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Mumbai demo turns violent, two dead and dozens injured

No, I am talking about non-Indian fanatics attacking Indian citizens.

How thick is your skull for not understanding this?

Oh I am supporting them. You go and feed Kasab his biryani. And don't forget to clean his toilet.
No problem.
Thousands of Adivasis, Bengali Hindus and other communities were driven out of their homes in 1993-94. Were they also ‘illegal migrants’? It is easy to term Muslims as ‘illegal migrants’ and hence this invented ‘struggle between the Indians and the migrants’. Interestingly when Bengali speaking Hindus were targeted in 1993-94, BJP did not say such thing. In Assam if you are Bengali speaking Muslim you are “infiltrator” but if you are Bengali Hindu then you are ‘refugee’ – this dichotomy of the BJP and the right-wing sections has now invented a new discourse of “struggle between Indian origin people and the Illegal migrants from Bangladesh”.
It is a BJP-led NDA government’s creation to appease gun-trotting Bodo militants and by including Muslim villages under the BTAD they planned the misery of the Muslims living in that area. Muslims had never been consulted or part of the talks. This is the shocking irony in India – the government talk to extremists, gift them political powers – but will never talk to the mass. After the formation of BTAD, several demands, agitations were launched asking the government to take out the non-Bodo villages, where Bodos are less than 50 percent, out of BTAD, but nobody paid any heed to these demands. Today, the situation turning ugly, everyone is talking about Bangladeshi because it appeals to the rightist elements and the poor Muslims are the easiest targets.
If it was done by congress our patriotic brothers would start crying foul
Are you talking about shiv sainiks attacking biharis?

I don't support those shiv sanik because they are attacking their own countrymen. Any Indian has every right to live in every part Of India unlike those bangladeshis .

Do you know that who started this riot?

By the way your fellow frends in Assam called Bandh on August 15. support them

are you talking about that bandh which is called by separatist(ULFA)?

BTW. Bandh in assam is very common,
I hope Pakistan and other Muslim countries take the opportunity and bring the indian ethnic cleansing during OIC summit meeting in coming week.

Already OIC is a big joke in international arena... First unite the muslim nations first...
And for suggesting OIC, u r the biggest joker in the forum today :P :rofl:
Thousands of Adivasis, Bengali Hindus and other communities were driven out of their homes in 1993-94. Were they also ‘illegal migrants’? It is easy to term Muslims as ‘illegal migrants’ and hence this invented ‘struggle between the Indians and the migrants’. Interestingly when Bengali speaking Hindus were targeted in 1993-94, BJP did not say such thing. In Assam if you are Bengali speaking Muslim you are “infiltrator” but if you are Bengali Hindu then you are ‘refugee’ – this dichotomy of the BJP and the right-wing sections has now invented a new discourse of “struggle between Indian origin people and the Illegal migrants from Bangladesh”.

Hey, are you even literate?

Do you see what I started commenting here with? Can you read or are you so blinded by your paranoia of the Hindu community that you have to make me one before commenting?

You don't know jack about this place so don't open your mouth based on some blogs. Banglas migrate here in droves in NE which you will never know.

So your ignorance is pitiful.

Learn something kiddo. You're not the only one who doesn't know about NE India.

Man you are no different than him who doest give respect to indian costitution

I don't respect those who kill innocent Indians and support non-Indians using the veil of secularism which is misused.
Thousands of Adivasis, Bengali Hindus and other communities were driven out of their homes in 1993-94. Were they also ‘illegal migrants’? It is easy to term Muslims as ‘illegal migrants’ and hence this invented ‘struggle between the Indians and the migrants’. Interestingly when Bengali speaking Hindus were targeted in 1993-94, BJP did not say such thing. In Assam if you are Bengali speaking Muslim you are “infiltrator” but if you are Bengali Hindu then you are ‘refugee’ – this dichotomy of the BJP and the right-wing sections has now invented a new discourse of “struggle between Indian origin people and the Illegal migrants from Bangladesh”.

Whats in it you don't understand. Hindus are persecuted in BD while Muslim BDs are not.
Whats in it you don't understand. Hindus are persecuted in BD while Muslim BDs are not.

He's just an attention seeking ignorant kid, commenting based on a few blog readings probably. Ignore him.
So brave of you. Just like Kasab. I mean little more than him

Tolerating intolerance is really not being righteous. Please visit the so called Islamic Party meetings, Religious sermons, Websites and try to understand what the Muslim kids, Youth are being taught by the Mullahs types about the people of other communities, especially Hindus and about themselves that they are the victims of discrimination and will have to teach Hindus mushriks a lesson. Very few are really getting education because the families with 7-8 kids can't spend for their children's education. It's an absolute nightmare dear for the people living in Muslim Majority regions. not just Pakistan. At least in Pakistan they are done with their job purging their land and Non-Muslims are successfully subjugated them.
Some Muslim candidate uses a slogan the "Hinduon ka naam aur nishan mitaana hain" in election campaign. Try to understanding the gravity of the situation. He thinks he gets the votes because he shouts "let's destroy the Hindus drive them away from our Lands/constituency" Imagine that.
Tolerating intolerance is really not being righteous. Please visit the so called Islamic Party meetings, Religious sermons, Websites and try to understand what the Muslim kids, Youth are being taught by the Mullahs types about the people of other communities, especially Hindus and about themselves that they are the victims of discrimination and will have to teach Hindus mushriks a lesson. Very few are really getting education because the families with 7-8 kids can't spend for their children's education. It's an absolute nightmare dear for the people living in Muslim Majority regions. not just Pakistan. At least in Pakistan they are done with their job purging their land of Non-Muslims are successfully subjugated them.
Some Muslim candidate uses a slogan the "Hinduon ka naam aur nishan mitaana hain" in election campaign. Try to understanding the gravity of the situation. He thinks he gets the votes because he shouts "let's destroy the Hindus drive them away from our Lands/constituency" Imagine that.
Is it? you were muslims once upon a time? Or you must be trained in RSS camp
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