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Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

quite a shock(!) after seeing their courage in the gulf wars against usa army.

Turkey has an intelligence service, and army; If the intel and army depend on other countries army, then nothing to say.
Its in Iraq ofcourse the security depends on their army, they could have evacuated the consulate before the invasion but like i said noboy expected that the Iraqi army would surrender without fighting, Isis only needed hours to take the control over the city, there was not much left than a rescue operation from Turkey which came too late.

Only a large scale military operation could have saved the embassy staff within the enemy controlled city, did you watched the movie Black Hawk Down? Well these Isis guys are obviously more talented than some somali rag tag militias.
After refendum yes, but I think Turkey will get a lot a shit for it. All energy sources are there. Who would want to see energized Turkish economy?

When oil gets in the equation all world powers get involved... that's not a good idea.
my kurd friend, the fire that turkey lit in syria will destroy Turkey itself. This is just the start.

I belive Turkey have stopped their support for ISIS especially now after classifying them as terrorists but in the past they did. But we all know that Erdogan's policies in Syria have been a total failure.

Its in Iraq ofcourse the security depends on their army, they could have evacuated the consulate before the invasion but like i said noboy expected that the Iraqi army would surrender without fighting, Isis only needed hours to take the control over the city, there was not much left than a rescue operation from Turkey which came too late.

Only a large scale military operation could have saved the embassy staff within the enemy controlled city, did you watched the movie Black Hawk Down? Well these Isis guys are obviously more talented than some somali rag tag militias.
They would just kill all of the hostages imo.
Well obviously Shias do not favor them and if Sunnis prefer them to the government, then they deserve what's going on in their cities right? After all, this is what they've asked for, now hundreds of thousands of people are driven out of their homes.

I don't agree that majority of Sunnis prefer them to the government, however they may act passively about them, meaning they neither fight them nor fight for them. Because they neither sympathize with government nor like ISIS terrorists, hence they only run for their lives. I truly hope this isn't the majority of Iraqi Sunnis want. Indeed, there is a minority who may support ISIS and even in army ranks there are those who have betrayed.

I just invite you to read the course of events from the beginning, one more time. Then you would see if the majority was not supporting them, they would not have such a quick achievements. ;)
BTW, have you forgot that how much hatred, Sunni arabs have against Shias? Just check out their TV channels and media, and you would find out that they are ready to do Jihad against the so called Safavi army of shias. All the blame is on your beloved Khamenei regime for creating such a mess.
When oil gets in the equation all world powers get involved... that's not a good idea.
That is why they left Turkey alone after 1923 treaty. We gave up our oil fields. We were sitting on all oil reserves for centuries. It is so sad. Probably majority of oil and gas economy would have been in Turkish hands and mid east would have been peaceful place with Turkish law and order. But that is all history.
perhaps an extreme fantasy scenario, but if these idiots manage to drive the govt out and build their own country, the Kurdish factions will be pressured from Syrian and ISIL regimes, this could give Turkey more leverage on krg. a somewhat friendly krg could act as a buffer state and pyg will have to become friendly with Turkey in order to avoid Turkey pressuring from the north as well. If Mosul and other northern places could get taken by Turkey, it will create more problems as well. anyway, we can write many stuff here, but it's the Turkish govt that hopefully will do whatever seems the most realistic, which i doubt.
Its in Iraq ofcourse the security depends on their army, they could have evacuated the consulate before the invasion but like i said noboy expected that the Iraqi army would surrender without fighting, Isis only needed hours to take the control over the city, there was not much left than a rescue operation from Turkey which came too late.

Only a large scale military operation could have saved the embassy staff within the enemy controlled city, did you watched the movie Black Hawk Down? Well these Isis guys are obviously more talented than some somali rag tag militias.

In my World such excuses indicate one thing, which is that you are incapable for the job.

You could continue blaming the ıraqi army, air condition etc for the security of your own country land.

I respect your thought, but i am out of discussion.
my kurd friend, the fire that turkey lit in syria will destroy Turkey itself. This is just the start.
Mate the fire that will destroy Turkey has yet to be lit. No such big fire.

Guys, the latest update is that ISIS reached to Samarra. If they can capture Samarra, Baghdad would be in blockade from North, East, and West.
BTW, they have robbed banks as well. they have achieved 429 million dollars, only by robbing the main bank of Mosul.

Sounds like a very successfull round of Payday 2 to me.
Why is everyone so surprised? You don't need any conspiracy theories to see the truth in this situation.

Sunni's everywhere have turned a blind eye to ISIL and what they represent - a movement to take the Islamic world back to ancient times, the golden age of the Salaaf. Independent fighters from all over the world have converged in this region, what kind of conspiracy could achieve that? These people are brainwashed by their ideologues, whose views are openly lauded in our own cities and even on this forum. We can't allow these ideologies in our mosques on one hand and then blame Israel/CIA when these views are taken to the next stage. These people have been sold the idea of a better, pure world and now they intend to wipe out everyone else to achieve their utopia.

ISIL have never hidden the fact that they want an Islamic Caliphate but as long as they were pursuing it at the cost of Bashar and the Syrians we were all fine with that. Now it's dawning on the neighbours that extremism has no borders and the caliphate does not believe in nationalism and suddenly everyone is up in arms.

P.S. when Turkey, SA, Iran and NATO decide to go in and destroy these guys, don't complain that it was a conspiracy to thwart the rise of Islam. This is not the resurgence of Islam, it is the rise of the Khawarij hounds of hell.
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Are you still claiming these scumbags are fighting for 'Sunni rights' in Iraq?

They have also stolen $480M from Mosul central bank and driven thousands of people out of their homes. These animals are everything but champions of religious minority rights.

I already predicted yesterday that they would take cash reserves. They stated that themselves. As for people, they never drove anybody out. People fled while they were trying to calm them. The Iraqi government failed to come to a compromise when Sunni's were staging sit ins in the provinces. While sending the army to crackdown on them.The blame lies on them that nobody wants to cooperate anymore.

As for what's happening now, I never said their objective is primarily activism. This an armed organization. If their goal is to takeover portions of Iraq. Then so be it, it's outraging to me considering how the whole region is already this way. What's good is that the Americans and Israelis are fuming. The Jewish sponsored American media has been reporting on this nonstop.
P.P.S. i sincerely hope that these guys are successful in creating the perfect caliphate, in the ideal Salafi way, just as they wished. Maybe then all the armchair khilafat-wanters in our own countries will move there. But somehow i doubt it.
In my World such excuses indicate one thing, which is that you are incapable for the job.

You could continue blaming the ıraqi army, air condition etc for the security of your own country land.

I respect your thought, but i am out of discussion.
Im probably one of the last persons here to excuse the goverments faults but sometimes you need critical thinking before blaming the goverment out of your anger.
P.S. when Turkey, SA, Iran and NATO decide to go in and destroy these guys, don't complain that it was a conspiracy to thwart the rise of Islam. This is not the resurgence of Islam, it is the rise of the Khawarij hounds of hell.

This. Every time. It doesnt matter what they did or who they are some of them would still say they were good, the Turks are kafirs because they fight Muslims etc.
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