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Musharraf toppled Nawaz Sharif to avoid court martial, says book


Sep 21, 2006
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Musharraf toppled Nawaz Sharif to avoid court martial, says book

By Amir Mir, Correspondent

Lahore: General Pervez Musharraf had toppled the Sharif government in 1999 to avoid his court martial in accordance with the recommendations of an inquiry committee set up by the prime minister to probe the "Kargil debacle", reveals a new book.

The book entitled Kargil: Adventure or Trap, is written by a central leader of the Sharif-led Pakistan Muslim League, Siddiqul Farooque.

The 263-page book which has been written in both Urdu and English comes as a rebuttal to Musharraf's recently launched autobiography In the Line of Fire.

The book disputes Musharraf's claim that former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had been taken into confidence before the Kargil plan was executed.

Brain child

"The Kargil misadventure was General Musharraf's own brain child and Nawaz Sharif was never taken into confidence on the issue as being claimed by Musharraf," the writer asserts.

The book claims that Musharraf decided to topple the Sharif government after getting hold of a clandestine report of the inquiry panel set up by the prime minister to probe the Kargil episode and fix responsibility for the loss of lives on the icy wasteland in a misconceived and uncalled for operation carried out by the Army without even informing the government of the day.

"In order to stop such events from occurring in future, Nawaz Sharif constituted an inquiry committee of military officers which recommended court martial of Musharraf and the officers responsible for the Kargil misadventure.

PML-N leader releases book on Kargil Operation

Monday October 02, 2006 (0823 PST)

ISLAMABAD: PML-N central leader Muhammad Siddiqul Farooque Sunday released his book "Kargil: Adventure or Trap?" at a crowded press conference here in response to General Musharraf�s book "In the Line of Fire" and is available at all prominent book stores.

Released in Urdu and English languages, the book reveals that the Indian military knew about the Kargil operation a year before it was put into practice. However, this secret information was kept secret to catch the Northern Light Infantry troops and Mujahideen unawares and turn the tables on Pakistan Army.

Quoting from authentic documents, the book reveals that the Indian military on the direction of their political leadership kept Musharraf�s Kargil adventure a complete secret to the extent that when Brigadier Surinder Singh, posted in the region, tried to make it public, he was silenced by the COAS General V.P. Malik. The authors says that the corps commander of Siachen had stocked the precious uniforms used by the Indian military deployed at the world�s highest battlefield and distributed them among the troops before the launching of Kargil operation by General Musharraf.

The author also mentions the role of the Indian intelligence agencies that had informed their prime minister, home minister, home secretary home, cabinet secretary and DG military operations about the details of Musharraf�s Kargil operation plan.

When the then Indian Prime Minister came to Pakistan by Dosti Bus on a two-day state visit, he was aware of General Musharraf�s plan. The motive of his visit was to prove it to the world that India wanted to make friends with Pakistan with a view to installing durable peace in South Asia.

The author also tells the readers that General Musharraf had suggested the troops withdrawal from Kargil. In fact, the decision to pull back troops from Kargil had been taken during the Musharraf-Zinni meeting held on June 26, 1999 after which the two met with Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and tried to convince him to withdraw troops from Kargil. The book also mentions the benefits reaped by India and the losses suffered by Pakistan during the operation.

The book also enlightens the readers on General Musharraf�s military career, who suffered two defeats during his 23-year active service and was proved to be an incompetent general.

The book has been dedicated to all those officers and Jawans of Pakistan Army, the Mujahideen and the civilians, who sacrificed their life or were injured and crippled from Operation Gibraltar to Kargil Operation considering the military adventurism of the witless generals as Jihad.

A list of the 236 NLI troops martyred during the operation and contents of some important historical documents have also been appended at the end of the book.

Ill-conceived planning by Musharraf led to second major military defeat in Kargil: PML-N

Sunday August 06, 2006 (0253 PST)

ISLAMAB:A The ill-conceived planning by General Musharraf led to Kargil debacle which was the second major military defeat for the country .

This was said by PML-N joint secretary Siddiq ul Farooq while unveiling white paper on Kargil incident here in a press conference Saturday.

He told that over 3000 Mujahideens, officers and soldiers of NLI had to render sacrifice of their lives on Kargil front which was opened by General Musharraf without obtaining approval from the then prime minister Nawaz Sharif and taking into confidence Naval and air chiefs and other corps commanders.

The then Prime Minster Nawaz Sharif constituted inquiry committee and in the light of the report of this committee President Musharraf was to face court martial. This report was not only stolen but also Nawaz Sharif government was overthrown, he alleged.

Giving details of Kargil episode Siddiq ul Farooq said India had become aware of Kargil operation 11 months earlier. Therefore, it had made full preparations. On the other hand general Pervez Musharraf in obsession of wild pursuit of power opened this front on May, 8,1999 with ill-planning. Due to ill-conceived planning Pakistan had to lose 3000 Mujahideen and officers and Jawans of NLI On the other hand only 474 Indian troops were killed and 1109 injured.

This confrontation which was given the name of operation Vajey by India had posed threat of nuclear war, he said adding it was a complete victory for India on military, diplomatic and economic fronts and on the other hand it was the second major military defeat for Pakistan.

The then prime minister Nawaz Sharif constituted committee for probing into the incident, he told. As per report of the inquiry committee general Pervez Musharraf was to face court martial. This report was stolen from the Prime Minister House.

He maintained Indian intelligence agency RAW played a terrible role against Pakistan in Kargil operation while Pakistani intelligence agencies fully failed on this count. RAW taped all the telephonic conversation of General Abdul Aziz with General Pervez Musharraf who was in China on official visit and presented it before the world.

General Musharraf was summoned in cabinet meeting on June and he told that China had advised to withdraw Mujahideen from Kargil. All the flaws of Kargil planning came to light this way which reflected that responsibility of failure of Kargil operation rested on the shoulders of General Musharraf.

Siddiq ul Farooq claimed General Musharraf had neither obtained approval from the Prime Minister for Kargil operation nor he had taken naval and Air chiefs and corps commanders. At the behest of General Musharraf efforts were launched to steer passage for return of troops from Kargil. On the other side US and France had also threatened to impose restrictions.

Siddiq ul Farrooq told that the defence experts had also declared Kargil operation a failed plan. Claims being made by general Musharraf that Nawaz Sharif is responsible for Kargil debacle run contrary to the facts, he added.

About the recommendations made in the white paper Siddiq ul Farooq said it is suggested therein General Musharraf should present himself for court martial. A high level commission to probe into Kargil debacle be set up. Steps be taken to confine army role to the defence of the borders, he remarked.

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