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MQM holds biggest rally, beats IK's with ease


Sep 10, 2011
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MQM holds a rally which beat Imran Khan's with the sort of ease that Imran Khan himself got rid of tail-enders.
Amid thousands of cheering women, Altaf rattles off topics lost in political rallies – The Express Tribune

KARACHI: In a country where women continue to be marginalised politically, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement put its best foot forward on Sunday by organising a mammoth all-women public rally themed ‘Empowered Women, Strong Pakistan’.
MQM chief Altaf Hussain, in his hour-long address to thousands of women and children who had flocked to the Mazar-i-Quaid grounds for the rally, paid a verbose tribute to the women in attendance. “Through this historical public gathering, we have sent out a message to our political opponents that only our women are strong enough to compete with them,” he said.
Altaf claimed that no other political party had managed to organise such a huge event even when men and women were in attendance. “Over one million women of Pakistan are in attendance in this rally.”
The MQM, he said, has the honour of being the first party to include women in its political movement. “We organised a similar rally on July 16, 1988. When, in 1987, I was in jail and most party leaders were forced into hiding, it was the party’s women who stepped up and brought MQM victory in the general elections that year.”
In 1992-93, he said, the women were left to take over the party’s affairs when thousands of male workers were arrested and taken into state torture cells. “They [the women] opened Nine Zero, they buried the bodies of their kin,” he said, also paying tribute to the mothers who had given birth to sons who sacrificed their lives for the MQM’s cause.
Moving on to address women who were campaigning for Baloch missing persons, Altaf claimed that 28 MQM members were still missing from the 1992-93 army operation against the party. “We empathise with you. We feel your pain,” he told them.
Altaf also thanked women from the Bengali community who he said were present in huge numbers at the rally.
Violence against women
Altaf’s speech touched all the right notes. He mentioned honour killing, Karo Kari, acid crimes and domestic violence and even brought up topics like dowry and gender discrimination which are considered the social norm.
“The perpetrators of Karo Kari and acid crime should be hanged,” Hussain said passionately to women who listened with rapt attention. “Women in Pakistan are subjected to treatment meted out to second- or third-class citizens. Worse yet, they are treated like animals. Crimes like honour killing, wani and marriage to the Quran are rampant under the veil of tradition.”
The MQM, he said, wanted to create a Pakistan which was free from discrimination against women and where women had the freedom to make their own decisions. “We support not only strong legislation [for women’s rights] but also proper implementation of it. The MQM has raised its voice on every parliamentary forum like no other political party has. We want women to have the status in society that they truly deserve.”
As evidence of MQM’s commitment to protecting women from violence, he mentioned the cases of Shaista Almani, whose family was hunting to kill her for marrying of her own will, and Dr Shazia, who survived rape at the hands of doctors at Karachi’s Jinnah Hospital. “MQM protected Shaista Almani and Dr Shazia and ensured that they and their husbands are safely sent abroad.”
Balochistan issue
Dedicating a portion of his speech to the burning Balochistan issue, Altaf said that due to wrong policies and use of force to stifle voices for Baloch rights, the province is now standing at the point of secession from Pakistan. “We are still not willing to accept that robbing people of their rights intensifies feelings of depravation in people which can then not be solved through mere assurances.”
He said he had continuously raised his voice against the situation in Balochistan, the operation in the province and the enforced disappearances.
“Baloch people have lost confidence in Pakistani leaders. We will now have to take brave decisions and give them all their justified rights,” Altaf said, adding that a roundtable conference will have little impact on solving the problem.

So did they force millions in? Even the haters have to admit that the MQM won with ease and crushed Imran khan and JI's Rally
MQM holds a rally which beat Imran Khan's with the sort of ease that Imran Khan himself got rid of tail-enders.
Amid thousands of cheering women, Altaf rattles off topics lost in political rallies – The Express Tribune

So did they force millions in? Even the haters have to admit that the MQM won with ease and crushed Imran khan and JI's Rally

Terrorist terrorize people. Because most the people didn't have the nerve, they got carried away. What a waste of their Sunday.
And the BRAVE leader, called in from UK , from his home in UK , where he has ample amount of dollars and Euros in his bank account
to address his , constituents in Karachi

WAH WAH .. kiya ralley hai

No wonder every Pakistani wants to grab a Nationality of UK or USA
This is by far the greatest initiative by any political party to empower women similar to what Jinnah wanted. One most commend MQM's efforts to bring women at the fore front of politics.

This all women jalsa put IK's tsunami and JUI's jalsa to shame.
Haters gonna hate, but MQM(along with Musharraf) is the only party who talks for rights for womens & minorities along with other issues. Also MQM stance on Kashmir issue is that it is disputed territory & not some internal issue or human right issue.
One have to admit that it was the massive gathering which is pretty well organised, Gud job MQM.
Say what you want about MQM but it is the party for the 99%. It has once again stood up for women like it stood up for minorities and other neglected people of society. A true secular party made up of the educated middle class. A party from the grassroots. People who grew up in palaces won't know what the average common man wants and the hardships he goes through.
If i had the gun to your head........you would be obeying my command.


So hundreds of thousands are being "forced" to come to these rallies? Not just in Karachi, but those hundreds of thousands in Hyderabad, Sukkur, Mirpurkhas, Gilgit-Baltistan are being forced to support MQM. If that's the case then you have to admit MQM is the most powerful party in the whole world and no one including ISI, Army etc can touch them.
I am seriously ***** what the hell... such a massive huge crowd of Female :S:S:S 10 Times more thn IK and only ladies :S what the hell... ye koom ye *** hey tabhe iskay opar asa hukmaraaan hain!
MQM is old party, really old compared to PTI, and Karachi is MQM's hub so no wonder why so many people come to their rallies,

but Imran Khan for life.

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