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NASA crashes DART spacecraft into asteroid in world's 1st planetary defense test

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States

LAUREL, Md. — For the first time in history, a spacecraft from Earth has crashed into an asteroid to test a way to save our planet from extinction.

The spacecraft, NASA's Double Asteroid Rendezvous Test (DART) probe, slammed into a small asteroid 7 million miles (11 million kilometers) from Earth tonight (Sept. 26) in what the U.S. space agency has billed as the world's first planetary defense test. The goal: to change the orbit of the space rock — called Dimorphos — around its larger asteroid parent Didymos enough to prove humanity could deflect a dangerous asteroid if one was headed for Earth.

That's something the dinosaurs couldn't do 65 million years ago, when the massive Chicxulub asteroid slammed into the Yucatan Peninsula and led to their extinction.

"The dinosaurs didn't have a space program to help them, but we do," Katherine Calvin, NASA's chief scientist and senior climate advisor, said before the crash. "So DART represents important progress in understanding potential hazards in the future and how to protect our planet from potential impacts."


DART's view of Dimorphos less than two minutes before impact on Sept. 26, 2022.

The golf cart-sized DART spacecraft slammed into Dimorphos at 7:14 p.m. EDT (2314 GMT) while flying at a whopping 14,000 mph (22,500 kph). The spacecraft wasn't large as probes go, but NASA hoped that its 1,320 pounds (600 kilograms) would be enough to move the 534-foot-wide (163 meters) Dimorphos a bit faster in its orbit around its parent.

"The spacecraft is very small," said planetary scientist Nancy Chabot, DART coordination lead at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Research Laboratory (JHUAPL) here, which oversees the mission for NASA. "Sometimes, we describe it as running a golf cart into the Great Pyramid."

Despite the on-target crash, tensions were running high here at DART's mission control center at JHUAPL as the spacecraft sped towards its destruction. Much of DART's last four hours were automated, with the spacecraft's navigation system locking on to Dimorphos in the final hour of its approach. DART's main camera beamed a photo to Earth every second until the feed went black as the spacecraft crashed into the asteroid.

"It's nerve-wracking," said Andy Cheng, chief scientist for planetary defense at JHUAPL, who came up with the DART mission's concept in 2011. The $313 million DART mission launched on Nov. 23, 2021.

As DART closed in on Dimorphos, the asteroid transformed from a mysterious bright dot into a detailed landscape of boulders, crags and shadowed terrain. Then, right on time, the live feed from DART went black and flight controllers inside DART's mission operations center jumped for joy and traded hugs and high fives in a triumphant celebration. DART hit its asteroid bull's-eye.


DART's view of Didymos and Dimorphos about 20 minutes before impact on Sept. 26, 2022. (Image credit: NASA/JHUAPL)

A spacecraft crash for planetary defense​

The DART mission is the first demonstration of what NASA calls a "kinetic impactor" for planetary defense: crashing a spacecraft into an asteroid to change its orbit. It's a basic method to protect the Earth if a potentially dangerous asteroid were spotted five or 10 years before a prospective impact.

"We are changing the motion of a natural celestial body in space. Humanity has never done that before," said Tom Statler, NASA's DART program scientist. "This is stuff of science fiction books and really corny episodes of 'Star Trek' from when I was a kid, and now it's real."

The risk of a catastrophic asteroid impact on Earth is remote, but real, NASA scientists have said. NASA has found about 40% of the large asteroids as wide as 500 feet (140 meters) that could pose a threat to the Earth and regularly scans the sky for more. NASA is also developing a new space telescope sentinel called the Near Earth Object Surveyor specifically designed to seek out hazardous asteroids in the solar system. That mission could launch by 2026.

But humanity also needs to have methods to deflect a hazardous asteroid should one be detected. Hence DART. "We're really excited every time our space missions protect life on Earth," Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA's associate administrator for science, told Space.com this morning.

NASA picked Dimorphos, a moonlet of Didymos, for the DART impact for a few reasons. First, the moonlet is part of a binary system and orbits its parent once every 11 hours and 55 minutes, a short enough time that any change in its orbit should be apparent in ground-based telescopes in follow-up observations.


An artist's depiction of the DART spacecraft approaching the asteroid Dimorphos.

Didymos and Dimorpos were discovered in 1996 and 2003 respectively and are the first binary asteroid system to be studied in detail. Using a binary asteroid system, rather than a solitary asteroid, meant that NASA could use a single spacecraft supported by ground telescopes to measure the asteroid deflection, instead of requiring an expensive second spacecraft, Cheng said.

While classified as a "potentially hazardous asteroid," Didymos and Dimorphos poses no threat of impacting Earth in the foreseeable future, which NASA measures in decades and centuries. DART was expected to accelerate Dimorphos just about 10 minutes faster in its orbit around Didymos, posing no risk of changing the binary system's orbit to come anywhere near Earth.

And at just 7 million miles away, Didymos and Dimorphos are at their closest to Earth that they'll be for the next 40 years. It takes a signal just 38 seconds to make the one-way trip from the DART to the Earth, NASA has said.

"So it's the right asteroid at the right time, and that time is now," Chabot said.

Dimorphos is also in the sweet spot for astronomers in that its size is similar to those asteroids NASA is most worried about for Earth impacts. It's also what NASA calls an S-type asteroid, a rocky variety that is one of the most common asteroid types in our solar system.

"We do think something like DART would be big enough to divert a Dimorphos-size asteroid," planetary scientist Mallory DeCoster, a modeler with DART's impact working group at JHUAPL, told reporters in the hours before impact.

Still, DART is a first-of-its kind mission and mission scientists didn't know exactly what to expect at Dimorphos. Is the asteroid a solid massive rock or more of a sandy rubble pile? And what was its exact shape? Variables like those can determine how effective a DART-like asteroid deflection will be.

Angela Stickle, the leader of DART's impact working group at JHUAPL, said the team's simulations and models suggest the spacecraft would likely create a crater up to 65 feet (20 m) wide.

"We do expect it to fragment quite catastrophically," Stickle said of the DART spacecraft when it hit its target. "There is certainly the possibility that pieces of DART may be left on Dimorphos."

Just hitting Dimorphos was a feat of engineering, NASA said, with the DART spacecraft sending a photo every second as it closed in on its target.

The spacecraft also had witnesses to its demise. In the weeks before the impact, DART released a small cubesat called LICIACube to follow in its wake and observe the asteroid crash. The photos from that cubesat should reach Earth in the days after the impact and reveal closeup images of the impact and the ejecta it kicked up from Dimorphos.

Did humanity's first planetary defense test succeed?​

Other spacecraft also watched the crash.

NASA's new James Webb Space Telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope and the Lucy spacecraft on its own asteroid mission all tracked the crash from their respective vantage points across the solar system. On Earth, a vast network of ground-based telescopes were trained on the event and will be following the binary Didymos-Dimorphos system over time to see how much faster Dimorphos is now moving in its orbit.

"Our requirements are for 73 seconds but we actually think we're going to change by about 10 minutes," Statler said.

It will take time to know if the DART impact was successful as a planetary defense test.


A map showing some of the observatories contributing to the DART campaign. (Image credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Nancy Chabot/Mike Halstad)

More than three dozen telescopes around the world, including at least one on every continent, will be tracking the Didymos-Dimorphos asteroid system over the next six months to understand exactly how effective the test was. The first radar observations of the impact could come as early as Tuesday (Sept. 27), said Cristina Thomas, a planetary scientist with Northern Arizona University who leads the DART observations working group.

"We're going to be observing Didymos until it's no longer observable," Thomas said.

The observation campaign has brought in volunteer student and university groups around the world, each hoping to add their observations to the DART effort.

"There is a lot of them," Thomas said of the number of ground-based telescope teams. "It's very exciting to have lost count."

The European Space Agency is planning its own mission to the Didymos-Dimorphos asteroid system to follow up on DART's impact. That mission, called Hera, will launch a spacecraft to the asteroid in 2024 and actually orbit the binary asteroid system by 2027 to study the space rocks and the crater on Dimorphos created by DART.

"The technology of hitting the asteroid is really a challenge," Chabot told reporters hours before the crash. "But there is a lot that happens after that."

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New asteroid strike images show impact 'a lot bigger than expected'​

The true measure of DART's success will be exactly how much it diverted the asteroid's trajectory
The true measure of DART's success will be exactly how much it diverted the asteroid's trajectory.

The James Webb and Hubble telescopes on Thursday revealed their first images of a spacecraft deliberately smashing into an asteroid, as astronomers indicated that the impact looks to have been much greater than expected.

The world's telescopes turned their gaze towards the space rock Dimorphos earlier this week for a historic test of Earth's ability to defend itself against a potential life-threatening asteroid in the future.

Astronomers rejoiced as NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) impactor slammed into its pyramid-sized, rugby ball-shaped target 11 million kilometers (6.8 million miles) from Earth on Monday night.

Images taken by Earth-bound telescopes showed a vast cloud of dust expanding out of Dimorphos—and its big brother Didymos which it orbits—after the spaceship hit.

While those images showed matter spraying out over thousands of kilometers, the James Webb and Hubble images "zoom in much closer", said Alan Fitzsimmons, an astronomer at Queen's University Belfast involved in observations with the ATLAS project.

James Webb and Hubble can offer a view "within just a few kilometers of the asteroids and you can really clearly see how the material is flying out from that explosive impact by DART", Fitzsimmons told AFP.

"It really is quite spectacular," he said.

An image taken by James Webb's Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) four hours after impact shows "plumes of material appearing as wisps streaming away from the center of where the impact took place", according to a joint statement from the European Space Agency, James Webb and Hubble.

Hubble images from 22 minutes, five hours and eight hours after impact show the expanding spray of matter from where DART hit.

'Worried there was nothing left'

Ian Carnelli of the European Space Agency said that the "really impressive" Webb and Hubble images were remarkably similar to those taken by the toaster-sized satellite LICIACube, which was just 50 kilometers from the asteroid after separating from the DART spacecraft a few weeks ago.

The images depict an impact that looks "a lot bigger than we expected," said Carnelli, the manager of the ESA's Hera mission which intends to inspect the damage in four years.

Images taken by the Hubble and James Webb space telescopes after NASA's DART spacecraft smashed into an asteroid
Images taken by the Hubble and James Webb space telescopes after NASA's DART spacecraft smashed into an asteroid.
"I was really worried there was nothing left of Dimorphos" at first, Carnelli told AFP.

The Hera mission, which is scheduled to launch in October 2024 and arrive at the asteroid in 2026, had expected to survey a crater around 10 meters (33 feet) in diameter.

It now looks like it will be far bigger, Carnelli said, "if there is a crater at all, maybe a piece of Dimorphos was just chunked off."

The true measure of DART's success will be exactly how much it diverted the asteroid's trajectory, so the world can start preparing to defend itself against bigger asteroids that could head our way in the future.

It will likely take Earth-bound telescopes and radars at least a week for a first estimate of how much the asteroid's orbit has been altered, and three or four weeks before there is a precise measurement, Carnelli said.

Hubble images from 22 minutes, five hours and eight hours after impact show the expanding spray of matter
Hubble images from 22 minutes, five hours and eight hours after impact show the expanding spray of matter.

'Huge implications'

"I am expecting a much bigger deflection than we had planned," he said.

That would have "huge implications in planetary defense because it means that this technique could be used for much larger asteroids", Carnelli added.

"Until today, we thought that the only deflection technique would be to send a nuclear device."

Fitzsimmons said that even if no material had been "flung off" Dimorphos, DART still would still have slightly affected its orbit.

"But the more material and the faster it's moving, the more of a deflection there will have been," he said.

The observations from James Webb and Hubble will help reveal how much—and how quickly—matter sprayed from the asteroid, as well as the nature of its surface.

The asteroid impact marked the first time the two space telescopes observed the same celestial body.

Since launching in December and releasing its first images in July, James Webb has taken the title of most powerful space telescope from Hubble.

Fitzsimmons said the images were "a beautiful demonstration of the extra science you can get by using more than one telescope simultaneously"
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