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Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

They wouldn't make a chance. Also there were children inside the building.

Land force would be to slow to reach mosul. Air force doesn't have a devastating effect to the outcome in such battles.

Erdogan needs not to be lazy anymore. He needs to start negotiating with ISIS baboons, and also try to conduct a meeting inside NATO to attract support. If ISIS did not agree to release hostages, a military response is needed.
Another point is whether ISIS can continue its progress or not, the KRG government in Iraqi Kurdistan would get much more independent and stronger than before, and they can literally declare independency from Iraq. That may seem an extreme case, but by considering the fast course of happenings in the region, it is not unlikely. BTW, the situation in Kirkuk, is also very strange. Army has literally gave its equipments to ISIS and Peshmarga. Turkish government needs to be quick and not lazy anymore, that's the key point.
BTW, it seems that ISIS and KRG can reach to an agreement based on the so called big middle east map.
Any operation to free them or something similar is the same as war against ISIS, ISIS is all over the Turkish border in Syria. That's why I doubt Turkey will do anything unless they will start fighting ISIS in Syria as well knowing they will suicide bomb themselves on border checkpoints like happened before.

In other news government forces have retook Baji north of Tikrit and pushing North with more forces, some commanders will be questioned and have been replaced.

If ISIS kills those consulate workers or truck drivers why is erdogan even keeping these monkeys on his border, thousands of foreigners even joined since he let them in 1-2 years earlier.
So what ? then in the past our soldiers should have left their posts instead of defending them when PKK attacked since attackers were more numerous ? isn't consulate officially Turkish soil ? will everybody just tremble our borders, our flags, our honor like it was nothing ? what the hell man ! its getting more ridiculous everyday.
So what ? then in the past our soldiers should have left their posts instead of defending them when PKK attacked since attackers were more numerous ? isn't consulate officially Turkish soil ? will everybody just tremble our borders, our flags, our honor like it was nothing ? what the hell man ! its getting more ridiculous everyday.
Dude, calm down. What consulate did, was absolutely right. There were numerous ISIS fighters, and civilians lifes was in danger.
Then they shouldn't have f.cking evacuated in the first place, its plain stupidity.
Dude, calm down. What consulate did, was absolutely right. There were numerous ISIS fighters, and civilians lifes was in danger.
Right #1 thing was the security of the personnel and this was the best way to insure it after making the dumb mistake of not with drawing. I say on t.v that ISIL threatened to blow up the whole place if they didn't let them in.
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Guys, the latest update is that ISIS reached to Samarra. If they can capture Samarra, Baghdad would be in blockade from North, East, and West.
BTW, they have robbed banks as well. they have achieved 429 million dollars, only by robbing the main bank of Mosul. They have also released more than 4000 of their friends in prisons. So, now they have half a billion dollar more money, mil helicopters, abrams tanks, humvee MRAPs, and thousands of more fighters. :disagree:
BTW, it seems that they have massacered Jaish Al-Mahdi (Mughtada Sadr group) members who were in prison of Takrit.

Davutoğlu 20 saat önce tweet atmıştı - Hürriyet GÜNDEM

"Security of personal is taken cared of"

This guy is a strategic genius.
He is literally the most incapable person in Turkish government. Erdogan comes second. :disagree:
Guys, the latest update is that ISIS reached to Samarra. If they can capture Samarra, Baghdad would be in blockade from North, East, and West.
BTW, they have robbed banks as well. they have achieved 429 million dollars, only by robbing the main bank of Mosul. They have also released more than 4000 of their friends in prisons. So, now they have half a billion dollar more money, mil helicopters, abrams tanks, humvee MRAPs, and thousands of more fighters. :disagree:
BTW, it seems that they have massacered Jaish Al-Mahdi (Mughtada Sadr group) members who were in prison of Takrit.
Oh boy, this is probably the most successful action of a terror organisation in history, they litterally built up a small army.
Peshmerga Only Bulwark Against ISIS Sweep, Former Iraqi Officer Says

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Because of their long experience in guerrilla warfare, the Kurdish Peshmerga forces are the only bulwark that can thwart the sweep of Islamic militants further across Iraq, according to a former Iraqi army officer.

Iraq’s Shiite-led government has been in shock since days ago losing control of the country’s second-largest city, Mosul in the northwest, to Sunni jihadists from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

All of this year, the government has been unsuccessfully battling al-Qaeda and its splinter ISIS, in three other provinces, Diyala, Salahaddin and Anbar.

The former Iraqi officer, who is now a security analyst, said the Islamic fighters are taking shelter in civilian areas, where the army cannot confront them openly.

“To regain control and minimize civilian casualties, the government must stage urban warfare with mechanized infantry squads in residential neighborhoods,” said the former officer, who was speaking in Baghdad, and did not want his name used.

He said that some Iraqi officials were right in “seeking the help of Peshmerga forces in their war on terrorists, because of their experience, expertise and knowledge of urban warfare.”

He added that the Peshmerga forces, which are controlled by the autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in northern Iraq, are well suited to confront the jihadist advance because of their “knowledge of the area’s geography, as well as their proximity to them.”

The fall of Mosul came just days after Iraq took delivery of its first F-16 fighter plane from the United States. Iraq’s Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had appealed for the fighters -- and other equipment that Washington is delivering under a multibillion dollar deal -- to crush the insurgents.

But the security expert said that air power cannot bring the militants to heel.

“Relying on the air force and setting siege to cities in order to crack down on militants is not only inefficient, it has widened the reach of ISIS to include the three provinces,” he said.

He added that the ISIS sweep through Mosul and other northwestern territories “proves that the military tactics of the Iraqi security agencies are wrong, ineffective and have not limited the movement of ISIS.”

Mosul in Nineveh province, 400 km north of Baghdad, has been gripped in fear and chaos since Iraqi forces largely abandoned their positions, left behind their weapons, tore off their uniforms and disappeared in the face of an ISIS advance.

“Thousands of people in Mosul are trying to flee from the city toward either Baghdad or Kurdistan,” said Mohammed al-Shammari, 35, a displaced resident of Mosul who escaped to Baghdad. “The majority need housing and immediate resettlement.”

Al-Shammari warned of a humanitarian catastrophe, “Unless the government responds to the human waves fleeing from Mosul to escape the ISIS.”

Iraq’s Parliament Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi called the fall of Mosul a foreign invasion by fighters of different nationalities.

“There is support for these groups, but currently we must focus on defeating them and putting the country on the path of recovery. After that, we can investigate the source of their support,” said Nujaifi, referring to suspicions that the Sunni insurgents enjoy some local support.

Maliki, the embattled prime minister who is opposed by the country’s Sunnis, Kurds and many fellow Shiite parties, urged “everyone who can carry a gun" to start resisting against "terrorists."

But in Mosul, more anger was vented at Maliki’s government than at the vicious militants, whose rapid advances in the city have raised questions about the competence of an army long supported and trained by the United States.

Many Iraqis have been left wondering how their army, equipped with heavy weapons, just fell apart before a guerrilla force with light weaponry, giving up without much of a fight.

Peshmerga Only Bulwark Against ISIS Sweep, Former Iraqi Officer
Guys, the latest update is that ISIS reached to Samarra. If they can capture Samarra, Baghdad would be in blockade from North, East, and West.
BTW, they have robbed banks as well. they have achieved 429 million dollars, only by robbing the main bank of Mosul. They have also released more than 4000 of their friends in prisons. So, now they have half a billion dollar more money, mil helicopters, abrams tanks, humvee MRAPs, and thousands of more fighters. :disagree:
BTW, it seems that they have massacered Jaish Al-Mahdi (Mughtada Sadr group) members who were in prison of Takrit.
im failing to catch up with the places they have steamrolled. Mosul, Tikrit, Samarra soon too. they pushed down to Baghdad in mere 2 days or so? what has the Iraqi forces been doing in the last few hours?
Oh boy, this is probably the most successful action of a terror organisation in history, they litterally built up a small army.

Yes, Now they are officially the most wealthy terrorist group of the world. They have literally built their own country. Their controlled region is greater than Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon combined.

im failing to catch up with the places they have steamrolled. Mosul, Tikrit, Samarra soon too. they pushed down to Baghdad in mere 2 days or so? what has the Iraqi forces been doing in the last few hours?
When مهدي الغراوي, the Iraqi general with tons of medals, is giving up like a fucking coward, what do you expect from this army?
The another fact is that Sunni arabs in Iraq, prefer ISIS over their central government.
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