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Mrs. Karkare Applying for Justice against RAW ? By Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Hemant Karkare was the chief of the Mumbai Anti-Terrorist Squad and was killed during the 2008 Mumbai Attacks after being shot three times in the chest. Later on, his bravery was honoured with the Aashoka Chakra on 26 January 2009. It is notable here that Karkare carried out the investigations of the serial bomb blasts in thane, Vashi and Panvel, and led the investigation of the 29 September blasts in Malegaon. However the most important case of his career was the investigation into the Col. Purohit conspiracy. According to the media reports, Karkare has been put under a very heavy pressure to deflect the investigations of Malegaon Blasts and also remove the names of the other officers from his reports. But Karkare did not agree to it and laid his life in a target killing during Mumbai episode. Indian intelligence agency “RAW” and “Rogue Amy” felt disgrace and decided to teach a lesson to Mr. Karkare, his under command set up and Indian government (Congress Government). The ruling government of Congress always advocated secularism and propagated that it is the BJP which promoted extremism in the society. Congress also underhand portrayed that Karkare’s political thoughts were closer to so called Congress Party’s philosophy. The congress affiliated media and Think Tanks also propagated that BJP along with other extremists Hindu parties provided tacit support to RAW for killing of Karkare.
In this connection Congress General Sectary and former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Vijay Singh has also confirmed killing of Mahrashtra Anti Terror Squad (ATS) Chief Karkare during the Mumbai Attack was carried out under the murky circumstances. He stated that two hours before the Attack Karkare complained to him over the phone about constant threats to his life those opposed to his probe into the involvement of Hindu Terror groups in the Malegaon Blast (in Mahrashtra)
Earlier too, then Minorities Minister Abdul Rehman Antulay had also indicated that Karkare could have been a victim of a conspiracy because of his investigations into acts of terror by Hindu extremists. Antulay was forced to resign after BJP and Congress leaders’ criticism and also alleged that that the minister’s contention had strengthened Islamabad position. It is mentionable here that a former Inspector General of Maharashtra police, S M Mushrif had also expressed similar views in his book, “who killed Karkare”. In this regard he had also been thrashed out by extremists’ Hindu media. On the other hand towards Vijay Singh remarks, Congress spokesman adopted a very calculated point of view and calibrated posture by neither owning nor rejecting the Singh’s comments. However, BJP’s spokesperson has openly alleged Congress and Singh’s irresponsible comments for harming country’ security.
According to the credible sources, Mrs. Karkare earlier denied the involvement of Hindus in her husband’s death since she was afraid of Hindu Taliban being based in Mumbai which is a hotbed of Hindu extremist elements. On the conditions of anonymity her close friend said that Mrs. Karkare has received reprisal threats from the RSS just after Mumbai Attack. But now she has decided to file the case against RAW and Col Purohit in Indian Supreme Court for murdering of her husband. She wants to disclose the informal discussions and comments in Supreme Court since the same have been shared by her husband secretly regarding Col Purohit, RAW and BJP. In this regard Congress party has given her assurance to provide her protection from RSS and BJP in case she applied for justice from the Supreme Court.
In fact, Indian government is reluctant to arrest other ten officers of RAW and Armed Forces who were closely associated with Col Prohit in terrorists’ activities of Malegaon, and blasting Samjhauta Express. Dr J C Batra, who is a senior advocate at the Supreme Court unofficially, told to the media that the Indian army is involved in this case and there are efforts to shield it from getting exposed. It must be mentioned here that in earlier article of Tehelka, 10 Military Intelligence officers were accused for involvement which included 01 major, 5-6 colonels 02 brigadiers and 01 general officer. Thus it would be right in saying that Indian Intelligence agency will twist the investigations according to her laid down agenda of projecting India as so called secular state and blaming Pakistan and ISI in Indian independence movements (Kashmir, Maoists & Khalistan Movements).
According to the media reports Indian Interior Minister Chadam Baram briefs that India soon delivers some important information and evidences over disastrous incident of Samjhauta express. He also confirmed that Indian investigating agencies have some evidences and some suspicious persons are also captured by them. In this connection, he disclosed that a member Swami Aseem Aanand, who belongs to an extremist Indian Hindu Organization, accepts engaging the blast in Samjhauta express. On ground situation is totally different since after the lapse of four years no glaring progress has been noticed and victims of Samjhauta Express are still waiting for justice. On February 5, 2011 Pakistan’s foreign office spokesman very rightly has shown Islamabad’s concern over slow progress of investigation of Samjhauta Express. Probably Indian government has come under influence of her intelligence agency and armed forces just after the confessional statement of Swami Aanand. There are likely chances that Indian government will never like to finalize the investigation as early as possible and in true letter and spirit. She would keep on pulling the issue of Samjhauta Express till next elections and will keep on connecting with Mumbai Drama.
According to the Indian minorities Samjhauta Express and killing of Karkare have become the two test and challenging cases to Indian government. The government knows that Swami Aseem Aanand has rightly confessed that several RSS preachers and sang activists were directly involved in planning, financing and executing Malegaon, Samjhauta Express, Ajmer and Makkah Masjid blasts. He told the court that leaders of different Hindu communal organizations including Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Aabhinav Bharat, Jai Vande Matram and Vanvasi Kalyan ashram were also involved in these blasts.
Tehelka Magazine revealed that Col Purohit has confessed during investigation of Samjhauta express tragedy for training Hindu terrorists to cause an armed conflict between Pakistan and India. He has also stated that his job required interacting with both Hindu and Muslim extremists. The statement openly reflects the sick mentality of Indian Army and her overt and covert support to extremists and moreover Infiltration of Hindutva elements into the Indian army and intelligence agency which is of course a serious concern and hazards for the world community and peace lover societies . Thus it is exposed now India is being confronted with the evidence indicating increased activities of a secret Hindu terror network which is responsible for a wave of deadly attacks, previously blamed on the Muslims. In this connection Rahul Gandhi truly confirmed that growth of Hindu extremists presented a greater threat to India than the Muslims. Wikileaks reports also confirmed that Rahul Gandhi told the US Ambassador, Timothy Roemer that the bigger threat lies in the growth of radicalized Hindu groups which create religious conflicts, political tensions and political confrontations with the Muslim community.
India is interested to become a permanent member of UN Security Council which needs to be condemned till resolution of bordering and water issues with China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Pakistan. She is tactfully overshadowing its home grown terrorism in the garb of blame game vis-à-vis Pakistan. Involvement of RSS in execution of various blasts in India has been unveiled in recent investigations. It is now an open secret that ‘Sangh Parivar’ is exploiting Hindutva philosophy to foment communal violence in India. Let’s hope whether Mrs. Karkare and victims of Samjhauta Express are going to get justice or not in near future. Global community and supper powers should ask India to control RAW and Indian Army and clear these organization from Extremists Hindus, since nuclear India is more dreadful and dangerous to the global peace in the presence of such Hindu Taliban in her security agencies.
The Writer is defence analyst and can be approached through: zameer36@gmail.com
It's truly amazing what weed can do to some people. :woot::woot::woot:
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Is there anything else in this article except the words (in no particular order) RAW,Hindu,RSS,BJP,Indian Army ?? :lol:
the article is meant only for pakistani people. the author says "credible sources" but forgets to bring out even one in his article.
Hemant Karkare was the chief of the Mumbai Anti-Terrorist Squad and was killed during the 2008 Mumbai Attacks after being shot three times in the chest. Later on, his bravery was honoured with the Aashoka Chakra on 26 January 2009. It is notable here that Karkare carried out the investigations of the serial bomb blasts in thane, Vashi and Panvel, and led the investigation of the 29 September blasts in Malegaon. However the most important case of his career was the investigation into the Col. Purohit conspiracy. According to the media reports, Karkare has been put under a very heavy pressure to deflect the investigations of Malegaon Blasts and also remove the names of the other officers from his reports. But Karkare did not agree to it and laid his life in a target killing during Mumbai episode. Indian intelligence agency �RAW� and �Rogue Amy� felt disgrace and decided to teach a lesson to Mr. Karkare, his under command set up and Indian government (Congress Government). The ruling government of Congress always advocated secularism and propagated that it is the BJP which promoted extremism in the society. Congress also underhand portrayed that Karkare�s political thoughts were closer to so called Congress Party�s philosophy. The congress affiliated media and Think Tanks also propagated that BJP along with other extremists Hindu parties provided tacit support to RAW for killing of Karkare.
In this connection Congress General Sectary and former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Vijay Singh has also confirmed killing of Mahrashtra Anti Terror Squad (ATS) Chief Karkare during the Mumbai Attack was carried out under the murky circumstances. He stated that two hours before the Karkare complained to him over the phone about constant threats to his life those opposed to his probe into the involvement of Hindu Terror groups in the Malegaon Blast (in Mahrashtra)
Earlier too, then Minorities Minister Abdul Rehman Antulay had also indicated that Karkare could have been a victim of a conspiracy because of his investigations into acts of terror by Hindu extremists. Antulay was forced to resign after BJP and Congress leaders� criticism and also alleged that that the minister�s contention had strengthened Islamabad position. It is mentionable here that a former Inspector General of Maharashtra police, S M Mushrif had also expressed similar views in his book, �who killed Karkare�. In this regard he had also been thrashed out by extremists� Hindu media. On the other hand towards Vijay Singh remarks, Congress spokesman adopted a very calculated point of view and calibrated posture by neither owning nor rejecting the Singh�s comments. However, BJP�s spokesperson has openly alleged Congress and Singh�s irresponsible comments for harming country� security.
According to the credible sources, Mrs. Karkare earlier denied the involvement of Hindus in her husband�s death since she was afraid of Hindu Taliban .being based in Mumbai which is a hotbed of Hindu extremist elements On the conditions of anonymity her close friend said that Mrs. Karkare has received reprisal threats from the RSS just after Mumbai Attack. But now she has decided to file the case against RAW and Col Purohit in Indian Supreme Court for murdering of her husband. She wants to disclose the informal discussions and comments in Supreme Court since the same have been shared by her husband secretly regarding Col Purohit, RAW and BJP. In this regard Congress party has given her assurance to provide her protection from RSS and BJP in case she applied for justice from the Supreme Court.
In fact, Indian government is reluctant to arrest other ten officers of RAW and Armed Forces who were closely associated with Col Prohit in terrorists� activities of Malegaon, and blasting Samjhauta Express. Dr J C Batra, who is a senior advocate at the Supreme Court unofficially, told to the media that the Indian army is involved in this case and there are efforts to shield it from getting exposed. It must be mentioned here that in earlier article of Tehelka, 10 Military Intelligence officers were accused for involvement which included 01 major, 5-6 colonels 02 brigadiers and 01 general officer. Thus it would be right in saying that Indian Intelligence agency will twist the investigations according to her laid down agenda of projecting India as so called secular state and blaming Pakistan and ISI in Indian independence movements (Kashmir, Maoists & Khalistan Movements).
According to the media reports Indian Interior Minister Chadam Baram briefs that India soon delivers some important information and evidences over disastrous incident of Samjhauta express. He also confirmed that Indian investigating agencies have some evidences and some suspicious persons are also captured by them. In this connection, he disclosed that a member Swami Aseem Aanand, who belongs to an extremist Indian Hindu Organization, accepts engaging the blast in Samjhauta express. On ground situation is totally different since after the lapse of four years no glaring progress has been noticed and victims of Samjhauta Express are still waiting for justice. On February 5, 2011 Pakistan�s foreign office spokesman very rightly has shown Islamabad�s concern over slow progress of investigation of Samjhauta Express. Probably Indian government has come under influence of her intelligence agency and armed forces just after the confessional statement of Swami Aanand. There are likely chances that Indian government will never like to finalize the investigation as early as possible and in true letter and spirit. She would keep on pulling the issue of Samjhauta Express till next elections and will keep on connecting with Mumbai Drama.
According to the Indian minorities Samjhauta Express and killing of Karkare have become the two test and challenging cases to Indian government. The government knows that Swami Aseem Aanand has rightly confessed that several RSS preachers and sang activists were directly involved in planning, financing and executing Malegaon, Samjhauta Express, Ajmer and Makkah Masjid blasts. He told the court that leaders of different Hindu communal organizations including Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Aabhinav Bharat, Jai Vande Matram and Vanvasi Kalyan ashram were also involved in these blasts.
Tehelka Magazine revealed that Col Purohit has confessed during investigation of Samjhauta express tragedy for training Hindu terrorists to cause an armed conflict between Pakistan and India. He has also stated that his job required interacting with both Hindu and Muslim extremists. The statement openly reflects the sick mentality of Indian Army and her overt and covert support to extremists and moreover Infiltration of Hindutva elements into the Indian army and intelligence agency which is of course a serious concern and hazards for the world community and peace lover societies . Thus it is exposed now India is being confronted with the evidence indicating increased activities of a secret Hindu terror network which is responsible for a wave of deadly attacks, previously blamed on the Muslims. In this connection Rahul Gandhi truly confirmed that growth of Hindu extremists presented a greater threat to India than the Muslims. Wikileaks reports also confirmed that Rahul Gandhi told the US Ambassador, Timothy Roemer that the bigger threat lies in the growth of radicalized Hindu groups which create religious conflicts, political tensions and political confrontations with the Muslim community.
India is interested to become a permanent member of UN Security Council which needs to be condemned till resolution of bordering and water issues with China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Pakistan. She is tactfully overshadowing its home grown terrorism in the garb of blame game vis-�-vis Pakistan. Involvement of RSS in execution of various blasts in India has been unveiled in recent investigations. It is now an open secret that �Sangh Parivar� is exploiting Hindutva philosophy to foment communal violence in India. Let�s hope whether Mrs. Karkare and victims of Samjhauta Express are going to get justice or not in near future. Global community and supper powers should ask India to control RAW and Indian Army and clear these organization from Extremists Hindus, since nuclear India is more dreadful and dangerous to the global peace in the presence of such Hindu Taliban in her security agencies.
The Writer is defence analyst and can be approached through: zameer36@gmail.com

any source( neutral i.e neither Pakistani nor indian for example us or Israel) for bolded part ? this article hasn't got any. what does author mean by Hindu Taliban? attempt to show Pakistanis that Indians are also leaving under same terror forces like Taliban? such attempts deserve :tdown: :disagree:
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