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Musharraf out of election race as candidacy rejected from Chitral

Why don't you just justify how he bought his farm house as well as all the investment. If you cant then shove it in.

An army generals pay cant afford him a farm house spread over many acres. Secondly all the investments, books and lectures were after he resigned as Dictator whereas farm house is there long before that.

Guys you are dreaming that these elections will be fair. Its all a set-up for bringing back the same old looters back in the seat. May be Musharaff may have made some money but not like Mr. 100% and Mr. Bald & Family. Just to let you know he was giving visiting lectures world-wide and for each such session he was charging 300k. So if you work out, the figure is pretty much humangous. Well we as a nation are still not yet developed and educated and mentally grown-up, we as a nation are to blame ourselves for all the wrong doings. Only Allah can save us from ourselves (Ameen).
Pathetic decision. Jamshed dasti can contest in elections but not the Musharraf.

Jamshed dastis degree wasnt fake as per HEC it was rather invalid. Meaning he studied in a institution which was not accredited with HEC but with other foreign private organisation.Wah cantt university is also an example of such institution. There are hundreds of colleges in pakistan with such status. So he was innocent to begin with but our media mercilessly did his character assassination just because he belongs to a poor faimly.

Guys you are dreaming that these elections will be fair. Its all a set-up for bringing back the same old looters back in the seat. May be Musharaff may have made some money but not like Mr. 100% and Mr. Bald & Family. Just to let you know he was giving visiting lectures world-wide and for each such session he was charging 300k. So if you work out, the figure is pretty much humangous. Well we as a nation are still not yet developed and educated and mentally grown-up, we as a nation are to blame ourselves for all the wrong doings. Only Allah can save us from ourselves (Ameen).

I already covered those facts in previous posts but some people just don't listen.
Your idea of 'new' and 'democratic' is PPP-PML playing musical chairs?

I've seen his house in London, poor as **** and no security. If he did corruption then he's be more like zordiri

Either you haven't been to London or you just saw his house on TV. He lives in one on the most posh areas of UK. His house in UK is not in question here. Secondly a 2 bedroom house in London area is almost 500000 pounds or more whereas he lives in a four bedroomed house something to clarify for u.
Either you haven't been to London or you just saw his house on TV. He lives in one on the most posh areas of UK. His house in UK is not in question here. Secondly a 2 bedroom house in London area is almost 500000 pounds or more whereas he lives in a four bedroomed house something to clarify for u.
To clarify, he lives just behind Edgware Road (I wouldn't call that one of the poshest areas in London), in a three-bedroom apartment, not a four-bedroom house. The value of his apartment is in the £600k - £700k region ($922k - $1m).

A four bedroom house in the same area would be costing you around £6m - £7m ($9m - $10m).

His apartment is certainly modest and affordable given the income he's made from the lecture circuit, and book sales from In the Line of Fire (including the advance payment from publishers Simon & Schuster).
Either you haven't been to London or you just saw his house on TV. He lives in one on the most posh areas of UK. His house in UK is not in question here. Secondly a 2 bedroom house in London area is almost 500000 pounds or more whereas he lives in a four bedroomed house something to clarify for u.

Posh area my a55, it's not even close to the main edgeware road. And it's full of arabs(no offence). I dont know the property prices in UK, but by intl standards the house is just ordinary. London has low standards I guess. But remember, PPP and PML have assests worth billions of $ in property gold and back accounts the world over.
Your idea of 'new' and 'democratic' is PPP-PML playing musical chairs?

There are other parties then PML and PPP.How about PTI? you know i have a question. you people give alot of slack to nawaz sharif for his self imposed exile in jeddah after musharraf imposed the marshall law but you ignore that musharraf did nothing different. He also went into a self imposed exile and came back just before the elections after the govt was finished. Can anyone explain this?

I dont get this thing.

By the way musharraf has a less then zero chance of becoming prime minister or president. Want to know how. you need majority of MNA for prime minister and majority of all members of assembly ( both national and provincial) and the senate to become the president.where is he going to get this majority? Especially if all the parties are working against him as soo mnay of you put it.

Can one trust on SC in the case of Musharraf ????????

Yep its going to be bias. thats why its going to be funny.
Thus goes up in smoke all plans of playing the Kargil card in Chitral election. His life is in serious threat although Kyani must have given some assurances. He may also be arrested to confront his old foe Justice Chowdhury.
democracy belongs to feudal lords monopoly, who are also lotas

now i understand why democracy is a failure in pakistan, it will never be about true democracy, it will be about civilian dictatorship and their motto will be like loot pakistan to bankruptcy

we had enough of democracy for five years, it just shows how democracy cant just work out
. .
now what he should have stayed in his multi million dollar compound.

now what he should have stayed in his multi million dollar compound.
To clarify, he lives just behind Edgware Road (I wouldn't call that one of the poshest areas in London), in a three-bedroom apartment, not a four-bedroom house. The value of his apartment is in the £600k - £700k region ($922k - $1m).

A four bedroom house in the same area would be costing you around £6m - £7m ($9m - $10m).

His apartment is certainly modest and affordable given the income he's made from the lecture circuit, and book sales from In the Line of Fire (including the advance payment from publishers Simon & Schuster).

As i said before his house in UK is not in question as he rightfully earned all that money. People here are moving topic away from real issue that how did he afford a farmhouse in ISB when he was just a general. His accomplishments are not in question but rather his failure that allowed a party like PPP to come into power due to NRO. He sold our foreign policy to US and our people. He sold sisters of this nations i.e. Afia Siddique. I was just trying to say that he can't run away from his failures just because he has done couple of good deeds.
If he is soo confident of his innocence then let him file an appeal against this decision and give proof that he is innocent. after all same happened with sharif bradran and imran khan. cases were filed against them, they brought proof and were made eligible. his lawyer is saying they will go to supreme court then let him go their and give his evidence of his innocence.

Personally i would advice him to quit while he is ahead. If he cannot provide such evidences then things can go worse and thus he will get in more trouble. The next few days will be interesting.

Like orion hunter said eligible or not aside, i highly doubt he would have become a PM or president.

Appeal for what? The appeal has been filed and rejected on idiotic grounds even though he has not been found guilty in the cases against him. Contrary to your claim of Sharif baradaran bringing in proof, no such thing happened. Their cases were dropped as a result of a deal between them and the PPP.
mush is out of elections but people will still give votes to him on APML platform
There are other parties then PML and PPP.How about PTI? you know i have a question. you people give alot of slack to nawaz sharif for his self imposed exile in jeddah after musharraf imposed the marshall law but you ignore that musharraf did nothing different. He also went into a self imposed exile and came back just before the elections after the govt was finished. Can anyone explain this?

I dont get this thing.

By the way musharraf has a less then zero chance of becoming prime minister or president. Want to know how. you need majority of MNA for prime minister and majority of all members of assembly ( both national and provincial) and the senate to become the president.where is he going to get this majority? Especially if all the parties are working against him as soo mnay of you put it.

Yep its going to be bias. thats why its going to be funny.

At least you are giving him a 0% chance. Care to tell me what the odds were against Zardari becoming the President?
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