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Mumtaz Qadri act is mutiny according to Pakistan Army Act 1952



New Recruit

Oct 15, 2009
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Confessed assassin Mumtaz Qadri is no hero. He has committed a dereliction of duty and brought shame to the security services of Pakistan. More specifically, he has committed an offense under the Pakistan Army Act 1952 of Mutiny and insubordination.

Mumtaz Qadri was a member of Elite Force Punjab whose unit was assigned to protect the life of former Governor Punjab Salmaan Taseer. Qadri disobeyed his commanding officer and standard operating procedures.

Worse than sleeping at his post or being drunk while he is on duty, though, this man has turned his gun on the official he was sworn to defend and killed him. According to the confessed assassin Mumtaz Qadri this was not on the order of any officer but was by his own decision.

This is not an issue of blasphemy laws, it is an issue of following the discipline and chain of command required of a high-level security force. If you agree or disagree with Salmaan Taseer’s view of blasphemy laws that is your right. But a man assigned to a duty must uphold his duty or if he cannot in good conscience uphold his duty he must resign. What he did instead was to commit an act of Mutiny which is defined as openly opposing, changing, or overthrowing an authority to which they are subject. At the time he committed the act Mumtaz Qadri was subject to the authority of his commanding officer and his Governor Salmaan Taseer who he admits openly that he killed.

It should also be noted that according to 2(d)(i) of Pakistan Army Act 1952 military law applies to any “persons not otherwise subject to this Act who are accused of seducing or attempting to seduce any person subject to this Act from his duty or allegiance to Government.”

Section 31 of Pakistan Army Act 1952 states:

31. Mutiny and insubordination: Any person subject to this Act who commits any of the following offences, that is to say, –
(a) begins, incites, causes, or conspires with any other person to cause, or joins in, any mutiny in the military, naval or air forces of Pakistan or any forces co-operating therewith; or
(b) being present at any such mutiny, does not use his utmost endeavours to suppress the same; or
(c) knowing or having reason to believe in the existence of any such mutiny or any intentino to commit such mutiny, or of any such conspiracy, does not without reasonable delay give information thereof to his commanding or other superior officer; or
(d) attempts to seduce any person in the military, naval or air forces of Pakistan from his duty or his allegiance to the Government of Pakistan;

shall, on conviction by court-martial, be punished with death or with such less punishment as in this Act mentioned.

If members of Elite force, Army, or any other security agency decide that they will make their own rules and decide which orders they wish to follow and wish they do not, this will create chaos in the ranks and undermine the very national security of this nation. For this reason, Mumtaz Qadri must not be praised but must be me made the example of the punishment received for disobeying direct orders and causing chaos in the rank and file.
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