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My Grandfather on his birth place Peshawar.

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New Recruit

Jan 6, 2011
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Grandpa is a true patriotic Indian and has a very soft corner for Pakistan specially Peshawar.He was born there in 1929 in a village Charkhana.He has some very fond memories of the place.
We belong to a Hindu Punjabi race and whenever he visits Nankana Sahib he never forgets going to Peshawar and recalls the old GOLD days.I remember on the day of Peshawar blast,he went under a shock and called up his old friends still living there,He has great love for Pakistan and Peshawar.
I came to know about it yesterday and decided to post it here as i found it very touching.
My Grandpa is blind now,he met with an accident 6 months earlier,he doesn't regret being blind but regrets the fact that we won't be able to see his birth place again.

His speech and feelings brought about a change in my feelings for Pakistan and reminded me that we were all one some time ago..

His only wish is that Pakistan and India become friends and those rich old gold days return
These are his true feelings.
Please don't think that i made it on my own just for entertainment.
I suggest you find some other place to put the family details .. This is an international Defense forum.

Yesterday it was Srilankan with news on grandmother. Today you are with information on grandfather.

I am not pointing fingers or blaming but merely suggesting this is not exactly the place for such things and remember members are here, interested in other things than reading the family history of a another member.


I suggest you find some other place to put the family details .. This is an international Defense forum.

Yesterday it was Srilankan with news on grandmother. Today you are with information on grandfather.

I am not pointing fingers or blaming but merely suggesting this is not exactly the place for such things and remember members are here, interested in other things than reading the family history of a another member.



yaar spark what happen if he shear with us some good words .atleast better then trolling these type of threads bring close both sides . problim ye hai mery sab elders alearsy dead hai warna main bhi thread kholta hahahaha:rofl:
yaar spark what happen if he shear with us some good words .atleast better then trolling these type of threads bring close both sides . problim ye hai mery sab elders alearsy dead hai warna main bhi thread kholta hahahaha:rofl:

A fresher writing about his family on an international defense forum sounded odd to me.. At least let him spend some time here and get to know each other so that everyone find it interesting to reply.
Like your grandpa the idea of friendship between India and Pakistan is an old idea and everyone is blind to do that.
Pakistani never had any bad feeling for india and its people but what makes us hate india is every second indian hate pakistan and they make good will things from pakistan as another probleum of terrorism to india just an example recently pakistan sold india onions which india and its people wanted but indan media made mess of it
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I dont dislike the Indian, as they think Pakistanis do. I just hate Indian Government as much as Pakistan's. They are the same. Idea of reuniting will cause a lot of bloodshed, after it comes who will control the two countries.
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Grandpa is a true patriotic Indian and has a very soft corner for Pakistan specially Peshawar.He was born there in 1929 in a village Charkhana.He has some very fond memories of the place.
We belong to a Hindu Punjabi race and whenever he visits Nankana Sahib he never forgets going to Peshawar and recalls the old GOLD days.I remember on the day of Peshawar blast,he went under a shock and called up his old friends still living there,He has great love for Pakistan and Peshawar.
I came to know about it yesterday and decided to post it here as i found it very touching.
My Grandpa is blind now,he met with an accident 6 months earlier,he doesn't regret being blind but regrets the fact that we won't be able to see his birth place again.

His speech and feelings brought about a change in my feelings for Pakistan and reminded me that we were all one some time ago..

His only wish is that Pakistan and India become friends and those rich old gold days return

Grandpa's desire and wish is completely justified and i sincerely hope that it happens in his life-time that he can visit his childhood home again and again.

Just as our colleague on this forum, Rescue Ranger once expressed his desire to visit his ancestral home in Shimla. Nothing would please me more than to be able to meet him at the border to welcome him.

Just as i hope to drive across the border and on the GT Road to taste the Dal at Miyangee's Dhaba, which is spoken of so highly on this forum.

As for me; while i have no direct (i.e. ancestral) connect to Pakistan, i have what my parents saw, did and heard while visiting Karachi and Lahore just before Partition to go by. And my own experiences while visiting Pakistan in the 90s.

From my own experiences, i'd like to share:
But the one that that i remember (even treasure) most was in Karachi quite some years ago. An old (and obviously simple and uneducated) man asked me if i was from India. On my saying--yes; he told about his childhood (somewhere near Peshawar) and his childhood friends.
When the partition was announced; the families that were to leave for India were collected in some sort of fenced compound. He was young and did not really understand what it was all about. But at night he and some others used to go below the fence and carry food and a few other things for their friends inside. After a few days, those people were gone (for ever). This old man sat in front of me, holding my hands and with tears streaming down his face asked (calling his friends by name) me what had happened to them.
i could only sit mutely, neither able to console him, nor to explain to him or even understand what it meant to him.

BTW, that was part of one of my posts on this forum. And is a document of one the most abiding experiences of my life.
Pakistani never had any bad feeling for india and its people but what makes us hate india is every second indian hate pakistan and they make good will things from pakistan as another probleum of terrorism to india just an example recently pakistan sold india onions which india and its people wanted but indan media made mess of it

1.) This is BS. We Indians don't hate pakistan or pakistanis its just your army/ISI + few ruling elite who makes the mess and the life of people hell just to fool pakistanis and rule there. And we don't like that they are harming us in proxy war.

2. As for the onion its not the charity we are paying the double the price, BTW its the same onion we have exported to pakistan when you need it, not only that potatoes too. And mind it that was on cheaper prices just out of friendship gesture but we are buying at higher price.
I dont dislike the Indian, as they think Pakistanis do. I just hate Indian Government as much as Pakistan's. They are the same. Idea of reuniting will cause a lot of bloodshed, after it comes who will control the two countries.

About the underlined part; IMHO, re-uniting is neither necessary or desirable. Therefore there is no question of (joint) control. Both countries are a reality, both have different identities, both have different destinies. Just that both have to be at peace.

Common people have simple and straightforward desires to live in peace and progress. Since i am a common person, i too only aspire for that.
Grandpa is a true patriotic Indian and has a very soft corner for Pakistan specially Peshawar.He was born there in 1929 in a village Charkhana.He has some very fond memories of the place.
We belong to a Hindu Punjabi race and whenever he visits Nankana Sahib he never forgets going to Peshawar and recalls the old GOLD days.I remember on the day of Peshawar blast,he went under a shock and called up his old friends still living there,He has great love for Pakistan and Peshawar.
I came to know about it yesterday and decided to post it here as i found it very touching.
My Grandpa is blind now,he met with an accident 6 months earlier,he doesn't regret being blind but regrets the fact that we won't be able to see his birth place again.

His speech and feelings brought about a change in my feelings for Pakistan and reminded me that we were all one some time ago..

His only wish is that Pakistan and India become friends and those rich old gold days return

A year back I and my wife were walking thru one street of Model Town Lahore. A plate on one house stuck me, on it, it was written "Prem Bhavan". The first thing which came into my mind was the guy who built that house must have built it with so much love and it must have been devastating for him to leave that place after not more than 8-9 years.

There are times when we all hate Indians but at the end of the day peace is the only solution. Some one in our leadership must come forward with bold ideas and resolve that issue.

Our culture is alot different from Indian in many ways, our religion is different but majority of Indians and Pakistani share the same genies. That makes us a brotherly enemy and i really wish we get rid of the world enemy soon, InshaAllah
I suggest you find some other place to put the family details .. This is an international Defense forum.

Yesterday it was Srilankan with news on grandmother. Today you are with information on grandfather.

I am not pointing fingers or blaming but merely suggesting this is not exactly the place for such things and remember members are here, interested in other things than reading the family history of a another member.



Arrey yaar,why so aggressive?
You are the only one who is standing out of the posters with a different kind of/aggressive post..
Arrey yaar,why so aggressive?
You are the only one who is standing out of the posters with a different kind of/aggressive post..

Because he has been here long enough and has indulged in some interesting conversation with Pakistani friends..

BTW welcome ..
Grandpa is a true patriotic Indian and has a very soft corner for Pakistan specially Peshawar.He was born there in 1929 in a village Charkhana.He has some very fond memories of the place.
We belong to a Hindu Punjabi race and whenever he visits Nankana Sahib he never forgets going to Peshawar and recalls the old GOLD days.I remember on the day of Peshawar blast,he went under a shock and called up his old friends still living there,He has great love for Pakistan and Peshawar.
I came to know about it yesterday and decided to post it here as i found it very touching.
My Grandpa is blind now,he met with an accident 6 months earlier,he doesn't regret being blind but regrets the fact that we won't be able to see his birth place again.

His speech and feelings brought about a change in my feelings for Pakistan and reminded me that we were all one some time ago..

His only wish is that Pakistan and India become friends and those rich old gold days return
Do u still have ur relatives there.If yes then try visiting them regularly.
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