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My proposal how Russia should React with American Trade Wars and sanctions


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Putin should react very hard with trade sanctions from US, russia needs to ban google and other americans sites spreading propaganda who are also spying on the russian people like china did in 2010 or so which was a very smart decision by china which expanded chinese IT industry, russias search engine yandex has 60% market share already with remaining 40% it would take over yahoo wordwide.

Russia should also ban boeing and other american made planes from flying over russian
territory. It would cripple american aviation industry

American made products and other american brands should all be banned completely even if they are made in non american countries, there are plenty of know how and technology we can get from germany, korea, japan and china. Windows should receive the right to be pirated in russia so Microsoft doesnt make any money with their shitty OS.
Good ideas. :tup:

However I don't think America is going to go too far with the trade war, since it will hurt them too, and they will gain nothing in the end. Russia is far too self-sufficient to be worried about these tactics.

No one is going to stop trading with Russia. No one except maybe America itself.
Yeah, russia should isolate itself even more. HAHAHAHA !!!
Maybe russia should just cool it and let Ukrainians decide on their country's fate.....
the only who would isolate himself is you

No I wouldn't. I'm talking to a guy like you, aren't I ?

Maybe russia should just cool it and let Ukrainians decide on their country's fate.....

Too late. Vladi is a crazy f*ck. Just look at the guy. And remember the wild stunts he staged. Who does that kind of stuff ?
No I wouldn't. I'm talking to a guy like you, aren't I ?

Too late. Vladi is a crazy f*ck. Just look at the guy. And remember the wild stunts he staged. Who does that kind of stuff ?

No, what he's doing is understandable, he's asserting and posturing. Every time he 'dares' and gets away with it, the political position of Russia strengthens. But I think now it's going out of control. The Syrian carnage, for instance, can no longer be justified by the posturing games of big powers.
No, what he's doing is understandable, he's asserting and posturing. Every time he 'dares' and gets away with it, the political position of Russia strengthens. But I think now it's going out of control. The Syrian carnage, for instance, can no longer be justified by the posturing games of big powers.

You really think people respect a guy they know is nuts ?
You really think people respect a guy they know is nuts ?

Depends upon the story they want to see. If he has succesfully sold them that he is 'reviving' the glorious days of 'great power', then the muscular and confrontational approach that he is taking will make him favored. I haven't heard him sell 'peosperity'. I think he's closed that loop with oil. So I think they'll be ok with 'great power' narrative. But he is playing an extremely cynical game where he asserts power with hundreds of thousands of syrian lives and now I hope we don't see the same thing in Ukraine. I somehow thought we had put a lot of this behind in the decades after the second world war. Guess we just don't learn.
During the pre-WWII era, the US had financed the Nazi Germany that later caused the devastation in Europe.

With the capital all flowed back to North America, the US has replaced the Europe to become the superpower/leader of the West.

Now the US wants to repeat this again by stirring up the tension between EU and Russia.

But Putin is a great strategist, and he will not let the US got what it wants.

Now Russia will have Ukraine, but the EU will not physically intervene, so no war in Europe.

The US is now utterly pissed with its plan failed again, so it just starts an economic proxy war against Russia, with now with China on the back, who is afraid of them?
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Those are not ideeas ,those are jokes.

Anyway,you should send a memo to the Kremlin,i would personally love them to go full retard and implement that.Hello...1980's techological Russia.And a big LOL at germans or japanese selling technology without american consent not to mention those japanese islands under russian ocupation.

Oh well,"children R'us" hour on PDF.

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