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Musharraf toeing US line to break Pakistan: A Q Khan


Nov 28, 2006
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RAWALPINDI: President Pervez Musharraf is working on the US agenda of dismembering Pakistan by 2015, a news agency reported here Wednesday quoting renowned Pakistani nuclear scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan.

It quoted Dr Khan as having told an Urdu-language weekly published from New York in a telephonic interview that Musharraf is doing whatever the US wants. He said the US plans to break up Pakistan by 2015.

Bitterly criticising the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), he said it is not an international organisation but belongs to the Americans and Jews and he is not bound to appear before the IAEA.

According to the report circulated by the South Asian News Agency, Dr Khan said that Libya is lying as Tripoli did not get anything from Islamabad. He said they purchased nuclear hardware from the person from whom Pakistan had purchased nuclear hardware. He said he admitted it not because of any fear but in the interest of the country. He said at that time he was told that if he did not accept the allegations, the country might be bombed.

Dr Khan, who is respected as a national hero in Pakistan, said that now it is time to show the real picture to the nation because the other side is spreading false stories one after another. He said that his report would not remain under wraps like the Hamoodur Rehman Commission report because he has told each and everything to his family and the nation would soon know the truth.

About the threat to his life, Dr Khan said he is a true Muslim and believes that life and death are in the hands of Almighty Allah, therefore, he is not afraid of death. About procurement of conventional weapons by Pakistan despite having nuclear weapons, he said they have no value as compared to the nuclear weapons and are being bought just to receive commissions. In this regard, he referred to the construction of flyovers in Karachi and said that in the areas inhabited by the poor there are big potholes all around. When big projects are executed, he added, these are meant to receive commissions.

Commenting on the personality of Benazir Bhutto, Dr Khan said she was a wise woman and had she been alive, the situation would have been different now. He feared that she might have been eliminated because she had announced to investigate the affairs of the nuclear programme.

About Nawaz Sharif, Dr Khan said he is a brave man and remains committed to whatever he says. Regarding Asif Zardari, he said that he does not know much about him. He profusely praised Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and said he is a great person. About his oath under the PCO (Provisional Constitutional Order), Dr Khan recalled that some companions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) were non-believers before embracing Islam but they cannot be remembered as non-believers.

Online adds: Dr Khan said Benazir Bhutto was assassinated by those very elements that were responsible for forcing him to confess smuggling of nuclear plans. He disclosed that Israel had once been warned of the destruction of Tel Aviv if it ever tried to attack Pakistan.

Musharraf toeing US line to break Pakistan: A Q Khan
What absurd! Remind A.Q.Khan that his involvement in Nuclear proliferation was splashed on papers all over the world, with editorials accusing him personally while he was in charge of Kahuta. Musharraf saved his grace by pardoning him.

What A.Q Khan himself was doing was endangering Pakistan much more! Pakistan was accused of Nuclear Proliferation and all international agencies were on PAkistan's throat back then.

For a minute even if we assume A.Q.Khan's statement to be true, wouldn't Musharraf's agreeing to hand him over to IAEA and inspection of Kahuta and our Nuclear facilities; have weakened Pakistan much before 2015?

1- Why did Musharraf wait for 8 long years? Why doesn't he FULFILL 2015 in 2008? Why this specific date 2015? What's stopping Musharraf now to FULFIL that PROPHECY for 2015 now in 2008?

If Musharraf was with USA .... why would USA need a date 2015 for their plans execution? How absurd!

2- Why does Musharraf protect Pakistan and does not allow A.Q.Khan's handing over to IAEA and USA?

3- Why didn't Musharraf allow USA to act inside our boundaries? NWFP etc?

4- Why did he refuse USA on Gwadar port with China?

5- Why did he refuse USA on IPI pipeline? Musharraf has also invited China to join the deal.

6- Musharraf wants to fence off the border of Afghanistan with NWFP, and they've already started it.

7- Benzair openly said "We'll allow IAEA to inspect our facilties and interview A.Q.Khan" and her hand written letter to USA senator Peter Gilbraith is still available on internet.... what would he call PPP's open deal with USA?

8- Musharraf refused USA to send troops for Iraq.

9- Musharraf's strengthening friendship with China is disturbing USA - yet Musharraf has not backed off.

10- USA did not approve the two year back agreement Musharraf govt did with the tribals in NWFP - yet Musharraf went ahead with it.

Lastly, A.Q.Khan's ENDORSMENT of Nawaz Sharif shows where his loyalties are changing to. Its sad he has become a pawn of politics! He should have stayed away form personal attacks!
Keep one thing in mind.... Why hasn't the current government of Pakistan come to the rescue of Dr. AQ Khan and exonerate him of the accusations?? Wouldn't this be another feather in their cap to prove how bad Pres. Musharraf was.
it was fairly asstonishing, how the news publish stuff like this, & also why currnt govt, doesnt back AQ.KHAN, if he is right!
it was fairly asstonishing, how the news publish stuff like this, & also why currnt govt, doesnt back AQ.KHAN, if he is right!

I personally find the story a bit hard to swallow but have to accept the fact that musharaff is the one that laid the groundwork for attacking his own citizens in large numbers and handing pakistani people over to the US.
mush was dictater,

What ever he was he was.

Today it is Sharif and Zardari who are running the show.

Who are nothing more than beggers, liers and corrupt autocrats.

Are you happy now?
What ever he was he was.

Today it is Sharif and Zardari who are running the show.

Who are nothing more than beggers, liers and corrupt autocrats.

Are you happy now?

Yes......at least when the electons come we can vote them out if we want.
Yes......at least when the electons come we can vote them out if we want.
Ok so why didn't you elect Zardari? He just got dropped out of no where! Do you really believe you can vote them out meaning you can throw them out through elections? I highly doubt it buddy. I wish Musharraf come back again. Inshah Allah he will make a come back just wait.... But this time he should kill so called bhutto family and sharif family plus chudries to root out the cancer of Pakistan.
first of all learn to read a news. Dr. AQ Khan didnt say anything lik that. wat he said was Musraf is doin wateva US wants. and then later in his conversation he said US wants to break pakistan by 2015. there is nothing wrong in both these things if viewed independently. but i cant do much if this a$$hole writers brings them together and says musharraf is workin on US agenda of breakin pakistan:angry:
and also pakistan have not signed NPT and so there is nothing to be ashamed of even if we did give tech to other countries. we did wat was needed to be done.
Yes......at least when the electons come we can vote them out if we want.

No you can't ....your opinion will be built, you will serve foreign interests in your ignorance.
Political parties have never held fair elections any way.
and also pakistan have not signed NPT and so there is nothing to be ashamed of even if we did give tech to other countries. we did wat was needed to be done.

Does that justify selling Pakistans nuclear technology to india and US?
Which apparently AQ Khan is responsible of!
It may not be shameful for you but it is for most of us.

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