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Musharraf ***** slapping on OBL question.

Sorry, but the DON music at the end killed it for me. :meeting:
LOL @ this Idiot .... sold Pakistan and Pakistanis for $$ and ***** Bush/US
Pakistanies must be quite sick and tired of habitual moaners and whiners. so i hope.
Yeah very big patriot, short-sighted Pakistanis have forgotten it was he who first authorized the US-CIA drone in FATA, first it was only for recon and then it escalated to actual strikes which under his Presidency he tolerated and did not stop them. Very patriotic guy, I would rather he defend Pakistan's sovereignty than defend it in some scum British television program were moronic people with little understanding of geopolitics debate.

Can you please give me the comparison of drone strikes in his era and present govt. era? So if he was not a patriot by allowing few drone strikes, what will you call this present govt. (including the friendly opposition) for allowing a large number of drone strikes. What stops them for ordering PAF to shot the drones down?
Can you please give me the comparison of drone strikes in his era and present govt. era? So if he was not a patriot by allowing few drone strikes, what will you call this present govt. (including the friendly opposition) for allowing a large number of drone strikes. What stops them for ordering PAF to shot the drones down?

18 drone strikes are still no joke.

It was upto the pakistanis to realize---why are they pushing all these terrorists towards and into pakistan---what is the reason behind it---. If you look at the onslaught and the bombings, the millitary campaign---it all lead to these terrorists being directed towards pakistani border---.

The border is porus indeed---but at that time---there were not too many exit points nor too many entry points. My pakistanis bet on the wrong horse---.

You people should have realized that people who deal in death and destruction all the time---don't know anything else to do---. They enjoy killing---if they don't kill the opponent---they will turn around and kill the next weakest---they will turn on you as well.

Plus as the things were happening at the border---it was all on TV---it was happening under live coverage---and as I stated above---there were very few routes coming into pakistan.
He was a good man but was seen and took actions that undermined Pakistan's interests. So on balance, it was a poor government. Also, these army generals are law unto themselves.

I m sorry to admit that he was very likeable but he cant be forgiven for the sin of NRO. He literally threw country to the dogs. He was a leader who had a time of his life. Everyone liked him after 1999 coup and looked promising in the start. But then in his quest for self preservation, he gradually squandered all the good will.
He was a good man but was seen and took actions that undermined Pakistan's interests. So on balance, it was a poor government. Also, these army generals are law unto themselves.

I m sorry to admit that he was very likeable but he cant be forgiven for the sin of NRO. He literally threw country to the dogs. He was a leader who had a time of his life. Everyone liked him after 1999 coup and looked promising in the start. But then in his quest for self preservation, he gradually squandered all the good will.


I will agree with some of his misgivings---but for NRO---it is the pakistanis who are to be blamed for---they turned their backs on him---. They made him a pariah----they are paying the price for it as well----.

It was the pakistani public who sold themsleves to Benazir and the lawyers movement.
18 drone strikes are still no joke.

Yep. Not a joke. So the person who let those 18 attacks is not a patriot, but a traitor, on the other hand the awami jamhoori govt, who has allowed countless drone attacks resulting in countless deaths comprising mainly of suspects, is showing true patriotism, great.
If the Pakistani public only gave Musharraf some more time and another chance, we'd be in MUCH and MUCH better shape right now.

But even as a replacement, they couldn't have chosen a worser candidate in the likes of Zardari and his team.

Really an excellent reply from Musharraf, he is still the only politician whose heart and mind are with Pakistan, and I firmly believe he is the only politician not bent on looting our people.

A true patriot, Musharraf sir, I salute you, our country's economy had been booming during your tenure, we were a force to be reckoned with, yes ofcourse, everyone makes mistakes and it's only natural.

Look now, prices of all kinds of goods are soaring sky high, Karachi is quite f-ed up, our national institutions e.g. PIA, Railways etc are in shambles, the U.S.A has slapped us several times right in our faces, and our President is the 2nd richest man of Pakistan.

Quite a funny story eh?
He was a good orator but a traitor anyways,,, Thru his speech-skills he was able to deceive Pakistani sheep,,, There was NO real prosperity during his time other than artificial boast in numerical data on papers... Artificial hype in Stock exchange index & credit based influx of cars & rising property prices due to increased remittances resulting from post-911 scare does NOT constitute prosperity... Privatization of nationalized banks & other companies was already going on during Nawaz era which Mushy continued, so nothing special to his credit,,, Sprouting TV channels, OK, this award goes to him but his intention was to hypnotize & distract ppl from real life events by letting-loose a flood of entertainment,, so that he could continue encroaching Pakistan from inside along with his master-Americans who he let loose to set up their network, fruit of which we are reaping now...

Remember Nawaz & Bainazeer used to accuse each other of taking "Dictation" from US, that was coz both the thieves knew their inside story...

Sine inside job of 911 & later attacks on muslim countries were already planned, so, under dictation from US Nawaz choose Mushy over more deserving Generals & then a conflict was created b/w Mushy & Nawaz thru an artificial incursion of Kargil, for which there was neither any background nor any reason... As a result Mushy took over,,, Now that Americans had a king in Pakistan who would be a slave to US, stage was set to bring the buildings down in NYC & continue genocide of muslims as planned,,, Mushy-the-traitor was very key player in all this...

If this traitor has any sincerity towards Pakistan for real he would NOT have bolted away right after leaving power only to never show up again. Many were deceived by this intelligent-non-sincere-speaker but many realized his true face earlier or later, some are still under his spell,,,

& NRO ... do I need to say anything about it...

The steel mill crisis showed how unreal expectations pakistanis have----all their talks of cleverness and how sharp they are, they can count the feathers in a flying sparrow's wings, the world runs around the pakistanis----well the steel mill showed the true face of the pakistanis----.

Ill informed---illeterate---ignorant----clueless---you name the worst categories---my brethren---my countrymen topped all those-----.

Under Mushrraf's regime---he appointed a retd general incharge of steel mill---to polish it up---get it running good---increase the production----get a buyer to buy it off----just like you would---before selling up your beat up old car----you would spit shine it---detail the inside out---clean up the engine compartment---put new tires and clean up the upholstery and fix it---.

You illeterates really started believing in your self that steel mill was performing perfectly----.

Now it is in shambles----and who was leading the charge----our old stooge---Judge Chaudhry---.
Yep. Not a joke. So the person who let those 18 attacks is not a patriot, but a traitor, on the other hand the awami jamhoori govt, who has allowed countless drone attacks resulting in countless deaths comprising mainly of suspects, is showing true patriotism, great.

It wasn't even 18 strikes, he is also counting the drone strikes carried out under the reign of this Govt. while Musharraf was still president even though it is the Prime Minister that really holds all the power and ofcourse we know how much power he had when he was president under this Govt.

Under Musharraf there were like 5-7 drone attacks.
18 drone strikes are still no joke.

Even a single drone attack is no joke, (though there were hardly 8 during Musharraf’s time i don’t know the numbers and i really don’t care about the numbers 1 or 1000 all the same to me)
Situation had reached such idiotic and stupid lows that drone strikes were happening and majority of the world was backing it at that time, with an understanding that only terrorists would be targeted, a naive and outlandish thought.

Musharraf showed 100 times more backbone than any past or present leadership.
He took Tony Blaire to task after 7/7 he Literally on TV asked Tony to 'put his own house in order first before turning to Pakistan and blaming us- he named the Mullahs in UK that were preaching hate in mosques in UK and putting Fatwas on whole world’
He held meaningful dialogues with India, he was respected in Islamic world and the west, our economy was growing there wasn’t load shedding that we have now. Gas shortage, any crisis you name it we have it now.

BB’s whole strategy was to ensure west that what Masharraf never even imagined of allowing she would offer the double. on the other hand Nawaz was playing the Tliban i love you Card and still reminding US that i am the real man for the job.. will keep the anti west rhetoric high and still offer a deal which if not better, then least same that BB would,

I remember one BBC Question Time session hosted by David Dimbleby – guests were Our BB, Tony Benn etc. (Tony Benn in my opinion - a true Labour leader – socialist i would say, a man of people)

I was left to feel that only Tony Benn was fighting the corner for Pakistan. BB had completely capitulated and was just after air time and to prove how much west savi she is.
Tony Benn was left with shaking his head in disappointment.

The Shame is that Musharraf didn’t really do what he should have done. He should have become a true Dictator – like Zia – no nonsense and no pleasing morons.
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