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NACTA | National Counter Terrorism Authority's Desk


May 3, 2009
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  • To receive and collate data or information or intelligence, and disseminate and coordinate between all relevant stakeholders to formulate threat assessments with periodical reviews to be presented to the Federal Government for making adequate and timely efforts to counter terrorism and extremism.

  • To coordinate and prepare comprehensive National counter terrorism and counter extremism strategies, and reviews them on periodical basis.

  • To develop action plans against terrorism and extremism and report to the Federal Government about implementation of these plans, on periodical basis.

  • To carry out research on topics relevant to terrorism and extremism and to prepare and circulate documents.

  • To carry out liaison with international entities for facilitating cooperation in areas relating to terrorism and extremism.

  • To review relevant laws and suggest amendments to the Federal Government.

  • To appoint committee of experts from Government and non-Government organizations for deliberations in areas related to the mandate and functions of the Authority.

Webpage | NACTA - National Counter Terrorism Authority - Ministry of Interior Pakistan
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Indecision on Nacta affects operation


ISLAMABAD: The indecisiveness in activating the National Counter-Terrorism Authority (Nacta), along with delays plaguing the establishment of the Directorate of Intelligence Security (DIS) is taking a toll on the government’s ability to effectively tackle terrorist threats and deal with the fallout from the ongoing military operation in North Waziristan.

Since 9/11, the National Crisis Management Cell (NCMC) has been coordinating with different government departments, but the interior ministry secretly transferred its authority to Nacta despite opposition from intelligence agencies and former civil servants.

During the 2007 Swat operation and the 2009 South Waziristan offensive, the NCMC maintained strategic coordination between the Inter-Services Intelligence, Military Intelligence, Intelligence Bureau, Federal Investigation Agency, the army, Pakistan Air Force and Joint Staff Headquarters.

It was also, in conjunction with the Provincial Crisis Management Cells, charged with monitoring internally displaced persons (IDPs) until they could return to their homes. But in the current Zarb-i-Azb operation responsibility for looking after IDPs has been given to the Ministry of States and Frontier Regions.

In addition, Nacta is nowhere to be seen despite a deadly terrorist attack on the Islamabad district courts in March, the storming of parliament by Sikh protesters in May and the audacious attack on Karachi airport earlier this month.

Sources in the interior ministry claim that intelligence agencies are not sharing information with the NCMC as they did in the past, ostensibly because it has been taken over by Nacta. The agencies had suggested that the DIS be established under the leadership of former army, intelligence and police officers. But this matter has been in cold storage since February this year.

Instead, in March, Interior Secretary Shahid Khan forwarded a summary to the Establishment Division for the grant of leave prior to retirement of retired Wing Commander Tariq A. Lodhi, who headed the NCMC. However, in the second half of the summary, it was proposed that NCMC may be merged with the DIS and until then, the Nacta member may hold the charge of director general NCMC.

Then-Establishment Secretary Shahid Rashid, however, suggested that the interior ministry should “initiate a separate proposal, in consultation with stakeholders”.

Sources said Nacta’s letterhead was being used for official NCMC correspondence and NCMC staff had been directed to route their communications through Nacta.

Officials fear that a lack of cooperation between intelligence agencies and Nacta could lead to serious miscommunication in the wake of terrorist threats to major cities, which could have major consequences for coordination between the various agencies and the federal government.

One of the reasons why agencies don’t seem to trust Nacta is the appointment of junior or inexperienced officials at the senior level. The Nacta Act provides for a national coordinator in grade 22, but the incumbent Nacta head, Khawaja Amir, is a grade 20 officer. Similarly, the deputy national coordinator should be a grade 20 officer, but the incumbent Akbar Nasir Khan is a grade 18 officer from the Police Service of Pakistan.

Some of Nacta’s directors include Fazal-i-Majid, a systems analyst from the Library Department; Ubaidullah Farooq, who landed at Nacta by accident after his ministry was devolved under the 18th Amendment; and Rabia Yasmin, an employee of the Associated Press of Pakistan.

Insiders say that these directors were previously in grades 16 and 17, but through connections in the previous and incumbent regime, they had been brought to Nacta on grade 19 positions.

Indecision on Nacta affects operation - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Charges of corruption: ED issues charge-sheet to Nacta officials

The said officials had reportedly formed a gang, which was involved in corruption, blackmailing and harassment. PHOTO: FILE

The Establishment Division has issued charge-sheet to three officials of National Counter Terrorism Authority (Nacta) for their alleged involvement in corruption, blackmailing and harassment, sources told Express investigation Cell (EIC).

The division took action against the officials’ ‘gang’ on the basis of a departmental inquiry conducted by Athar Hussain Sial, a 21-grade interior ministry officer.

The inquiry report had confirmed the corruption and wrongdoings of Syed Hyder Ali, Khyzer Hayat Nagra and Zeeshan Anjum – respectively the Nacta’s national coordinator, director administration and assistant director administration – between 2010 and 2013.

Requesting anonymity a senior official of interior ministry confirmed issuance of charge sheet to the officials. “The accused have been asked to submit their reply on the charges by April 15,” the official said, adding that the accused were issued charge sheet last week personally.

The charge-sheet has been issued on four counts—misconduct, indulgence in corruption, misuse of authority for personal gains and blackmailing and harassing other officials of Nacta.

After confirmation of allegations in the departmental inquiry, interior ministry stopped the accused from performing their official duties in January last. Later, Syed Hyder Ali was suspended and he was made an officer on special duty (OSD) and put on the disposal of the Establishment Division till final conclusion of the inquiry.

Khyzer Hayat Nagra, who according to the inquiry report, was a motivating force to form the gang of his likeminded officials that subsequently turned Nacta into a rogue organisation, was sent back to his parent department – Intelligence Bureau (IB).

Zeeshan Anjum – third member of the gang – was also sent back to Employees Old-age Benefit Institution (EOBI), his parent department. The EOBI had sacked him for being a political inductee. However, after the charge-sheet, he will not be eligible for any government job in the future.

The charge-sheet has serious consequences for Syed Hyder Ali and Khyzer Hayat Nagra, who, if failed to clear their positions against the allegations, can face the major penalty of losing government jobs.

The charge sheet refers manhandling by of Khushdil Khan, a 20 grade officer and taping of cell telephone of a senior female officer of Nacta by the gang. The gang had beaten Khushdil Khan in July 2013, when he refused to sign a back-dated document.

After hours of harassment and illegal confinement Khushdil Khan was saved and rescued by a constable on duty in Nacta office in F-8 sector in Islamabad. The female officer whose cell phone was tapped by the gang for blackmailing her was later transferred to the Interior ministry.

The gang has been allegedly getting money for different assignments in Nacta. They have also been accused of controversial hiring at Nacta in 2013, an event which was widely reported in the media.

The Interior ministry had taken notice of these complaints and constituted a committee, which submitted its inquiry report to the Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan. Nisar later directed the authorities concerned to send the case to Establishment Division for strict action against the gang.

On the basis of the findings of the inquiry committee, Interior ministry also scrapped the list of the qualified candidates last year.

The government constituted Nacta to fight the ongoing terrorism and take measures which could ensure weeding out of the menace from the country. After getting legal authority in May 2013, Nacta was to get top level professionals to get the desired result.

Hiring of professionals for such a significant organisation was equally important, but the charge-sheeted gang of corrupt official took it as a golden opportunity to make money.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 14th, 2014.
Does after NACTA , terrorism act applies to a criminial gang who aims firearm over an non-uniform army officer; even for street crimes, snatching & robbery etc etc etc ???
Several clerics held in raids on two seminaries


SUKKUR: Police and counter-terrorism department (CTD) officials raided two seminaries here on Sunday and detained five suspects, sources close to the security agencies said.

According to the sources, a joint team of the SITE police and CTD officials raided Madressah Mehmoodia, located near Qureshi Goth, and carried out a search of the rooms where printed literature and personal belongings of teachers and students were kept. It was not known whether the raiding team found any objectionable material but four clerics —Maulvi Hakim Ali Brohi, Hafiz Saddam Hussain Brohi, Hafiz Ishaq Ali and Ghulamullah — were taken into custody.

The suspects were taken to an undisclosed place for interrogation, the sources said.

In the other raid, the joint team carried out a search of some rooms in Jamia Khulafa-i-Rashideen and arrested one person, Gulsher Junejo. He was also taken away to an undisclosed place for interrogation.

The Sukkur police, when contacted to seek details of the raids, denied having any knowledge of the arrests and whereabouts of the suspects.

According to sources, the raids were part of the National Action Plan being implemented by the police to curb terrorism. However, it was known that the clerics were taken into custody to prevent them from making provocative speeches that could disturb sectarian harmony during the 8th, 9th and 10th of Muharram.

Published in Dawn October 10th, 2016

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