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Muslims happy with life in US despite discrimination: Poll

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Muslims happy with life in US despite discrimination: Poll
Published: August 30, 2011
CHICAGO: US Muslims are far more satisfied with the direction of their country than most Americans even though nearly half of them have faced discrimination and prejudice in the past year, a poll found Tuesday.
The survey was conducted ahead of the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks and aimed to provide a portrait of the 2.75 million Muslims living in the United States.
“Despite headlines and discussions about the possibility of Islamic radicalism and extremism, what our data shows today is that the Muslim American community is quite mainstream and moderate,” said Pew Research Center analyst Greg Smith.
“The vast majority of (US) Muslims continue to oppose extremism, telling us things like suicide bombing in defense of Islam can never be justified.”
While 55% of respondents said being a Muslim in the United States has become more difficult since the 9/11 attacks, 48% said they think ordinary Americans are generally “friendly” towards Muslims.
Strikingly, some 56% of US Muslims said they are satisfied with the way things are going in the country compared with just 23% of the general public.
One reason could be because Muslims – who overwhelmingly support President Barack Obama and his Democratic Party – are more satisfied with the current political climate.
Just 38% of Muslims surveyed by Pew in 2007 said they were satisfied with the direction of the country.
The survey found a similar increase in the number of Muslims who view US efforts to combat terrorism as “sincere.” Opinion is currently evenly divided (43% to 41%) whereas more than twice as many US Muslims (55% to 26%) viewed US anti-terrorism efforts as insincere during George W Bush’s presidency.
American Muslims are also much more integrated than the general public tends to believe, the survey found.
Some 56% of Muslim Americans said that most Muslims who come to the United States want to adopt US customs while just a third of the general public believes Muslim immigrants want to assimilate.
And while about a quarter of the general public thinks that Muslim support for extremism is increasing, just 4% of Muslims agree.
Meanwhile, 90% of American Muslims believe women should be able to work outside of the home and 68% also think that there is no difference between men and women political leaders.
The survey also found that while Muslim Americans are highly religious – half report at least weekly mosque attendance – they are not dogmatic. Just 37% of US Muslims say there is only one true way to interpret their religion, a view held by 28% of US Christians.
The survey also provided a demographic description of the US Muslim population which is generally hard to ascertain because the US census does not question respondents about religion.
It found that 63% of Muslim Americans were born abroad, of whom one in four arrived after 2000.
Foreign-born Muslims are a very diverse group, with no single country accounting for more than one in six immigrants. Four in ten immigrated from the Middle East or North Africa while about a quarter came from South Asia, 11% came from Sub-Sahara Africa and 7% came from Europe.
Among the roughly one in five Muslims whose parents were also born in the United States, 59% are African American, including a sizable majority who have converted to Islam.
It also found that the US Muslim population has grown by about 400,000 since 2007 to 2.75 million people, of whom 1.8 million are 18 or older.
Muslims happy with life in US despite discrimination: Poll – The Express Tribune
discrimination against Muslims in U.S is not a big issue. even if there is any discrimination, muslims will happily live there . bcoz it's all abt money honey
The discrimination story is over-exaggerated.

I was there for 3 years, and not once did I ever feel like I was un-welcomed or being discriminated just because I was Muslim.
The discrimination story is over-exaggerated.

I was there for 3 years, and not once did I ever feel like I was un-welcomed or being discriminated just because I was Muslim.

But you're a Malay. You don't quite fit the description of a stereotypical Muslim.
But you're a Malay. You don't quite fit the description of a stereotypical Muslim.

LOL. Maybe, people have said I look more Mongolian or Colombian. I don't quite fit the "brown Muslim guy" stereotype though.

But nah, from my experience, Americans are not too racist of people. I've felt worse in some parts of Europe.
LOL. Maybe, people have said I look more Mongolian or Colombian. I don't quite fit the "brown Muslim guy" stereotype though.

But nah, from my experience, Americans are not too racist of people. I've felt worse in some parts of Europe.

Yeah they aren't too racist, they just bother or care about things that don't impact them directly.
LOL. Maybe, people have said I look more Mongolian or Colombian. I don't quite fit the "brown Muslim guy" stereotype though.

But nah, from my experience, Americans are not too racist of people. I've felt worse in some parts of Europe.

Never been but I can't imagine them being hardcore racists with such a multi-ethnic population.

Maybe a few people in the South...

Europe isn't racist. The only place I felt discriminated was in France but the French thought I was an Arab and for whatever reason, they hate Arabs.
Never been but I can't imagine them being hardcore racists with such a multi-ethnic population.

Maybe a few people in the South...

Europe isn't racist. The only place I felt discriminated was in France but the French thought I was an Arab and for whatever reason, they hate Arabs.

A wise man should hate all people equally :)

Racists are stupid.
discrimination against Muslims in U.S is not a big issue. even if there is any discrimination, muslims will happily live there . bcoz it's all abt money honey

In the land of the sugar candy discrimination against the Jews is a big issue, discrimination against the Muslims is a necessity, so Muslims should not be worried about it
Never been but I can't imagine them being hardcore racists with such a multi-ethnic population.

Maybe a few people in the South...

Europe isn't racist. The only place I felt discriminated was in France but the French thought I was an Arab and for whatever reason, they hate Arabs.

They have the largest Muslim population in Europe and most of them are from the former French colonies in Arabia and they have serious issues with these Arabs.
discrimination against Muslims in U.S is not a big issue. even if there is any discrimination, muslims will happily live there . bcoz it's all abt money honey

in your mind there are no american born Muslims?, all Muslims are from Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia?

bad choice of words, not ALL Muslims are there to make money, what about Hindus, what about Christians from other countries, once there was a news that usa was starting to scan turbans of Sikhs( not racist or trying to offend anyone here), people were all raging.
I went out tonight for dinner to a Pakistani restaurant, I saw a white couple ( the girl was damn hot) sharing dinner with a Muslim/Pakistani family. Then again this is a liberal area...So liberal areas tend to be more tolerant and open minded to all people. Here they embrace the Jewish-Zionist supported "diversity" and "mulch-culturalism" unlike Europe (not blaming anyone just saying). lol
LOL. Maybe, people have said I look more Mongolian or Colombian. I don't quite fit the "brown Muslim guy" stereotype though.

But nah, from my experience, Americans are not too racist of people. I've felt worse in some parts of Europe.

Where? which part of europe? im interested, please tell me... and u r a malay currently live in hong kong?
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