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Musharraf resigns; for nation and country

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Musharraf resigns; for nation and country

ISLAMABAD, Aug 18 (APP): President Pervez Musharraf Monday announced resignation from his post in the best interest of the nation and to save the country from further destabilisation. In an address to the nation, the President dismissed the “false allegations” being levelled against him by the coalition government and said he was neither afraid of the charges against him, nor shy to face these through impeachment.

“For me it is always Pakistan first”, Musharraf said and added that politics of confrontation must come to an end and instead a policy of reconciliation be pursued.

He stressed immediate measure be taken to arrest the economic downturn and said the nation has the resilience to withstand any challenge.

He said it was not a time to show bravado, but to get serious as country’s dignity was at stake, the office of Presidency would bear the brunt.

“For 44 years I have safeguarded the country and will continue to do so.”

“No charge sheet can stand against me. Not even a single charge can be proven against me as I have full trust in Allah Almighty and I did everything with the belief of Pakistan First.”

The President said he took all decisions with consultation, took all stake holders onboard, on the most difficult decisions.

“All stake holders, whether they were soldiers, politicians, bureaucrats, members of civil society, ulema were consulted in all decisions. “I have nothing to worry about the charge sheet,” Musharraf said.

The President said he has mixed thoughts to do something to take the country out of this crisis. Parliament can be saved from horse trading. Even if the impeachment fails, the relations between institutions of the state will never be the same again.
True, the bickering was affecting the economy. He did the right thing, as always.

Zardari was not going to quit, so Musharaf became the bigger man and decided to put the country first.

I've mixed thoughts. It's good he quit because Pakistanis do not deserve an honest person in power, but bad also since Zardari can now reduce the foreign exchange by another 35% over the next 6 months.
Here are the highlights of Musharraf's speech:

I resign as Pakistan President: Musharraf

I am leaving behind a vibrant media: Musharraf

I want my supporters to respect my decision: Musharraf

History will judge me: Musharraf

I quit in the interest of the nation: Musharraf

I stepped down as General to evolve democracy: Musharraf

Impeachment will destroy the fabrics of Parliament: Musharraf

Pakistan will loose if impeachment is carried out: Musharraf

Pakistan is suffering due to political vendetta: Musharraf

My priority was to restore and evolve democracy: Musharraf

I took Pakistan economically forward: Musharraf

I strengthened democratic proccesses in the country: Musharraf

Pakistan was perceived by the world as a terror state: Musharraf (onlee true statement )

I helped Pakistan’s perception in the world change: Musharraf

I made two elections possible: Musharraf

I am proud of all my achievements: Musharraf

Martial Law helped Pakistan grow: Musharraf

I took over the country when it needed help: Musharraf

I am proud to have fought for the country: Prez Musharraf

We fought the challenges successfully: Musharraf

I have improved the economy of Pakistan: Musharraf

I fought two wars for the country: Musharraf

Under my rule Pak has become part of N-11: Musharraf

I took over when Pak was falling into the hands of terrorists: Musharraf

I have kept Pak interests over and above everything: Musharraf

Those who are criticising me are anti-nationals: Musharraf

Traitors are ruining the country by targetting me: Musharraf

I coined the ‘Pakistan First’ proverb: Musharraf

Highlights of Pakistan President Musharraf's speech-Pakistan-World-The Times of India

What u guys have to say?
All i have to say is this. He was the best man Pakistan ever had after Zufikar Ali Bhutto in somewhat ways! He was the most honest leader of Pakistan and he showed that he was the True soldier who again put Pakistan before him! I love him to death because he love Pakistan to death Love live Pakistan! long live Musharraf! long live Pakistan again!
All i have to say is this. He was the best man Pakistan ever had after Zufikar Ali Bhutto in somewhat ways! He was the most honest leader of Pakistan and he showed that he was the True soldier who again put Pakistan before him! I love him to death because he love Pakistan to death Love live Pakistan! long live Musharraf! long live Pakistan again!

Moha199, its nice to see your love for Mush, Kindly tell me some logical and detailed reasons for your love. It seems that whole Pakistan is celebrating his departure.
What would u say regarding some issues inwhich Mush was directly involved, like Lal Masjid, Dr. Afia, Boluchistan crisis, Bhugti Crisis, Swat operation, WANA missions, Waziristan issue, Media crisis, Lawyars issues, missing persons, Dr. A. Q khan issue, direct USA attacks and some more like that....

May be your love is right, but majority of people are happy on this....if your love for him is true then kindly explain the above issues in his favour...
True, the bickering was affecting the economy. He did the right thing, as always.

Zardari was not going to quit, so Musharaf became the bigger man and decided to put the country first.

I've mixed thoughts. It's good he quit because Pakistanis do not deserve an honest person in power, but bad also since Zardari can now reduce the foreign exchange by another 35% over the next 6 months.

Sir, First the nation have to improve....the leader are from us. As Quran also said that they are from you...jis tarhan k awaam ho gi usi tarhan k leaders miley gain. thanks
Musharaf is past now, its better to look towards future. Leave judgement of Musharaf era to the historians.
God Bless Pervaiz Musharraf, Shah e Mardan and God Bless Pak Fauj - It was yet another courageous service in a 40 year history of service and sacrifice.

Worst case situation: Pakistan will now be treated as the politicians have always treated Pakistan, as if it was their family inheritance - the fault is not some shortcoming unique to the politicians, they are, the voice of the god claims, a reflection of the people.

There are other claims, but let the politicians have their day, let them claim a victory against the people of Pakistan - but this victory will not last long: soon they will fall on each other and the revolution will begin feeding on those that will claim to have created it.

And then perhaps some may want to visit again the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan - it is there that the malady resides.

Some treat the Western institutions of governanace as if these were pillars of a religion, a "one size fits all" notion of forms of governance might then also be examained critically and purposefully.
Moha199, its nice to see your love for Mush, Kindly tell me some logical and detailed reasons for your love. It seems that whole Pakistan is celebrating his departure.
What would u say regarding some issues inwhich Mush was directly involved, like Lal Masjid, Dr. Afia, Boluchistan crisis, Bhugti Crisis, Swat operation, WANA missions, Waziristan issue, Media crisis, Lawyars issues, missing persons, Dr. A. Q khan issue, direct USA attacks and some more like that....

May be your love is right, but majority of people are happy on this....if your love for him is true then kindly explain the above issues in his favour...

What exactly did Musharraf have to do with Dr Aafia Siddiqui?

Do you think the Swat, Bugti operations were unjustified? Have you started growing your beard yet?

How can you blame Balochistan on Musharraf? Balochistan has been going on for decades?

AQ Khan? It was a case of putting him under house arrest for his own good. He was a target.

Moreover, the question is........ What has the next government done differently? Do you think they will not listen to America anymore than Musharaf did?
Moha199, its nice to see your love for Mush, Kindly tell me some logical and detailed reasons for your love. It seems that whole Pakistan is celebrating his departure.
What would u say regarding some issues inwhich Mush was directly involved, like Lal Masjid, Dr. Afia, Boluchistan crisis, Bhugti Crisis, Swat operation, WANA missions, Waziristan issue, Media crisis, Lawyars issues, missing persons, Dr. A. Q khan issue, direct USA attacks and some more like that....

May be your love is right, but majority of people are happy on this....if your love for him is true then kindly explain the above issues in his favour...

And majority of these people are mirasies.

Get a life few of the morrons from PML-N and PPP who you can be seen dancing like kanjars on every occasion be it the death of Zaiul Haq or anything else.

The operations in all the areas you have mentioned are still going on. Musharraf is no more there now what is holding thugs zardari and your love ganja to halt these operations ??

These operations are going to be intensified and if you think your thugs going to halt these well my two cents

These few
Moha199, its nice to see your love for Mush, Kindly tell me some logical and detailed reasons for your love. It seems that whole Pakistan is celebrating his departure.
What would u say regarding some issues inwhich Mush was directly involved, like Lal Masjid, Dr. Afia.....

Hmmm... It looks to me like no one else had ever handed over Pakistanis to americans or others. Perhaps, You need to change your view, a little.

Well, I am not in fovaour of removal of Musharraf in this way. A death of one person does not remove the curse of others. But, all of us do know that his policies were proven harmful to us.
Moha199, its nice to see your love for Mush, Kindly tell me some logical and detailed reasons for your love. It seems that whole Pakistan is celebrating his departure.
What would u say regarding some issues inwhich Mush was directly involved, like Lal Masjid, Dr. Afia.....

Hmmm... It looks to me like no one else had ever handed over Pakistanis to americans or others. Perhaps, You need to change your view, a little.

Well, I am not in fovaour of removal of Musharraf in this way. But, all of us do know that his policies were proven harmful to us. A death of one person does not remove the curse of others.

:) i can understand your argument keeping in view your support for the two websites that are being run through foreign fund to spread propaganda material against Pakistan.
i can understand your argument keeping in view your support for the two websites that are being run through foreign fund to spread propaganda material against Pakistan.

Which two websites you are talking about? Will you please tell me too?

Yes, you can understand the arguments. But, maybe, you are not willing to understand.

And how did you figured out that I am a propaganda master, by the way?

You need to be more open in your arguments, so that the others could clearly understand what you intending to say and could answer you. Therefore, I will request you to tell us what did you understand.
Which two websites you are talking about? Will you please tell me too?

Yes, you can understand the arguments. But, maybe, you are not willing to understand.

And how did you figured out that I am a propaganda master, by the way?

You need to be more open in your arguments, so that the others could clearly understand what you intending to say and could answer you. Therefore, I will request you to tell us what did you understand.

Ah never mind sir

Move on ;)

it is also that no one before have ever tried to sell Thar Coal and Pakistan steel mills to Indians just like zardari is doing so.

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