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Muslim rebel attack shuts down Philippine city.

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Jul 17, 2013
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Muslim rebel attack shuts down Philippine city.
POSTED: 09 Sep 2013 12:47 PM

A group of 100 heavily-armed Muslim rebels opposed to peace talks launched a major attack that shut down a bustling southern Philippine city Monday, authorities said.

ZAMBOANGA, Philippines: A group of 100 heavily-armed Muslim rebels opposed to peace talks launched a major attack that shut down a bustling southern Philippine city Monday, authorities said.

Followers of Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) leader Nur Misuari entered the coastal area of Zamboanga city by boat at dawn, triggering clashes that left at least one soldier dead and six wounded, the military said.

Fighting later spread to the city itself, with the rebels taking 20 civilian hostages to thwart government forces.

"The main target by the MNLF in encroaching Zamboanga City is to raise their banner of independence at city hall," city mayor Isabelle Climaco-Salazar said.

"As of now there are an estimated 20 people that have been held hostage," she said.

The long-running Muslim insurgency in the Philippines has left more than 150,000 dead, and led to a proliferation of armed groups that have left parts of Mindanao in a constant state of lawlessness.

Misuari's faction of the fractured MNLF, which he founded in the early 1970s, has made a renewed call for an independent Islamic state in the mainly-Catholic Philippines.

The government has been mired in troubled peace negotiations with rebel groups -- last month Misuari again declared he was breaking away from the government because he believed they were sidelining his group.

While some within the divided MNLF respect the peace process, others, including Misuari's wing, are opposed to it.

Loud shots could be heard on Monday around Zamboanga, a former colonial Spanish port with a population of nearly a million and one of the busiest commercial hubs on southern Mindanao island.

The military said that the hostages in the city were being used as human shields to prevent an army attack.

Streets were deserted and shops were shuttered. Heavily armed private security personnel as well as troops were guarding the airport, hotels, banks and other institutions, according to an AFP reporter on the ground.

Footage on local ABS-CBN television showed armoured personnel carriers speeding around empty streets at dawn, while road blocks were set up everywhere.

The civil aviation authority in Manila said all flights to and from Zamboanga had been temporarily suspended.

"We can still hear sporadic gunshots. We don't know if this is from the government forces or from the MNLF," city hall employee Ramon Bucoy said from his home nearby.

Soldiers and policemen in full battle gear took positions along a highway as they searched for the gunmen.

Misuari, a charismatic former university professor signed a peace deal with the government in 1996.

The MNLF dropped its bid for independence and settled for autonomy, although his followers had not totally disarmed.

The group also splintered into several factions, although Misuari remained as the acknowledged leader.

The government later said that autonomy was a "failed experiment" with many areas remaining in deep poverty.

Armed forces spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Ramon Zagala said the government remained in control of the area, with about 800 troops now securing key installations.

"We are trying to contain them, so that this will not spread elsewhere," he told AFP. "Our forces are guarding the city so they could not advance."

The government is currently negotiating with an MNLF offshoot group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), which is to take over a new autonomous region by 2016.

"To the Philippine government, I think our message is already quite clear -- that we don't like to be part of the Philippines anymore," Misuari said in his message last month, a copy of which was obtained by AFP.

In the message, he called on his forces to "surround and secure all military, police and all other installations, airports, seaports and all other vital government and private institutions".

This is the not the first time Misuari had caused trouble in Zamboanga.

In 2001, Misuari and his followers also launched a similar attack to sabotage local elections.

They took dozens of hostages and left dozens more dead in Zamboanga and in nearby Jolo island, his home base. The MNLF later freed all the hostages after several days, in exchange for free passage out of the city.

Misuari fled to neighbouring Malaysia, where he was subsequently arrested.

He was detained in police camps near Manila until 2008, when the government dropped all charges against him.

- AFP/fa

Muslim rebel attack shuts down Philippine city - Channel NewsAsia
Muslims are fighting everywhere - china, russia, south east asia, south aia, central asia, middle east, europe. almost everywhere - a lot of changes need to be brought into islam to make it peaceful.. no point hiding your heads in the sand and saying islam is a religion of peace and that only some are terrorists....its the whole system that gives rise to terrorism and its followers.
Muslims are fighting everywhere - china, russia, south east asia, south aia, central asia, middle east, europe. almost everywhere - a lot of changes need to be brought into islam to make it peaceful.. no point hiding your heads in the sand and saying islam is a religion of peace and that only some are terrorists....its the whole system that gives rise to terrorism and its followers.
personally i like to refer islam to operating system which is filled with bugs ,how can u expect the apps to run efficiently if operating system is filled with bugs and comes by default no update package
personally i like to refer islam to operating system which is filled with bugs ,how can u expect the apps to run efficiently if operating system is filled with bugs and comes by default no update package

Quite aptly put.
Muslims dont like being pushed around we are not like native americans or hindu's.

War is tough you win some you lose some, when muslims are at the receiving end of occupation or abuse dont expect muslims to take it

We will fight back, when we are weak for example in Myanmar the buddist will have the ability to hurt our innocent population, but then dont expect us to forgive or forget. A long time from now buddist from myanmar will face payback for their crimes today

We dont forgive, we dont forget and our memories are long we will keep grudges and animosities for centuries
Muslims are fighting everywhere - china, russia, south east asia, south aia, central asia, middle east, europe. almost everywhere - a lot of changes need to be brought into islam to make it peaceful.. no point hiding your heads in the sand and saying islam is a religion of peace and that only some are terrorists....its the whole system that gives rise to terrorism and its followers.

Don't simplify things, China annexed muslims states, same with Russia. The conflict in Burma started as a conflict ethnic but some crazy Buddhist monks want to become like mullas, what conflict in central asia? The problem in the middle east will resolve itself if people didn't meddle into it like its their backyard. If all muslims were terrorist, and considering their are 1.5b muslims, son seriously, if that was the case then you would have no where to run to.
If that is your attitude, I wish the mass killing monks the best.
Muslims dont like being pushed around we are not like native americans or hindu's.

War is tough you win some you lose some, when muslims are at the receiving end of occupation or abuse dont expect muslims to take it

We will fight back, when we are weak for example in Myanmar the buddist will have the ability to hurt our innocent population, but then dont expect us to forgive or forget. A long time from now buddist from myanmar will face payback for their crimes today

We dont forgive, we dont forget and our memories are long we will keep grudges and animosities for centuries
You always do,, people support the massacre of muslims but want muslims to act like Native Americans and accept occupation

We are not like that, we will not allow the Jews to steal our land and homes and occupy us we will resist and fight back regardless of how much time and how much pain we go through until we are strong enough to rectify the situation..

The same goes for myanmar and the same goes for the Phillipines..

We are a massive community we wont just take being abused,,,
You always do,, people support the massacre of muslims but want muslims to act like Native Americans and accept occupation

We are not like that, we will not allow the Jews to steal our land and homes and occupy us we will resist and fight back regardless of how much time and how much pain we go through until we are strong enough to rectify the situation..

The same goes for myanmar and the same goes for the Phillipines..

We are a massive community we wont just take being abused,,,

please....your community is abusing yourself all across the world .. sunni hates shia , shia hates sunni , they both hate the Ahmedi's ,all of them hate the Sufi's ..
Muslims are fighting everywhere - china, russia, south east asia, south aia, central asia, middle east, europe. almost everywhere - a lot of changes need to be brought into islam to make it peaceful.. no point hiding your heads in the sand and saying islam is a religion of peace and that only some are terrorists....its the whole system that gives rise to terrorism and its followers.

You forgot Africa, thousands have died there this year alone..

Islamic terrorism on the rise in Africa - Times LIVE
Oh, another country and more Islamic violence.

Why am I not surprised about Putin's stance. :coffee:

You always do,, people support the massacre of muslims but want muslims to act like Native Americans and accept occupation

But Americans have no way started treating you like how they played with the natives there. You better hope they don't.

We are not like that, we will not allow the Jews to steal our land and homes and occupy us we will resist and fight back regardless of how much time and how much pain we go through until we are strong enough to rectify the situation..

What Jews are attacking your lands in Philippines? :blink:

The same goes for myanmar and the same goes for the Phillipines..

Neither Philippines nor Myanmar are Islamic countries and it is infact Muslims taking their lands wrongly. Muslims don't belong to East Asia as they originate from Middle East and spread out.

What land are you talking about stealing?

We are a massive community we wont just take being abused,,,

You are doing the opposite. By over reacting and violently attacking, you are only getting others more antagonized.
It is at this time that I think it is appropriate to post on here the Facebook status my Turkish Muslim friend posted after the Boston bombings.

E**s Kaya
20 April via Mobile
World: oh look, Muslims aren't terorists, theyre being victimized due to a minority.
*dickhead comes along and bombs innocent people*
World: oh I was wrong, ducking terrorists.

Dw world, I can't blame you anymore. Just when we have it right, a bunch of cunts ruin it.
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It is at this time that I think it is appropriate to post on here the Facebook status my Turkish Muslim friend posted after the Boston bombings.

The problem is 90% don't have it right.

Turks realized and reformed their mindset and chose to become better people.

Look at our neighbourhood or even inside our country. Do they look anywhere close to 'changed' to you?
The problem is 90% don't have it right.

Turks realized and reformed their mindset and chose to become better people.

Look at our neighbourhood or even inside our country. Do they look anywhere close to 'changed' to you?

If you look at Indian Muslims as a population equalling almost that of Pakistan, it becomes obvious that there really aren't nearly as many radicals.

The Indian Mujahideen etc are funded and run by the ISI (as revealed by that Bhatkal fellow)

I would like to think that outside of Turkey (and maybe Indonesia), India has the best kind of Muslims.
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