting youth, disgracing and harassing women, and setting residential houses ablaze with impunity.

Ironically, instead of taking the mammoth anti-India protest demonstrations in the second half of 2008 as Kashmiris’ referendum against the Indian illegal occupation of their soil, India staged another election drama to hoodwink the international community and to impose another puppet administration on Kashmiris. During an election process lasting more than a month, the occupation authorities placed the entire Hurriyet leadership in jails or under house arrest and kept the entire Kashmir Valley under siege.

Pakistan has repeatedly emphasized that it would never accept any option for the resolution of the core issue between Pakistan and India, which goes against Kashmiris’ aspirations. Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani have repeatedly said that Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris and they are the arbiters of their fate.

Historically speaking, there are several reasons why Pakistan and its people express solidarity with Kashmiris. The most striking are the common cultural, ideological, geographical, and emotional bonds, which for centuries have tied the people of both areas into one unity. Moreover, the people of Pakistan rightly feel that Kashmir is the unfinished business of the partition of the subcontinent.

The core issue of Kashmir, between India and Pakistan, has led Pakistan to face three wars and have devoted a major portion of their national incomes to defense budgets. World leaders have stressed the need to resolve the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan to avoid an eventuality that may cause a catastrophe in the region.

This is the context of observing Kashmir Solidarity Day. Thus the 5th of February is a day to acknowledge Kashmiris’ struggle for justice, peace, truth, and fundamental human rights.

People of Sindh to show full solidarity with Kashmiri people

KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah has said that solidarity with Kashmir and people of Kashmir is a source of pride for the people of Pakistan.
In a message on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day being observed on February 5, the Chief Minister described Kashmir as backbone of Pakistan and Kashmiris are struggling against the occupation forces which is a motivational example not only for Pakistan but each and every child of Sindh Province.
He said that Pakistan will continue its political, diplomatic and moral support to Kashmiris.
He said that solution of Kashmir issue is inevitable for peace in South Asia and we should demonstrate our full solidarity with the Kashmiri brothers. Qaim Ali Shah said that people of Kashmir must be given the right to decide their future and determine their own goal. He said on february 5, the people of Sindh in every city and village will demonstrate their solidarity with kashmiri brethren as our founder Shaheed Chairman Zulfikar Ali Bhutto always supported the cause, struggle and rights of people of Kashmir and so was his daughter Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.
The Chief Minister said that the day is not far off when people of Kashmir would achieve freedom from the shackles of subjugation and taking sigh in a free atmosphere.—Agencies


Supporters of Islamic political party Jamat-e-Islami attend a rally in Karachi yesterday to express solidarity with Kashmiris living in Indian-held Kashmir, a day ahead of Pakistan's Kashmir Solidarity Day. Demonstrators demanded an end to Indian rule in the region and a settlement of the dispute according to wishes of Kashmiris and UN resolutions.

Thursday, February 05, 2009
Rights abuses in Kashmir flayed

By Our Correspondent

BISHOP of Lahore and Moderator Church of Pakistan Dr Alexander John Malik has expressed solidarity with Kashmiri Muslims and condemned gross violations of human rights in Indian-held Kashmir by the Indian Armed Forces. In a statement on Wednesday, on the eve of Kashmir Solidarity Day, the Bishop urged resolution to Kashmir dispute through a dialogue in accordance with the UN resolutions allowing the right of self-determination to Kashmiris.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009
PNCA ‘Mushaira’: Poets call for early solution to Kashmir dispute

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA) on Tuesday arranged a ‘Mushaira’ in connection with Kashmir Solidarity Day to be observed on February 5. Renowned poet Attaul Haq Qasmi presided over the function while Mehmooda Ghazia was the host.

Shabnam Shakeel, Jalil Aali, Syed Arif, Khurram Khaleeq, Nusrat Masood, Naureen Talat Urooba, Shakil Akhtar, Bashir Hussain Nazim, Nisar Nasiq and Ahsan Akbar recited their poetry in the ‘Mushaira.’

Through their poetry, they drew the picture of heaven like beauty of Kashmir and exposed the atrocities being committed by Indian army on the innocent Kashmiris including women and children.

They said Pakistan always called for peaceful solution to the Kashmir dispute keeping in view the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. They said Kashmiri people must be associated with the peace process to seek a durable peace based on justice and equality in the region.

They in their verses strongly advocated an early to the Kashmir dispute and right of self-determination to Kashmiris.

PNCA Media Coordinator Tariq Mahmood told Daily Times that the Council had planned different events in coordination with Quetta, Lahore, Peshawar and Karachi offices to mark the Kashmir Solidarity Day in a befitting manner.

He said colourful activities including tableaus, traditional folk dances, live sketches, puppet show and art and craft exhibitions reflecting Kashmiri traditions and culture will be arranged today (Wednesday). staff report

Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA) will arrange ‘Mushaira’ today (Tuesday) in connection with Kashmir Solidarity Day to be observed on February 5.

Atta-ul-Haq Qasmi will preside over the function while renowned poets including Shabnam Shakeel, Khalil Aali, Syed Arif, Khurram Khaleeq, Nusrat Masood, Nisar Nasiq and Ahsan Akbar will recite at the ‘Mushaira.’

An official from PNCA told APP that the Council has planned different events in coordination with Quetta, Lahore, Peshawar and Karachi to mark Kashmir Solidarity Day in a befitting manner.

On February 4, colourful activities including tableaus, traditional folk dances, live sketching, puppet show and art and craft exhibitions reflecting Kashmiri traditions and culture will be arranged.

Kashmir Watch :: In-depth coverage on Kashmir conflict
JI to hold rally on Kashmir solidarity day

LAHORE—Jamat-e-Islami (JI) Pakistan will hold a rally here at the Mall to observe Kashmir Solidarity Day on February 5. Muhammad Anwar Niazi, JI Punjab Spokesman told APP here Friday that Syed Munawwar Hassan Secretary General JI, Ameerul Azim Chief of JI Lahore, Hafiz Salman Butt ex-MNA alongwith other leaders will lead the rally. He said that the rally will start from Nasir Bagh and terminate in front of Punjab Assembly.The various wings of the party have been directed to ensure the active participation of men, women and children in the rally to express solidarity and support for Kashmiris as well as Palestinians.

The Daily Mail - Daily News from Pakistan - Newspaper from Pakistan
Updated at: 1032 PST, Thursday, February 05, 2009
ISLAMABAD: Kashmir Solidarity Day is being observed today (Thursday) across Pakistan as well as Azad Jammu and Kashmir with full zeal and fervour, featuring large public rallies, seminars, T.V shows, human chains and many others events to express solidarity with the people of occupied Kashmir.

The day is a regular annular event being marked to support the indigenous freedom struggle of the people of occupied Kashmir, their right to plebiscite promised to them by the United Nations as well as to condemn Indian aggression on the held valley, its illegal occupation, its tyrannical rule and atrocities done against the innocent people.

The day is a public holiday in the country and all government offices, banks, educational institutions and businesses remain closed. Banners have been put up in bazaars and streets to express solidarity with the Kashmiris.

The day began with special prayers for the Kashmir cause at mosques. Rallies and processions are being organised in the federal and provincial capitals, divisional, district and Tehsil headquarters across the country.

All thanks to jawahar lal Nehru, he gave up on Kashmir- i think that drew the line between past pakistan and past India- India had bad leaders and pakistan had great leader. Indian leader like Nehru Indira were all hot gas no bomb. Unfortunately for pakistan they are facing crisis of that sort of leadership now in this age.
Any ways i hope the situation get better and people of Kashmir on both side can have a peaceful times and development in their regions.
FOR both nations to progress they need each others help in issues like-Kashmir and Baluchistan.
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PM assures Kashmiris of govt’s unflinching support
Updated at: 1325 PST, Thursday, February 05, 2009

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani has reassured Kashmiris of the government’s unflinching support to their struggle for their right to self-determination.

“The support shall continue until their struggle is crowned with success,” the Prime Minister said in his message on the Kashmir Solidarity Day.

Prime Minister Gilani said the people of Pakistan observe Kashmir Solidarity Day every year to demonstrate their unequivocal support for the valiant struggle of Kashmiri people to achieve their legitimate right of self-determination in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions.

The prime minister said the Kashmiri people’s struggle for their right to self-determination is spread over almost six decades, adding the generations of Kashmiris have grown up under the shadow of oppression. Gilani said that on this day our hearts go out to the families of more than ninety thousand Kashmiris who sacrificed their lives in upholding the ideals of freedom and liberty.

He expressed the confidence that invaluable sacrifices of the people of Kashmir would not go in vain and that justice and freedom would eventually dawn in Kashmir.

He urged the international community to play its role in bringing an end to the repression, violence and human rights violations being committed against the people of Kashmir.

Pak for Kashmir resolution according to wishes of Kashmiris

Updated at: 1308 PST, Thursday, February 05, 2009

ISLAMABAD: President Asif Ali Zardari said Pakistan would continue to pursue a resolution of the Kashmir dispute based on the wishes of Kashmiri people and hoped they will be the part of dialogue process.

In a message on the Kashmir solidarity day, the President reiterated Pakistan’s unwavering political, moral and diplomatic support to the just struggle of the Kashmiri brethren for their right to self-determination, as enshrined in the UN Charter and relevant UN resolutions.

Zardari said Kashmir solidarity day was an occasion to pay tribute to the countless sacrifices of the valiant people of Kashmir who have remained resolute and steadfast in the face of oppression spanning more than six decades.

President Zardari said for more than six decades, Kashmir issue remains on the agenda of the UN as an unfulfilled obligation.

“We will continue to support the Kashmiri people in their quest for realising their right to self-determination. Pakistan calls for an end to the human rights violations in the Indian Occupied Kashmir.”

The President said Pakistan would continue to pursue a resolution of Kashmir dispute based on the wishes of Kashmiri people.


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