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Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

Humiliation contiinues inside and outside Turkey...
I usually dont defend the goverment but for gods sake Isis raided the consulate with 900 men, the 40 security personnely was no match against them.

The thing where the goverment did wrong was that they waited too long for evacuation, the consulate staff was destroying documents and waiting for a team who was on the way to evacuate the staff when they got raided.

Yes, Now they are officially the most wealthy terrorist group of the world. They have literally built their own country. Their controlled region is greater than Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon combined.

Seems like everyone underestimated Isis, they are really effective, they just conquer 10% of Iraq including the second biggest city of the country and capture tons of weapons, vehicles, money within just two days. o_O
Where is that map, the one supposedly leaked from the Pentagon, with partitioned countries? Region looks ripe towards the realization of that plan. From Syria to Pakistan.
Soon something has to be done, otherwise we will have Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on our border

My strategy would be this:

Let Iraq and ISIS blow each other's brains out, and before the end TSK should role in and give knock out punch to ISIS. Role in our tanks, heli's and everything we have. Do referendum in Mosul and Kirkuk and give the remaining back to Iraq.
When مهدي الغراوي, the Iraqi general with tons of medals, is giving up like a fucking coward, what do you expect from this army?
The another fact is that Sunni arabs in Iraq, prefer ISIS over their central government.
Seems like he's only good at being an Iranian stooge.

Seems like everyone underestimated Isis, they are really effective, they just conquer 10% of Iraq including the second biggest city of the country and capture tons of weapons, vehicles, money within just two days. o_O
Can they operate what they captured?
I usually dont defend the goverment but for gods sake Isis raided the consulate with 900 men, the 40 security personnely was no match against them.

The thing where the goverment did wrong was that they waited too long for evacuation, the consulate staff was destroying documents and waiting for a team who was on the way to evacuate the staff when they got raided.

Seems like everyone underestimated Isis, they are really effective, they just conquer 10% of Iraq including the second biggest city of the country and capture tons of weapons, vehicles, money within just two days. o_O

Dude, I think I need to repeat my quote again:
In contrast to common thoughts among most of people, most of ISIS members in Iraq are former members of Haras el Jomhouri(Presidency guard) of Saddam Husein and they are highly talented with good trainings and skills. They are not only bunch of rag tag terrorists, as you think ;)
I have heard about some of their trainings. I have heard that, in one of their trainings, they were sending them in front of hungry wolves, and wolves were escaping from their brutality. :lol::lol::lol:
Even many of their foreign members are ex-army members, and even commanders, like Omar Al-shishani, who was in Georgian Army.
Soon something has to be done, otherwise we will have Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on our border

I agree, otherwise, Turkey needs to send an ambassador for the new country of ISISstan. :lol::lol::lol:
ISIL is the partner of Maliki and Bashaar.
Where the heck do you take this out? ISIL have taken half of syria and Iraq under terror Grip.
Bit yeah i understand you are another confused Pakistani Sunni..Who cant digest the concept of SUNNI TERRORISM fulfilling western Propegenda.
They are all Saudi Puppets not Maliki and Bashaar.
But this conspiracy syndrome has plagued our Country thays why we are suffering so much. We cannot Even understand simple thing without adding a pinch of Conspiracy to it.
Believe me bro it is not mendatory for a sunni to blindly support all these Bastard Terrorists and there true supporters. Accept what is truth. All Sunni Terrorist Networks in Middle east are pawns of West and Israel.And All shia nexus Iran Syria Lebnon are threat to Israel and USA in this area. I am sunni and i have no shame accepting the truth.
Im not sure about air vehicles but they surely can operate the land vehicles, i heard they just used dozens of humvees in battles.

Guys, they are currently using the Mil helicopters that they gained in Mosul.
So, no problem for them :coffee:
Again, consider that they are ex-army members and commanders. ;)

Are you still claiming these scumbags are fighting for 'Sunni rights' in Iraq?

They have also stolen $480M from Mosul central bank and driven thousands of people out of their homes. These animals are everything but champions of religious minority rights.
I usually dont defend the goverment but for gods sake Isis raided the consulate with 900 men, the 40 security personnely was no match against them.

The thing where the goverment did wrong was that they waited too long for evacuation, the consulate staff was destroying documents and waiting for a team who was on the way to evacuate the staff when they got raided.

The group has invaded syria, crossed the border walked onto Musul in months and then raided the embassy; If they were not prepared for this raid during those months, then what were they doing untill that raid?

I even do not want to explain this humiliation and their ignorance.

Their faults even do not deserve to be talked about...pure idiocity.
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