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Musharraf Era was best in 63-year history of Pakistan: Dr. Salman Shah

Fasih Khan

Apr 1, 2010
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Musharraf Era was best in 63-year history of Pakistan: Dr. Salman Shah

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Musharraf era was best in 63-year history of Pakistan: Dr. Salman Shah

Former minister says Shaukat Tareen’s policies responsible for economic crisis

By Shabbir Sarwar

LAHORE: Former finance minister Dr Salman Shah on Sunday claimed that the Musharraf regime was the best in over 60 years history of the country as far as the economic indicators and growth rate were concerned.

Addressing a discussion titled “Pakistan’s economic crisis and its solution: Who is responsible for price hike in Pakistan”, he said Shaukat Tareen’s policies brought a downfall to the national economy.

“We had left $16 billion reserves in 2007 which have now fell to only $6 billion and ultimately the government has to beg form the International Monetary Fund (IMF),” he said, adding that the IMF had offered loan on soft conditions in 2005 after the earthquake but the Musharraf government had rejected it.

He said the IMF loans would gradually destroy the national economy. “Pakistan’s external debts were $40 billion in 2008, which have now increased to $58 billion in just two and a half years and internal debts have also reached $40 billion,” Dr Salman said.

He said it was not the defence budget but the debt servicing which was responsible for the increase in inflation.

He said the interest rate was zero in US, 1-2 percent in Europe, 6 percent in India while in Pakistan the IMF wanted to take it to 15 percent, which was totally unjustified and a cause of inflation.

“We are currently facing cost-pulled inflation while the measures to control it are taken on the basis of demand-pulled which are making the condition worse,” he said, adding that only 17 percent people were living below the poverty line in 2007-08 while the number had now increased to 40 percent.

“Pakistan is blessed with young population that can be converted into an economic force. Three million new jobs are needed for the young population in the country and for this purpose an increase of eight percent in the growth rate is required annually otherwise the lava of population would ultimately blast with a bang,” he said, adding the GDP was falling since 2007 and there was a fear of negative GDP figures keeping in view the existing trends.

Earlier, Privatisation Commission member Iftikharul Haq gave a detailed presentation about the price hike since 1947 and also discussed various factors and policies, which were responsible for increase in inflation rate. He criticised the culture of extravagance and said that defence budget’s 20 percent was spent on unjustified expenditures. “The size of our cabinet is very large as the US has only 13 to 14 ministers while we are bearing the burden of more than 90 ministers,” he said. He held corruption, high population growth rate, energy crisis, high interest rate, black economy and poor management responsible for increase in inflation.

In the end, the TECH Society President Dr Sadiq presented a vote of thanks and stressed that in order to control price of a commodity its supply should be increased in the market.

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I like this guy, though he engineered the Kargil, he did try to resolve Kashmir issue with Mr. Singh, which would have brought a new light in the plight of Pakistan. Unfortunately some of his domestic decisions were not good.
There is no doubt Musharraf was Golden Eagle of Pakistan, Once i remember in 2003 he said in his speech that he will make Pakistan the Asian Tiger, & he had proved it when rupee value was Increasing, economy was booming with 8% annually, whole of Pakistan was booming with huge development of infrastructure, defence industry was becoming self reliant, long standing issues like Kashmir issue was near to be solved. poverty was reduced from 43% to 22%, & alot lot more, biggest thing was there was no such kind of terrorism which we are facing today,hardly 1or 2 bomb incident occurs in 7 8 months & only in Frontier. He was a golden gift of God that we Pakistanis have lost & now God hav punish us by giving us a corrupt theif uneducated criminal zardari. May b the illiterates who voted zardari r happy now.
If only he hadn't tried to kill the chief justice, and sell away the civilians. Its because of him that Pakistan is in the hands of Zardari had he supported democracy and kept within his legal limits we would not be experiencing this. Musharraf chose to break laws he could have stayed within the limits of the law and still run the country. I just don't trust him enough to hand over the keys to Prime Ministership
I like this guy, though he engineered the Kargil, he did try to resolve Kashmir issue with Mr. Singh, which would have brought a new light in the plight of Pakistan. Unfortunately some of his domestic decisions were not good.

I want him back for same thing. He was only one leader who was able to solve K******* issue. Rest of the democratic governments and military governments used K******* issue and played with public emotions in Pakistan. In India even after Kargil chapter he was popular because he alway sound serious about India - Pakistan friendship. During his rule there was very less terrorism in Kashmir also.
Some people get too big for the own boots. Let's not forget that it was Mushy who ensured a freer press - the same press which played a pivotal role in his downfall. He may have been insanely patriotic but he was not a loony like Zia. Mushy was secular - he wanted to be like Ataturk. But power intoxicates - he assumed he was invincible and could get away with anything as long as he served the long term interests of Pakistan.
Musharaf FCUKED the whole country.. what do you call Economy when half population of your countrymen crossed down the line of poverty. FCUKING RICH FAVORING POLICIES were those.. Demon "Trickle Down".. MY FOOT! and look who's talking..

Some 2.4 Billions came for EarthQuake, Some 10 Billions for the War Against Terrorism and Musharaff Took another $10 Billions as loan, Loans of some $36Billions were rescheduled to give relief to Pakistan after it joined WAT and went under earthquake. The over-all impact of these developments was rouhly 15 billions to the National Economy and these are the "accidents" that the looser likes to count as "brought betterment to the economy".

As per Public Accounts Comette Report, published in year 2007 (And which mysteriously got burnt on its own), All the National Institutions that were Chaired by Army Persons went down and were in consistent loss. . Look at railway, look at PIA, look at Pakistan Steel, look any institute of the country and you will see the picture of "Best Era in Pakistan's History".

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China could have had the sort of economic bubble Pakistan had, back in the 80's. But the problem with bubbles is that they burst. China developed it's own economy and production capacity, and *then* experienced a consumption boom in which they manufactured the goods their economy consumed.

Musharraf, and more specifically his imported Prime Minister, gave us an import-centric economic bubble. Ofcourse people were happier in the short run, the economy was flooded with cheaper imports and things like that, the economy gets addicted to imports and it's local industries can't compete.

In the end he got duped by the US though, apparently. When Mush signed the NRO on US pressure, forgiving hundreds of billions of $ of looted money, the political landscape was shaping up to seem like Mush would still be the president, and that the NRO would only be used to facilitate Benazir's becoming the Prime Minister, or another similar power sharing deal.
There is no doubt Musharraf was Golden Eagle of Pakistan, Once i remember in 2003 he said in his speech that he will make Pakistan the Asian Tiger, & he had proved it when rupee value was Increasing, economy was booming with 8% annually, whole of Pakistan was booming with huge development of infrastructure, defence industry was becoming self reliant, long standing issues like Kashmir issue was near to be solved. poverty was reduced from 43% to 22%, & alot lot more, biggest thing was there was no such kind of terrorism which we are facing today,hardly 1or 2 bomb incident occurs in 7 8 months & only in Frontier. He was a golden gift of God that we Pakistanis have lost & now God hav punish us by giving us a corrupt theif uneducated criminal zardari. May b the illiterates who voted zardari r happy now.

Hold your crap toddler, you live in America and you know Pakistan? Who brought this Zardari in power????????.. Just a little food for some weak thought muscles of people who like to forget it was Musharaf who signed NRO and let this money hungry hound get hold of chair..

Pakistan is facing Zardari is not because people voted for him, Zardari has less than 40% of Vote but he is in power because he made deals with your great Musharaf. Realize whole country has been eaten by this lousy PPP Government and Musharf didn't spur a single world againts Zardari and always attacks Nawaz Sharif! Nawaz Sharif is bad but not any worse than Zardari but STILL!

Realize who is culprit here before you post next time.
Musharaf FCUKED the whole country.. what do you call Economy when half population of your countrymen crossed down the line of poverty. FCUKING RICH FAVORING POLICIES were those.. Demon "Trickle Down".. MY FOOT! and look who's talking..

Some 2.4 Billions came for EarthQuake, Some 10 Billions for the War Against Terrorism and Musharaff Took another $10 Billions as loan, Loans of some $36Billions were rescheduled to give relief to Pakistan after it joined WAT and went under earthquake. The over-all impact of these developments was rouhly 15 billions to the National Economy and these are the "accidents" that the looser likes to count as "brought betterment to the economy".

As per Public Accounts Comette Report, published in year 2007 (And which mysteriously got burnt on its own), All the National Institutions that were Chaired by Army Persons went down and were in consistent loss. . Look at railway, look at PIA, look at Pakistan Steel, look any institute of the country and you will see the picture of "Best Era in Pakistan's History".


Just like this person would say "Yaa I'm the most beautiful person of the world" !


o comeon dude seriously? First of all this is a Defense forum and don't use this language even for imran khan! secondly You talk about loans? loans??????? seriously you need a reality check buddy! I know you are imran khan supporter but stop mixing reality with fiction! There should be some limit of hate! we all are youth and i guess for one reason i like Musharraf's supporters since they respect imran khan and they always want both of them to join hands but problem with imran supporters is that they still want divided politics even in this time of affairs! YouTube - President Pervez Musharraf's achievements {1999-2007}

now you talk about pakistan taking 10 billion from pakistan? You must be really joking man! pakistan's economy is 570 million plus a year and you are saying those 10 billion would of helped over 7 years of period? those $10 billions were given to pakistan for WOT now out of those 10 billion half of them 5 billion or so went for reimbursements in form of repair for our euipments, "jet's bullets,oil, war pay of soilders, reconstruction, overhul etc" how about you watch this video lol
YouTube - EXCELLENT REPLY TO 10 BILLION DOLLARS Musharraf Fareed Zakaria interview - Part 1.flv
Hold your crap toddler, you live in America and you know Pakistan? Who brought this Zardari in power????????.. Just a little food for some weak thought muscles of people who like to forget it was Musharaf who signed NRO and let this money hungry hound get hold of chair..

Pakistan is facing Zardari is not because people voted for him, Zardari has less than 40% of Vote but he is in power because he made deals with your great Musharaf. Realize whole country has been eaten by this lousy PPP Government and Musharf didn't spur a single world againts Zardari and always attacks Nawaz Sharif! Nawaz Sharif is bad but not any worse than Zardari but STILL!

Realize who is culprit here before you post next time.

again language please lol secondly your question about who elected zardari? let me take you back in time lol NRO was signed between BB and Pakistan and the main catch of NRO was that BB wouldn't take part in elections! now when she came to pakistan it was pakistani people who loved her like god! then then she got killed and zardari casted the majic will of BB! then in aug 2008 musharraf left office and all the political parties that you guys voted for selected Zardari! IN SEPTEMBER so why blame musharraf for this man! Pakistani got what they deserve! look around you buddy! Allah destroyed namrood for building fake kabba and your own pakistan is having Hajj in pakistan do you know that? then you have nallanaypak? etc knock it off man seriously! We Pakistani are good at blaming on eachothers and this is what happen! What happen to your imran khan who stayed quite while zardari was getting elected??? he was actually favoring democracy at that time and democracy mean zardari at that time! Just knock it off bro we all are pakistani and we should show respect to eachothers lol Talk the facts rather fictions and let me assure you that Imran khan is not ever getting elected Inshah ALlah because if he does we Pakistan will be isolated in the world and we will have -2% GDP! Don't forget Pakistan is Pakistan not Iran which is sitting on rich land of OIL! When Bush tried to attack Iran! USA had 7 dollars a gallon gas here! i travel to USA and Pakistan often and i think i have the taste of both countries! If we talk about Pakistan then we need Musharraf now and i mean now before we go down more! Indeed Imran khan's people can play a good role if Imran khan fix his head and stop supporting talibans! we had done deals with Talibans and they failed and we can't risk more deals with TTP simple! lol
@Graphican I think you'd like this documentary: The War On Democracy by John Pilger

It's called The War on Democracy, by John Pilger. I agree with what you're saying - some people love Mush because the current govt's much worse. But that's like loving snakebites but hating the venom they leave - Zardari is the venom Musharraf left.

The point I'd like to make however, is that Pakistan is far from being the only country to have undergone this trauma - we've had widely unpopular leaders imported and imposed pretty much all over the world. We can learn from other countries that have gone through this type of political upheaval and avoid making mistakes they did. That's what the video's about. I highly recommend it, it's about time we people learn from our mistakes.
well our debts were low back then bec we kept our currency undervalued....

real interest rate in pakistan is actually negative which is the lowest in the subcontinent.....

yes poverty was lower as much investment was pourin in due to stable security situation... we do not have this anymore.

in 2010 competition report, pakistan ranked much lower than other countries mainly due to poor security

but in terms of economic growth, his time was definitely better. why? its a different debate
wast of time, get real, in pakistan no body cares about growth,poverty,stability or even a sense of good talk. Just give a anti-america lecture.Blame everything on CIA,ROW and mossad. Talk about Taliban like they are real heroes . And you will be rich over night with million of supporters and they even can make you president.
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