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Musharraf warning to India

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May 21, 2006
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Today on GEO TV with P J Mir, gave straight warning to India stop backing up Pakistani tribes and we have information about RAW interference. Advice India to close terrorist camps in Afganistan against Pakistan.If they not going to stop, whole situation will back fire. Which will be not good for India. ...His question regarding Waziristan situation.
Stay tune more comments coming up.
Also found evidence of creating unstable situation in Baluchistan by RAW. But all 63 terrorist camps are washed out only two left and will be washed out in next few days.
Its time we tell these *******to back off or face the consequences. What we call laatoon ka bhoot batoon sa nahi manta. This apply for india, they will give you a smile from the front and backstab you otherwise. bagal main churri moon main ram ram.
Its time we tell these assholes to back off or face the consequences. What we call laatoon ka bhoot batoon sa nahi manta. This apply for india, they will give you a smile from the front and backstab you otherwise. bagal main churri moon main ram ram.

Icecold yaar don't abuse. No one on the forum is responsible for any atrocities, real or imagined.
This will be tricky for the US, Pakistan can pull back the operation in FATA, if the "Indian support" does not cease, and completely turn back the clock on whatever progress has been made.

A true obsession is this, that a country cannot prevent itself from fermenting unrest in its neighbor, despite ranting about "peace", "cross border terrorism", and not being "Pakistan centric" - even when there has been remarkable progress on all issues. The truth seems to be that India still has not truly accepted Pakistan - why else resort to such actions, that once were attributed, with much fanfare and little investigation, to Pakistan.

I see people on both sides ready to make peace, and our Government as well - however, the official partner on the other side seems to be playing a duplicitous game.
Today on GEO TV with P J Mir, gave straight warning to India stop backing up Pakistani tribes and we have information about RAW interference. Advice India to close terrorist camps in Afganistan against Pakistan.If they not going to stop, whole situation will back fire. Which will be not good for India. ...His question regarding Waziristan situation.
Stay tune more comments coming up.

Great, finally someone woke up!! Indian involvement in Pakistan should have been revealed long before, we should have pressurised Nato/USA to make India call off her agents from Southern Afghanistan. We've got enough evidence on RAW involvement to justify a single raid on one of the six socalled consulates.
Ofcourse the consequesnces would be disasterous for the region and a set back for the ongoing peace negotiatins between the two countries but it will help us take back control in Waziristan.

In this matter we should learn from Turkey how she's dealing with Kurdish rebells by treatening to invade Iraq if the bombings don't stop.
Great, finally someone woke up!! Indian involvement in Pakistan should have been revealed long before, we should have pressurised Nato/USA to make India call off her agents from Southern Afghanistan. We've got enough evidence on RAW involvement to justify a single raid on one of the six socalled consulates.
Ofcourse the consequesnces would be disasterous for the region and a set back for the ongoing peace negotiatins between the two countries but it will help us take back control in Waziristan.

In this matter we should learn from Turkey how she's dealing with Kurdish rebells by treatening to invade Iraq if the bombings don't stop.

If the highest level of Government takes this up, and makes and presents its case at every forum and at every opportunity it gets, highlighting the fact that the same support is probably also killing US/NATO soldiers in Afghanistan, then India will not withstand the pressure, all bluster about "future superpower" and "independence of policy" notwithstanding.
If the highest level of Government takes this up, and makes and presents its case at every forum and at every opportunity it gets, highlighting the fact that the same support is probably also killing US/NATO soldiers in Afghanistan, then India will not withstand the pressure, all bluster about "future superpower" and "independence of policy" notwithstanding.

I'm sure that the CIA and other US agencies will be the first ones to know if RAW Is involved in any shady activities!!:P

They definitely won't need Musharraf to tell them about it!!!:tsk:
I'm sure that the CIA and other US agencies will be the first ones to know if RAW Is involved in any shady activities!!:P

They definitely won't need Musharraf to tell them about it!!!:tsk:

The issue isn't as much about the CIA or the US administration knowing, but ensuring that Pakistan's concerns are properly projected in the media, so as to not allow the US to sidestep the issue.
The issue isn't as much about the CIA or the US administration knowing, but ensuring that Pakistan's concerns are properly projected in the media, so as to not allow the US to sidestep the issue.

Oh yes of course. Misunderstood you there.

I'm sure the Pakistani media will scream at its loudest, now that Musharraf himself has ratified the suspicions. :enjoy:

I wonder though...is the RAW really involved or is Musharraf simply blaming the "foreign hand" for domestic consumption?
Oh yes of course. Misunderstood you there.

I'm sure the Pakistani media will scream at its loudest, now that Musharraf himself has ratified the suspicions. :enjoy:

I wonder though...is the RAW really involved or is Musharraf simply blaming the "foreign hand" for domestic consumption?

OK lets for argument sake we say mushraf is blaming foreign hands.could you please explain why India needs consulate so close to Pakistan border in Afghanistan.oh please don't tell me its for economic reasons.:rofl:

And iam sure this statements is being said after these recent fights and army must have found sophisticated weaponry that would be hard for rag tag Tali ban to get without a friendly nation helping.:toast_sign:
Consulates are allowed only if the host country allows.

Afghanistan surely desired them and the US surely acquiesced.

An interesting trio of common interests I presume.

India is involved in the reconstruction of the Afghanistan infrastructure that has been ravaged by the years of war. It requires consular assistance for bureaucratic snarls that crop up.
I believe that reconstruction is not really helping. India is damaging Afghanistan by sponsering and creating more terrorists which can be used for its own personal gains.
Yes, indeed, that is the popular opinion of some in Pakistan.

I reckon that organising the Mujahideens and now the Taliban is in the interest of Pakistan and less for Afghanistan's interest!
I agree that it finally stopped for good, but is it that India thinks that it can do it and be happy about it? Its gonna take as much time as flipping a coin for heads!
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