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Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

I think those truckers got taken by local Sunni tribes, perhaps ISIS even handed them over.

ISIS fanboys on the internet are dumb, but the leadership isn't. Openly attacking Turkey would be a stupid mistake so they won't dare to do it (yet), whatever the twitter fanboys say. We're one step away from UN involvement, attacking us would give Obama the reasons under NATO to ignore his opposition and do whatever it takes.
Turkish driver taken hostage by ISIL escapes to freedom

One of the 31 Turkish truck drivers taken hostage by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) after militants seized the northern Iraqi city of Mosul on June 11 has managed to escape.

İbrahim Kaynak has arrived in his hometown, the southeastern Turkish province of Şanlıurfa, on June 14 after passing through the Habur border crossing late June 13.

Kaynak said that he was stopped by ISIL militants near Mosul and taken to a depot as a hostage among some 20 more Turkish drivers.

"Most of the drivers were hungry and weak. I was the only one remaining strong. All militants left the depot after we heard explosions in central Mosul. I took the opportunity and jumped over the wall," Kaynak said.

The driver added that his truck left outside was inoperable, but one of his friends, who was watching the area while he was in captivity, came to pick him up when he saw that Kaynak was freed.

"He took me to the peshmarga [Iraqi Kurdish security forces] territories one kilometer away. Thanks God, I am with my family again. God help the drivers who stayed there," Kaynak said.

Eighty Turks, including the 49 members of the Mosul consulate, are still captive in northern Iraq four days after they were taken hostage by the ISIL.

Turkish driver taken hostage by ISIL escapes to freedom - MIDEAST

That was dramatic.
Are Turkish politicians living under an rock? What better way of getting rid ISIS then by intervention under the guess of the fact that 80 countrymen are under hostage. I thought Turkey was hatching an plan to interfere in Syria to destroy ISIS back in January 2014 and the plan leaked leading to the AKP scandal. If this was American citizens, ISIS would be an goner an long time ago.
Are Turkish politicians living under an rock? What better way of getting rid ISIS then by intervention under the guess of the fact that 80 countrymen are under hostage. I thought Turkey was hatching an plan to interfere in Syria to destroy ISIS back in January 2014 and the plan leaked leading to the AKP scandal. If this was American citizens, ISIS would be an goner an long time ago.
It isnt the right time to attack them, a operation could danger the live of hostages, its almost impossible to operate undercover there since Isis has support from tribal people who could report any foreign activity to isis there.
It isnt the right time to attack them, a operation could danger the live of hostages, its almost impossible to operate undercover there since Isis has support from tribal people who could report any foreign activity to isis there.

Look at how Israels raided an airport in Uganda, an nation miles away with significant military threat during Idil Amin rule. F-16s with JDAMs and Mavericks would destroy ISIS more than the Iraqi Amy.
Turkey's ( Economic ) cooperation with Iraq to continue

Davutoglu rules out an exit from Iraq, says cooperation projects between Iraq and Turkey will continue as officials are working to identify Turkish consulate staff and truck drivers taken hostage
World Bulletin/News Desk
The recent security crisis in Iraq will not disrupt Turkey's investments in Iraq, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Friday, reaffirming that Turkey would continue to maintain close cooperation with its neighbor.
"We are not considering a mass evacuation [of Turkish nationals and companies] from Iraq," Davutoglu told a press conference in Ankara following a cooperation meeting with other cabinet ministers.
"I would like to underscore this particularly: Our cooperation projects will continue," he said.
Militant group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant raided Turkey's Mosul consulate on Wednesday and abducted 49 Turkish nationals, including consulate staff and their families, after they assumed control of the city -- Iraq's second biggest -- in a swift operation in the northern province of Nineveh on Tuesday.
Davutoglu called on media oulets not to approach sceptically to any information not confirmed by the crisis desk established by the foreign ministry.
"Our citizens' security is in question. I would like to say to the media, companies and all associations that all news stories and speculations could create a false expectation on the people who are waiting to hear from their children, brothers, sisters and spouses," Davutoglu said.
Abducted citizens
Turkish officials are working to identify Turkish consulate staff and truck drivers taken hostage by militants in Iraq, said Turkey’s transportation minister on Friday.
"Authorities are working to find exact location of abducted Turkish lorry truck drivers in Iraq," Turkey’s Transport, Maritime and Communications Minister Lutfi Elvan told a joint press conference in Ankara following a cooperation meeting with other cabinet ministers.
Elvan said that the ministry had the information of the plates of the trucks, when they departed and which company they belonged to.
Elvan said the ministry and Turkish Airlines were in contact with Turkey's embassy in Baghdad and, until now, two aircraft were sent to Baghdad upon the demand of Turkish people. He said that more additional trips would be put by the ministry if necessary.
Elvan stressed that Turkey’s trade with Iraq was mainly maintained by road transport and around 2,500 Turkish trucks were entering into Iraq per day.
Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci said Iraq is the biggest export market for Turkey after Germany, adding that none of the Turkish companies, individuals or commercial activities are under risk in Iraq due to ISIL threat.
"There are a total of four companies active in Mosul. They are construction companies. No risk for the owners or personnel, neither for their assets," said Zeybekci.
Look at how Israels raided an airport in Uganda, an nation miles away with significant military threat during Idil Amin rule. F-16s with JDAMs and Mavericks would destroy ISIS more than the Iraqi Amy.
I allready brought this exsample but the situation here is different, Israelis were able to land on Airport directly where the hostages was in terminal.

Besides Turkish news are talking about a convoy allready on the way to evacuate the hostages, its been said that the convoy is in Kurdish area allready.
Look at how Israels raided an airport in Uganda, an nation miles away with significant military threat during Idil Amin rule. F-16s with JDAMs and Mavericks would destroy ISIS more than the Iraqi Amy.

US aircraft carrier CVN 77 has already moved to the Gulf, the US will decide on drone & F18 airstrikes this weekend & British/Aus SF advisers might come on the ground. Though it's not like ISIS has static HQ's inside Iraq, not much work to do for the F18's, the US will most likely target ISIS in Raqqa.
US aircraft carrier CVN 77 has already moved to the Gulf, the US will decide on drone & F18 airstrikes this weekend & British/Aus SF advisers might come on the ground. Though it's not like ISIS has static HQ's inside Iraq, not much work to do for the F18's, the US will most likely target ISIS in Raqqa.

Interesting. I was talking an TuAF retaliation in this conflict.
looks like the only party which came out profitable this far from all this mess are kurds who occupied kirkuk and nineveh plains.
looks like the only party which came out profitable this far from all this mess are kurds who occupied kirkuk and nineveh plains.
Thats what i was saying since the beginning, they will probably declare independence if the situation goes worse in Iraq.
People shouldn't mistake attacking with invading.. We can't invade, not now. It would mean opening another front open for hostilities.
Syrian border, Iraqi border and above that have the PKK inside the borders. The plan is simple; let them fight amongst themselves and weaken them as much as possible, sweep in to finish the remainder of the PKK. As long as our borders remain intact nobody gives a **** about what happens outside of it (KRG).

The only risk is the PKK-YPG consolidating their powers, with possible involvement from other Kurdish parties in the KRG. Our only bet there is Barzani, because he won't want to give up power. We are simply getting ready for the big finale and I hope we can finish them for good. It's no suprise that the PKK has resorted back to kidnapping children, robbing banks, taking bribers/''taxes''. Suddenly fixing roadblocks and openly protesting only has one reason; it's because they are losing power amongst a huge portion of the population and they are trying to gain some momentum to remain relevant.
It is basic understanding. Some of the Turks themself said that they dont agree with policies of Erdogan on Syria. We told you same in the past. We are just reminding you.
and who are you?? third world country from Asia telling european super power member of NATO countries doesnt it look odd i mean u r not USA or CHINA to tell anything to turkey
If people like you from a failed state try to have your say then why cannot we ?
bhai you control ur bhutan maldives and nepal let us have our say in muslim disputes and we are muslim nuclear state not one and only hindu state in some remote part of asia with no strategic importance
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