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MQM Terrorists causing chaos in Karachi and trouble for Pakistan


Sep 12, 2008
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MQM terrorists must be taken care of immediately or else they will cause trouble for Pakistan. Pakistan is already going through enough economic crisis, Pakistan doesn't need the economic hub of Pakistan, Karachi, to be in chaos.

Pashtun influx fans Karachi tensions

By Syed Shoaib Hasan

BBC News, Karachi

"We are doing our best to prevent them from taking over," says Mohammad Rafiq earnestly as he sits in the crowded room in Karachi.

He is referring to Taleban militants who have come to the city from Pakistan's tribal areas such as North and South Waziristan who "want to take over Karachi".

Rafiq, a primary school teacher, is a resident of Baldia town, a suburb of Karachi.

He is also a member of a neighbourhood, or sector, office of the MQM (United National Movement) political party for his area.

'Bully and kill'

Karachi, on the coast of Pakistan's southern Sindh province, is the country's largest city.

It is also the South Asian nation's financial capital and main port.

The MQM, which is allied to Pakistan's ruling Pakistan People's Party (PPP), is politically in control of Karachi.

"Four armed men came to the back of the market on two bikes... they only targeted Pashtun businesses" Azmatullah Khan

The party draws its strength from a mainly middle class electorate, made up of Urdu-speaking people, descendants of migrants from India after partition in 1947.

Its detractors have often complained that it has used its political strength to bully and even kill opponents.

The MQM, however, strongly denies this allegations.

"Our job is to find solutions for neighbourhood problems at the local level," says Farooq Sattar, a central government minister and senior MQM leader.

"We also inform the top leadership if there are matters here that are beyond our control."

Of late these have been primarily to do with what the MQM has called the "Talebanisation" of Karachi.

It says that more and more people are migrating to Karachi from different parts of Pakistan, especially from the tribal areas.

"The Taleban don't want to be concentrated in the northern areas and are looking for other options," says Dr Sattar.

De facto rulers

Urban experts agree, pointing out that there has also been a substantial rise in migrants into Karachi from the North West Frontier Province's Pashtun community.

Tension is rising in Karachi

It is perhaps this fact which is most galling for the MQM, which stormed into control of Karachi following ethnic riots which began in the mid-1980s.

At that time, disagreements over the identity question led to clashes between the Urdu-speaking and Pashtun-speaking communities.

The MQM rose to power on the back of these riots which left hundreds of people dead and established the party's position in Karachi.

But critics have accused the party of using the "ethnic card" to keep control over Karachi.

Ethnicity remains a touchy topic in the metropolis and since 2007 there have been rumblings of a return to the problems of before.

In November, more than 40 people were killed in two days of ethnic-related killings.

"Riots and violence did take place between 1985 and 1988, but our leaders met and reached a conclusive peace accord," says Aminullah Khattak, secretary general of the Sindh chapter of the mostly Pashtun Awami National Party (ANP).

"We wanted to end it, and it did end at that time."

'Menial activities'
The MQM says that Karachi is at risk of 'Talebanisation'

But Mr Khattak now says that the issue has once again reared its head, this times he feels because of economic factors.

"The thing that has started it again is that the Pashtuns living over here have progressed economically," he says.

"Some people believe that they will remain watchmen or labourers, or remain engaged in menial economic activities all their lives.

"But they've become well educated, they've progressed economically, they want to get better jobs."

The ANP argues that "Talebanisation" is not a problem in Karachi, but just a ruse for a movement against upwardly-mobile Pashtuns.

Evidence of that movement is all too clear to Azmatullah Khan, a pharmacy student, as he stands on the ruins of his family business which was burnt to the ground in December.

"Four armed men came to the back of the market on two bikes," he says.

"They threw some kind of chemicals... and started a fire which spread if water was thrown on it.

"You can see yourselves, they only targeted Pashtun businesses," he says while bitterly pointing to nearby timber shops which remain intact and open.

"If you look at the situation in Karachi now, it is the Pashtun community which is facing the brunt of the problems," says Ismail Khan, a member of the ANP provincial executive committee.

"Pashtun areas are the least developed in terms of basic amenities, as well as facilities such as hospitals and schools.

"In addition, Pashtuns are said to be the root of all troubles."

'Taleban ideas'

Ismail Khan believes that the MQM is behind this, and its principal motive is to get Pashtuns to give up the land they hold in Karachi.

There has been a substantial rise in migrant numbers

"We are the only threat to their power, and that is why they have used the spectre of Talebanisation."

But Mohammad Rafiq and many others believe that it is the realities on the ground which have forced the MQM to move matters.

"We had no problems with the Pashtun community which has been settled here for a long time," he says.

"But we do have a problem with those who are extremists and have come here to spread Taleban ideas."

There seems little outward signs that the fundamentalist movement is taking over this most cosmopolitan of cities.

Karachi's problems remain largely ethnic despite claims by the MQM.

Pakistan's current debilitating security scenario however means that this is no less of a threat.

"Karachi remains Pakistan's jugular vein and its microcosm," says Aminullah Khattak.

"Any descent into violence here could cripple the country economically, and have grave consequences for national unity."

Watch Barbara Plett's film from Karachi on Newsnight on Thursday 12 February 2009 at 2230 GMT on BBC2.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pashtun influx fans Karachi tensions

Pakistan, and all the cities in Pakistan, belongs to all citizens of Pakistan. These kind of ethnic tensions shouldn't be happening in Pakistan in the year 2009 especially not in Quaid-e-Azam's city. Quaid-e-Azam wanted equality and no prejudice, we Pakistanis must learn to live together for the sake of Pakistan.
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MQM is following the Old Rule of "Divide and Rule".

Well sir, we all know MQM is lying to their teeth about "talibanization of Karachi". Pashtuns were living in Karachi for a long time and they are the 2nd largest ethnic group in Pakistan...they are regular Pakistani citizens like everyone else, they have families, they go to work, they go to school, they are not Talibans.

MQM is making up this "talibanization" scare because they are worried now that there's more Pashtuns in Karachi than Urdu speakers and Pashtuns are becoming more educated and successful in Karachi.

Pakistanis must look for the best interst for Pakistan and stop MQM before these tensions get out of hand. The last thing Pakistan needs right now is chaos in Karachi. Pakistan relies on Karachi for its economy.

If anyone knows any government official in Pakistan, please contact them and tell them how serious this situation is for Pakistan and they need to stop MQM.
Well sir, we all know MQM is lying to their teeth about "talibanization of Karachi". Pashtuns were living in Karachi for a long time and they are the 2nd largest ethnic group in Pakistan...they are regular Pakistani citizens like everyone else, they have families, they go to work, they go to school, they are not Talibans.

MQM is making up this "talibanization" scare because they are worried now that there's more Pashtuns in Karachi than Urdu speakers and Pashtuns are becoming more educated and successful in Karachi.

Pakistanis must look for the best interst for Pakistan and stop MQM before these tensions get out of hand. The last thing Pakistan needs right now is chaos in Karachi. Pakistan relies on Karachi for its economy.

If anyone knows any government official in Pakistan, please contact them and tell them how serious this situation is for Pakistan and they need to stop MQM.

Who will stop MQM, They are the Most Favorite Party Of Zardari and they will what Zardari asks them to do.

Can You Stop :crazy: Altaf Hussain from Saying :blah::blah: On live Telephone calls.

Did you ever Wondered How soon after 26/11 there were Riots in Karachi and Many People were killed.....Does it make any sense to you.

Have you Forgot what Altaf Said on Pakistan that Pakistan is the Biggest Blunder of the History. He should be declared a Traitor.
Who will stop MQM, They are the Most Favorite Party Of Zardari and they will what Zardari asks them to do.

Can You Stop :crazy: Altaf Hussain from Saying :blah::blah: On live Telephone calls.

Did you ever Wondered How soon after 26/11 there were Riots in Karachi and Many People were killed.....Does it make any sense to you.

Have you Forgot what Altaf Said on Pakistan that Pakistan is the Biggest Blunder of the History. He should be declared a Traitor.

If only Zardari knew that it would be in Pakistan's BEST INTERST to get rid of Altaf Hussein and his MQM. Every large financial city has diversity..New York, London, Paris are all large successful and diverse cities. For Karachi and Pakistan to be successful, Pakistan especially Karachi must embrace diversity..its for Pakistan's Best Interst.
If only Zardari knew that it would be in Pakistan's BEST INTERST to get rid of Altaf Hussein and his MQM. Every large financial city has diversity..New York, London, Paris are all large successful and diverse cities. For Karachi and Pakistan to be successful, Pakistan especially Karachi must embrace diversity..its for Pakistan's Best Interst.

I wish it Could Happen.
MQM is a cancer that needs to be operated! Just like how last time we operated and the big, fat cancerous lobe started running and somehow reached England.
I am basically fom Karachi and belongs to a urdu speaking middle class family but that does not mean that everyone in Karachi is supporting MQM, its only the suburbs where most of the lower middle class lives,

Have we ever realized that how organized MQM is. Have you ever heard a mqm assembly member became a lota and joined another party. Their politics is based on ethinicity not on people.

They rule the minds of people unlike other parties in other provinces whose Ideologies are based on their elite people (The landlords and beaureacrat).

In general both the ideologies are cancer for the country, for MQM karachi is a gold mine...and that fat basturd (replica of Rajni Kanth) having fun in london with all the knows murderers.
CIA working either directly,,, thru "orange-force",,, & thru R&AW is trying hard to start a civil-war & chaos inside Pakistan... These custodians of one-eyed-dollar-bill dajjal love tumult & disorder...

Karachi is primary target coz it's largest city & also huge-traffic of people moving between Pak-&-India is from Karachi... It's easy to hire patsies from ppl going into India... & Pastoon patsies being acquired from ppl going in-&-out of Afghanistan... & above all, there r plenty of traitors inside our provincial & national "imposed"-governments that pave the way for such ativities...

So all Pakistani should be watchful of these perpetrators of violence,,, understand their game & turn the table back on them,,, "answer them in their own coins"... Ferrot these conspirors out & give them their due "reward"...

Be watchful of activities in ur neighbourhood,,, & learn the language of the enemy... I have seen writings spray-painted in hindi-script(devanagari) on the walls in Lahore... May be it was just a hoax but may be R&AW's agents were boasting of their invisible power, mocking us in our face...
loom guys few years ago, we had no problem at all, we had MQM then, and it was in full power in musharrafs time, things were very stable, things began to deterioate when there were elections and ANP won some seats in karachi, and ANP also secured majority in KP, this time things have got worse, ANP is the sole reason why we are facing such terrible menace in karachi, ANP is forfully occupying places in karachi, is threatening residents to empty houses and flats, the prime example is the recently 'occupied' rabia city in karachi, militants have occupied it and made any passer by unsafe, we use to go through airport road near rabia city, now nobody dares to go through that major road just because the militants can open fire you at any time, and this is the reality...

blaming every thing on MQM just because people have negative feelings of it, is very bad!! know the reality befpre you point your fingers..
What a shame for us our media is giving 15-20 hours coverage to terrorist mqmer Imran farooq he was wanted in 25 cases.
You guys are pathetic by blaming MQM. Pathan and Balochi terrorists killed all urdu speakers in Sher Shah Market the other day let me guess MQM did it. Landgrabbing isn't done by any MQM members but its done by yours truly. Transport Mafia isn't run by MQM. Lyari isn't in MQM's control. Taliban supporting ANP has destroyed Karachi, these ANP members have homes in Peshawar so its easy for them to destroy Karachi but MQM members have no where to go, Karachi is their only home. Back when Musharraf was President and MQM controlled Karachi everything was peaceful, none of this violence. But PPP and ANP come and this happens. MQM had warned everyone that Taliban are moving into Karachi but ANP rubbed off these claims.
You guys can hate MQM all you want but it is the only party that cares about my city Karachi and its a true party which picks out members from the Middle Class not feudalists. btw Non Karchiites don't get involved into this because it doesn't concern you guys.
Lets not forget that ANP Leader Shahi Syed promised to turn Karachi into Kabul and his racism against urdu speakers is plain sad.

YouTube - Racist ANP Pathans in Karachi
Are pushtuns, Punjabis and sindhis not Pakistanis?? Why do these MQM thugs think Karachi is their jageer??? I see another AL and mukti bahini in the making!

The names are different but MQM, ANP, JS, Jamat, etc etc all belong to same lot..just that MQM is on the highlight for being most notrious but others arent angels either!
my definition of terrorist is any civilian who posses a weapon (gun) is a terrorist!
all MQM members carry guns and even other party members carry them too!
so its not just MQM....but i have to say that MQM is the most racist party in pakistan!
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