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Musharraf: Why Haqqani terrorist group can help Pakistan.


Oct 3, 2010
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Musharraf: Why Haqqani terrorist group can help Pakistan
Pakistan's interests are helped by the support of a feared terrorist group blamed for multiple attacks in neighbouring Afghanistan, former president Pervez Musharraf has suggested.

By Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent
5:41PM BST 28 Sep 2011
Mr Musharaff told The Daily Telegraph that it was important for his country to spell out to the world why the Haqqani network was being allowed to operate on its soil.

With the relationship between Washington and Islamabad deteriorating sharply, Adml Mike Mullen, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, has accused Pakistan’s intelligence services of aiding the Haqqanis during an attack on the American embassy in Kabul.

Mr Musharraf was interviewed at his central London apartment ahead of his plan to return home from exile next spring and re-enter politics. He spoke before Adm Mullen’s comments but after the issue had been raised by Western intelligence analysts.

Asked if Pakistan needed the support of the powerful insurgent family led by Jalaluddin Haqqani and linked to the Taliban, he said: “If I was in government I would certainly be thinking how best to defend Pakistan’s interests.

“Certainly if Afghanistan is being used by India to create an anti-Pakistan Afghanistan, we would like to prevent that.”

He said the Haqqani group was the source of a “terrible” lack of trust and confidence and added: “The United States must understand Pakistan has its own national interest. The United States must accept the compulsions of Pakistan and give assurances.”

He added: “When the coalition talk of leaving in 2014, Pakistan has to really think, what will be the environment and fend for itself against all the exterior pressures, all the exterior manoeuvrings and political manoeuvrings against Pakistan.”

Mr Musharraf said Pakistan must “talk straight” about “what their national interest is viz a viz, why are they not acting against Haqqani in North Waziristan [his stronghold], viz a viz was there any complicity in Osama bin Laden being found in Abbottabad.”

He said that surveys showed 70 per cent of people in Pakistan thought that the killing of bin Laden was a hoax.

Mr Musharraf said firmly that he did not believe in such conspiracy theories but admitted his own brother-in-law had told him: “I have my doubts.”

He dismissed suggestions that the Pakistani military had colluded in hiding bin Laden but said the incident was “most embarrassing and negligence of a shameful order.”

The former president said that if he was in power he believed the Americans would have told him about their plans in advance.

“I’m a straight talker and I accept straight talk and I do straight talk,” he said.

But the relationship between the United States and Pakistan is now “very poor” and suffers from “lack of trust and confidence” with “faults on both sides,” he said.

“The United States doesn’t understand the sensitivities of Pakistan - that the United States is in league with India, that Indians are allowed to do whatever they are doing in Afghanistan.”

He said the distrust was increased by drone attacks, the killing of Osama bin Laden and tensions over Raymond Davis, the CIA agent who shot dead two alleged robbers in Lahore earlier this year.
“Are we some jungle people that you can do anything with? This is the feeling of the people of Pakistan, are we some animal that they are treating us like this? We are a sovereign country and we have our own human rights.”

He said the relationship with Britain was “a little better but not good” adding that the Prime Minister’s comments about Pakistan’s failure to take on terrorism during a visit to India were “very, very negative.”

“Isn’t it naïve that if you are going to India and you are supposed to be a world power? ...From India you are lecturing Pakistan that Pakistan needs to do more on terror. This is terrible, this is not good diplomacy at all. Britain we know to be very good diplomats but this is not good diplomacy.”
Mr Musharraf frankly admitted he had had an almost openly hostile relationship with Afghan president Hamid Karzai.

“As time passed I realised that president Hamid Karzai is playing more in the hands of Indians who were trying to create an anti-Pakistan Afghanistan,” he said.

“These were irritants that kept developing over the years and got converted into almost open hostility.”

Asked if he thought the Taliban would end up ruling Afghanistan again when Britain and the US pull out in three years’ time he offered two possible scenarios, one in which there was “total mayhem” and a “free for all” with “every ethnic group fighting each other.”

On the other hand, if the Taliban managed to unite under one leader, civil war could ensue, he added.

Instead, Mr Musharraf called for “ethnically representative, proportionally balanced, national government” that recognised the strength of the Pashtuns.

But he added that Mullar Omar, the leader of the Taliban, was beyond Pakistani control and described him as “absolutely obstinate and semi-literate and not aware of issues of the world, with very backward, sectarian views.”

The former head of the army has launched the All- Pakistan Muslim League, an attempt to win election for the first time, despite his nine years in power following a military coup in 1999.

He has support in Pakistan, where some drivers have “Bring back the general” signs, but he faces an uphill task as well as criminal charges that he circumvented the constitution.

“I am a person who believes if I try and if I’m failing, I will quit,” he added. “I have no qualms and no ego. I have governed Pakistan for nine years, very successfully and I have no further ambitions, personal ambitions, my ambition is Pakistan.”
is hamam main sab hi nangay hain.

India does it so why shall we not?

That is the tone Mr. Musharraf is creating.
He's the reason we are in this mess.

Had he actually had a pair of balls and didn't chicken out but actually chose a neutral position like the iranians when Armitage told him he was going to send pakistan to the stone age all the innocents civillians might actually be alive and this dog wouldn't be sipping wine in london giving interviews to the press.
Put this guy behind the bars.. He alone is responsible for current scenarios in Pakistan.
We need a powerful person like him to rule Pakistan. We are doing what suits us, if it doesnt suit others they should stfu.
I think he should retire from politics now. Sure he was good in developing major cities of Pakistan and Pakistan's economy was booming at his time but the Lal Masjid fiasco and trying to make an Islamic Republic a secular ultra-liberal country made people hate him.

I dont know what he was thinking when sending troops to beat up a few dozen women in burqas in the capital of Pakistan known as Islamabad (City of Islam). That event was so shameful.
Musharraf, Musharraf, Musharraf!
He MUST be lamenting that he got into trusting Americans the way he did. All the exposure in the global media. Camp David retreats with President Bush. A brave man, 'In the line of fire'. A liberal in a sea of fanatics. Heck, he finally even got a US President to spend more than 4 hours in Pakistan.
Little this insecure, political pygmy knew that Americans had clearly decided to dump Pakistan, if need be, in favor of India. It was not accidental that Americans left the region after 1989; they could have cultivated a Pakistan which had an upper hand in Afghanistan post Soviet withdrawl. Then the slap came in 2000 when B. Clinton visited India and basically slapped the whole Pakistani nation.
What was Musharraf thinking? Had he not seen that even in the 90's there were talks of putting Pakistan in the list of 'State Sponsors of Terror'? Had he not known that post 9/11 Pakistan had a utility for some specific cases and that, down the road, there will be a price to pay.
But that's how dictators are. They are insecure.

I bet if it was Zulfi Bhutto he would have bargained hard post 9/11. He would have bargained hard to help America defeat the Soviets--unlike another insecure dictator like Zia.

You see: Dictators do have feet of clay. And they sink and sink their nations along with them with the slightest touches of dangerous waters.
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