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Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

^ Thats pathetic... I wish Devlet Bahçeli were elected as pm than we ... The guy is not fox (by political mean) but at least he is an eagle, intrepid... Im sorry guys but fvck the "sensitive balances.... do not dare to test our patiernce..... necessity of being big state....." bla bla bla.... Im done with davutoglu's empty talk each time something like this happened... Show us how did you spend billions of $$$ for armed forces... We would have cleaned that area by now!

Our foreign policy in middle-east is based on agreements with small-big groups from neighbors since they do not have strong central governments but there are some factors that our politicians are probably missing; Arabs are not reliable (no offense)

EDIT: or osman pamukoglu for pm... he is even better for such .situations
I'd like the govt to be more aggressive too, but we should not forget that one cannot simply invade another country in this age. Turkey will need 'international backing' (to avoid sanctions or whatever) before entering Iraq and also a guarantee that we will get those ~48 people back before risking their lives. Nonetheless i hope the govt will take realistic and beneficial measures based on Turkey's interests after securing those 2 critical conditions, and not stating empty repetitive words, especially after we have seen insults against our nation in the last few days and years.
ISIL, el-kaide, el-nusra are not Sunnis. They are salafi jihadis, they are a sub-sect of wahabism

excellent analysis. You, brother, should be a part of the think tank here. Glad to read your post and to have met you.

Thank you

Somebody says they are sunni somebody says they are salafi, but i know that they neither muslim nor human.

Already they are killing Sunni Imams in Mosque in Syria and put their guys, if you smoke, late praying, not doing sunnah etc. they are killing you with Kalashnikov, they put rules according their pervert ideas and interests.... they have complately changed Islam....


Now looked this map.


this map Great Israel which is dream of ziyonist.

--so Operation area of ISIL is Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and now Turkey.

--ISIL founded when USA invaded Iraq so ISIL has killed thousands innocent peoples until today for make Iraq weak and unsecured, so they are making sections war between Muslims.

--ISIL fighting against Shia in Iraq for make them weak and Shias attacking Sunnis because of ISIL attacks, also ISIL fighting agains FSA in Syria (most of them Sunni of FSA) and ISIL has cooperation with ESAD army (Esad has Nusayri and Shia), it is mean ISIL haven't got any section or religion, they are killing every guys of sections according to their plans and interests.

--World people just watching us, Muslims are how a mad and insecure, they are killing everybodies even their own people..... so when Israel have a enough power for invade lands nobody wouldn't mind because of dead muslims. Because Muslims are mad and harmful people for the world... actually it is same for Syria now, nobody mind of died people in Syria because peoples think that whole of them terrorists.... it was same for Iraq in 2003... That was plan of world powers for their interests, especially of ziyonists....

--Now Why ISIL attacked Turkish consular this week? because one week ago we started the transfer of North Iraq Petrols without USA permision... and since last year our country entered in a very bad situations because of nice improments of our Government...

--One more question why most of ISIL guys has a mask on their face and why they have USA and UK passports ? if they are just wanna jihad they would'nt mind that their face will appear.... Just think that.

Those terrorists make us Weak and Unreliable so we will be weak in the future and when Israel attack us nobody wouldn't mind because of murdered people.
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I'd like the govt to be more aggressive too, but we should not forget that one cannot simply invade another country in this age. Turkey will need 'international backing' (to avoid sanctions or whatever) before entering Iraq and also a guarantee that we will get those ~48 people back before risking their lives. Nonetheless i hope the govt will take realistic and beneficial measures based on Turkey's interests after securing those 2 critical conditions, and not stating empty repetitive words, especially after we have seen insults against our nation in the last few days and years.

Dude I do understand and partly agree with you but am done with that calm down thing.. We are always calming side why we have to be that calm side always.. Why the others do not think twice or more before take action against us? It's already time to show create some apocalypse... Can you realise those guys raid Russian embassy? Russians probably wouldn't be that calm.. That's why they wouldn't dare to touch russian embassy (example) That's what I am talking about. Not only this incident.. Recently we are always calm... Thats not good mate

And one more thing.. Akıllı olup milletin kahrını çekeceğime deli olayım millet benim kahrımı çeksin..
Turkiye should take full and permanent control of Northern Iraq....... if they (terrorists) can do it, and get away with it, why not us? Who will blame us? Instead we might very well be hailed for the initiative! :D

Divided Iraq is need of the hour....... even the Yanks can attest to it............ let's clean up their mess, and benefit economically for eternity! :P

So now we have nearly 100 Turks held hostage in Iraq. If we mount any operation the ISIL will probably kill these guys before we could even rescue them so I guess negotiations are the only short term solution in the long term however military action may be needed against these guys but then they would be using suicide bombers in Turkey. EIther way we are in a mess.
Dude I do understand and partly agree with you but am done with that calm down thing.. We are always calming side why we have to be that calm side always.. Why the others do not think twice or more before take action against us? It's already time to show create some apocalypse... Can you realise those guys raid Russian embassy? Russians probably wouldn't be that calm.. That's why they wouldn't dare to touch russian embassy (example) That's what I am talking about. Not only this incident.. Recently we are always calm... Thats not good mate

And one more thing.. Akıllı olup milletin kahrını çekeceğime deli olayım millet benim kahrımı çeksin..
i understand what you mean, i just mean that we cannot bomb the shit out of them without before we have our people back. First that and then it would be good if we had internation backing to invade iraq and do whatever necessary. Maybe we can act on our own and give the middle finger to international community (especially US) and invade Iraq, but then there could be consequences for our nation. I dont say Turkey must not react, i just think that we should calculate everything before doing something that might backfire. Of course Russia is too strong and big, so they can do whatever they want, thats not a good comparison imo.
Ok now they're reporting that they have changed their location and still want 5million Dollars.

Just following some Journalists on Twitter.
One of the 31 Turkish truck drivers who were taken hostage by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) after militants seized the northern Iraqi city of Mosul has refuted the reports suggesting that they were released June 12, while jihadists reassured the public that the Turkish captives will not be harmed.

“They’re still holding us here on a mountain in the middle of a desert with no water and no bread. We’re in a miserable situation. They told us they would execute us today if our companies don’t pay the ransom money,” one of the drivers told daily Hürriyet at 2 p.m. local time on phone on the condition of anonymity due to security reasons.

“Our lives are in danger here. Can’t some 10 companies of ours pay this ransom money?” the driver asked.

Earlier, it was reported that Turkey-based companies engaged in negotiations in which the ISIL demanded $5,000,000.

“There are reports in the media about our citizens being released, but we can’t confirm these reports at this stage,” a Turkish official told Reuters. “We have been holding negotiations since yesterday to secure our citizens and these negotiations are still ongoing.”

The head of the truck drivers’ association UND, Çetin Nuhoğlu, also denied the reports that he announced that the Turkish drivers were freed. “Eight drivers were released [by the ISIL] in the morning, but another group has taken them hostage,” he said.

Fatih Şener, an executive of the UND, said the second group that took eight Turkish drivers hostage consisted of residents of Mosul villages around the thermal power plant where the hostages are held. “Ransom negotiations are still ongoing by means of using Turkish drivers’ cellphones,” Şener added.

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, head of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), has said the 49 members of Turkey’s Mosul consulate who were taken hostage are “in good condition” after speaking with the wife of Consul General Öztürk Yılmaz.

“I spoke with the wife of the consul general. She said there weren’t any problems. We are closely monitoring their situation,” the CHP leader told reporters on June 12.

Meanwhile, an ISIL spokesman told the Kurdish news website Rudaw that the group will not harm the Turkish hostages. “We are providing security for the diplomats. They will return their country. There is no reason to fear, because they belong to the Hanafi school of the Sunni branch of Islam,” he said.

The hostages include children of diplomats and security personnel living at the facility.

Earlier on June 12, Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ said the Turkish government was not working on any new mandate to authorize a cross-border military operation into Iraq following the seizure of the 80 Turks by the jihadi fighters.

Turkish truck drivers still captive, ISIL vows not to harm hostages - MIDEAST
i understand what you mean, i just mean that we cannot bomb the shit out of them without before we have our people back. First that and then it would be good if we had internation backing to invade iraq and do whatever necessary. Maybe we can act on our own and give the middle finger to international community (especially US) and invade Iraq, but then there could be consequences for our nation. I dont say Turkey must not react, i just think that we should calculate everything before doing something that might backfire. Of course Russia is too strong and big, so they can do whatever they want, thats not a good comparison imo.

Woah woah woah, hold on a minute! One minute please, I must!

If Turkey bombs Iraq or Syria, Turkey will introduce "Instability" to the region. Don't forget what Uncle Sam and International community said when bombing PKK
Dude you're contradicting yourself.
Exactly how?
Jhon McCain and Barrack Obama themselves announced support for syrian Rebels BY THERE OWN MOUTH.
How does it becomes a conspiracy theory?
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