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Murad Bayar Visits TeknoParkIstanbul


Jan 10, 2012
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Targeted to be Turkey's biggest and to be Europe's one of the largest, and most prestigious science parks, Technopark Istanbul has the ambition of becoming the most important and most qualified window to the world of Turkey with embodying Turkey-wide and İstanbul-particular goals of self-technology development.
Teknopark İstanbul is the last step of the three-step ITEP (Advanced Technology Support Programme) project commenced by the SSM (Undersecretariat for Defence Industries). Sabiha Gökçen International Airport and Aviation Repair Maintenance Center (The other two steps of ITEP) started operating in recent years within the framework of this project.
ITEP started in 1987 and actual implementation of Teknopark İstanbul project began operating after 20 years. Teknopark İstanbul was declared to be a technology development zone in 2009 and managing company was established in May 4, 2010.
Teknopark İstanbul consists of three phases, on east-west direction with 1.4M m2, 900K m2 and 200K m2 of areas, each separated by the main arteries. It is 2 km away from Trans European Motorway (TEM) Pendik entrance, adjacent to Sabiha Gökçen International Airport; 7 km away from D-100 highway and Pendik Port.
Region has begun to reveal even from today its potential to become a truly and excellent business center with İstanbul-based industry infrastructure spread beyond İzmit on East-West axis, ship building industry in Tuzla and aviation industry already started to cluster around the airport.

Shareholders of İstanbul Teknopark
- %45 SSM (Undersecretariat for Defence Industries),
- %40 ITO (Istanbul Chamber of Commerce),
- %13 HEAŞ(Airport Management and Aeronautical Industries Inc.),
- %1 İTİCÜ (İstanbul Commerce University)
- %1 STM (Defence Technologies Engineering and Trade Inc. )

200K m2 private investment zone in the region is reserved for a number of domestic and foreign large-scale tech giants in order for them to have clean and high-quality technology production via interacting with companies in Technopark.
200K m2, within 1.4M m2 forest area, is allocated with a building permit for the use of interuniversity joint technology institute and technology-based social responsibility projects reflecting the philosophy of İstanbul Teknopark will be implemented here.
Between these two areas, 900K m2 area constitutes the main body of Teknopark İstanbul project.

Main focus areas of Teknopark İstanbul:
· Aerospace and Aviation
· Defence Technologies
· Marine Technologies
· Advanced Electronics
· Industrial Automation
· Advanced Materials
· Life Sciences
· Industrial Software

However, other technology areas supporting these areas are more than welcomed to take part in Teknopark İstanbul.
Corporate Goal of Teknopark İstanbul is to form a technology infrastructure with;
· A 15-year development process including 2 Billion USD investment.
· 1000 hi-tech R&D companies.
· 30000 qualified human resource.
· Producing a turnover of over 10 billion dollars on the basis of high-tech.

There will be 650K m2 closed area and with basements this area will be over 900K m2.
Main advantages include the followings, but are not limited to, SSM's and ITO's firm support to all tenants in every possible business line, non-bureaucratic management approach, seed and capital fund support in the establishment process, zero-cost incubation centers for entrepreneurs.
In addition to an extension of this basic understanding of entrepreneurship, innovation is one of the underlying principles of Teknopark istanbul.
Together with domestic and foreign stakeholders and hence compatible with the objectives of Turkey's exports and the global knowledge economy, Teknopark İstanbul is designed for a very high standard with at least being the regional locomotive of sustainable development and with an indisputable environmental and green awareness for work and the working environment.
Converting idea and technology into product and its commercialization and double or multi-purpose technologies take part in the technology focus of Teknopark İstanbul.
The potential for cooperation of 7 very high quality universities nearby and 44 universities/colleges located in İstanbul province is carefully examined and studies for possible areas of cooperation are already carried out for companies to be settled into Teknopark İstanbul. In other words, a unique and realistic method for industry-university cooperation is already formed.
While Teknopark İstanbul is focusing on its corporate goals in order for firms to take part in the most conducive working environment, all kinds of infrastructure and professional support units will be included.
Some of the most important ones are accelerated bureaucracy support, start-up assistance, various free consultations, public laboratories, licensing and certification support as well as free training programs.
For the same purpose, within technopark management body and among the institutions of professional support, there will be industry, university, business and expert network which is the most needed and the most significant entity for Turkey. Therefore, multi-perspective access to the knowledge, capacity, individuals and the company may be possible within the country or from abroad and idle capacities can be utilized.
Center of excellence, innovation and entrepreneurship centers and proactive mediation efforts aiming to bring local and foreign firms together will create significant opportunities.
All support services such as bank, travel agency, various logistics services, health care, accommodation, transport and nursery needed for high-quality working environment will be in Teknopark istanbul.
Technopark Istanbul's physical structure is based on green architecture. Applications such as multi-functional green spaces and the use of clean energy are among the key elements of the project.
With the project, the largest convention center on the Anatolian Site of İstanbul to be launched.
Internal transport is made by the monorail.
Metro is planned to reach the last stop at the north of Teknopark İstanbul that is by the main entrance after Sabiha Gökçen International Airport station. Hence, a business center 30 000 employees could access without experiencing any transportation problems is created.
Within the framework of incentives and exemptions pertinent to the region, related laws provide income and corporate tax exemption and VAT exception in some cases for staff and companies operating in this region that allows the creation of a competitive infrastructure.
In addition to all these incentives and exemptions, SSM, for Teknopark İstanbul Technology Development Zone in particular, provides high off-set multipliers for defense industry firms in their investments for off-set liabilities.
In their endeavors as much as they can local authorities provide important exemptions contributing to the competitiveness of Teknopark İstanbul.
In summary Teknopark İstanbul is;
An İstanbul specific but a Turkey project/
A supratechpark.
A technology base that creates its own brands for Turkey.
An international center of attraction for domestic and foreign investors.
A center where R&D, academia and business meet and where creativity is converted into commercial products.
An innovation hub including center of excellences for targeted industries.
A first-class living space and more than a teknopark with providing a high standard of living and working.
A respected brand the world of international science and technology will reference in the long term.
A global address, in addition to technology production, with its business center identity for Turkey's technology reforms

Best Regards

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