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Most of Vietnam’s major projects in Chinese hands

Vietnam is still inexperienced in managing the country's economy,new test reforms are on the way, dont know wether they can save Vietnam's economy.

Vietnamese economic reform faces crisis

Reported by AAP
Monday, October 31, 2011

As Vietnam battles galloping inflation and a plummeting currency, a new challenge has emerged - a general collapse of confidence in the state's ability to heal the ailing economy.

With an eye on the brash success of neighbouring China, Vietnam's obsessive pursuit of growth lasted for two decades until economic threats forced it to shift attention to stability this year.

The ruling Communist Party, which has total control in the one-party nation, announced an overhaul of its economic model during a five-yearly congress in January and a slew of monetary and tax austerity measures have followed.

But as pressure on the economy continues to mount, the political system itself has come into question from businesses and the Vietnamese people.

"What is happening in Vietnam is a crisis of confidence," a foreign investor in the southern business hub Ho Chi Minh City told AFP.

In 2008, as financial turmoil swept the globe, Vietnamese authorities responded by injecting massive liquidity into the economy, and speculative bubbles multiplied.

State-owned shipbuilder Vinashin embarked on a flurry of investments, racking up debts of $US4.4 billion ($A4.12 billion) that eventually saw it plunge into quasi-bankruptcy.

Now Vietnam is trying to bring down Asia's highest rate of inflation - nearly 22 per cent year-on-year in October - trim its trade deficit and strengthen the dong, which has seen four devaluations in 15 months.
You should worry about the fabricated growth of your economy. A huge chunk of your growth is construction projects that you built but have found no buyers. So you built and demolished them again and again. Eventually it will POP
Chinese economic situation overall is still the best in the world now,that's why all countries came to China and ask for help,any country asked Vietnam for help?

and if no one buys Chinese products how come China's export hit record high every month despite of the sluggist global economy?

China exports and trade surplus hit record high

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
BEIJING - Reuters
China’s July exports rose 20.4 percent from a year ago, the strongest gain since April
Chinese economic situation overall is still the best in the world now,that's why all countries came to China and ask for help,any country asked Vietnam for help?

and if no one buys Chinese products how come China's export hit record high every month despite of the sluggist global economy?
Do you even know what % of those exports is actually products made by FDI companies in China? Something like 60%. Look at the "made in China products" selling in the U.S and tell me if those products are Chinese brand names or American or other non-Chinese brand names that just happened to be made in China? Products made by foreign companies and ship back to the U.S or E.U are still count as Chinese "exports", sir.:wave:

And Viet Nam is doing fine. We don't fabricate our real GDP growth like China (like building empty unoccupied buildings). More than likely the GDP figure of Viet Nam is the real figure or we even understate our GDP figure and I have all the belief why we understate our real GDP.
Do you even know what % of those exports is actually products made by FDI companies in China? Something like 60%. Look at the "made in China products" selling in the U.S and tell me if those products are Chinese brand names or American or other non-Chinese brand names that just happened to be made in China? Products made by foreign companies and ship back to the U.S or E.U are still count as Chinese "exports", sir.:wave:

And Viet Nam is doing fine. We don't fabricate our real GDP growth like China (like building empty unoccupied buildings). More than likely the GDP figure of Viet Nam is the real figure or we even understate our GDP figure and I have all the belief why we understate our real GDP.

haha,money is money.China now holds one third of the world total foreign reserve and also has the biggest trade surplus,facts and figures state everything.you can doubt about everything about China,but whole world admits of China's success and those who visited China get the best picture.what you see with your eyes are most convincing.
google 'China saves the world" you can see tons of news reports and economists articles,do "vietnam saves the world" the search engine may instantly direct you to the joke section.
You should worry about the fabricated growth of your economy. A huge chunk of your growth is construction projects that you built but have found no buyers. So you built and demolished them again and again. Eventually it will POP

if growth can be fabricated then everyone will do that``who doesnt want econimy grow 16 times within just 2 decades and my family used to make $150 a year 30 years ago but now buying properties not only in China but in London as well? but within that 30 years vietnam still is a dirt poor country with ungraceful people now and then.
if growth can be fabricated then everyone will do that``who doesnt want econimy grow 16 times within just 2 decades and my family used to make $150 a year 30 years ago but now buying properties not only in China but in London as well? but within that 30 years vietnam still is a dirt poor country with ungraceful people now and then.

go to rural area in china and see how chinese living there.
Big mouth, uneducated kido.
go to rural area in china and see how chinese living there.
Big mouth, uneducated kido.

Rural region is still underdevloped,that's why per capita wise China is not a developed country yet,but the tremendous achievements are real,no people in their right mind would deny it.
go to rural area in china and see how chinese living there.
Big mouth, uneducated kido.
lol```cant reasoning with viets, my family from village kid. and in southern part of china's villages you see a lot of viet brides there,and can you get a reality check now?
nobody is harmful to vietnam more than the vietnamese!

Nine charged for Vietnam ship scandal
VN super-rich can easily bail it out, but the Govt. refused that plan. Our Govt. also can easily borrow money to pay the debt(Russia just lent 9 billion USD to VN), but we just simply ignore it, we don't wanna pay back the debt until US help VN to develop our shipbuilding industry , that's it.

as long as VN can control Malacca straight, China-USA still have to lend VN more and more money(even they know we can not pay back) :cool:
go to rural area in china and see how chinese living there.
Big mouth, uneducated kido.

this is the typical nonsense viets whom can make you laughed all day, the viva viet cong leaders has brainwashed their citizens to think of themselves too rich and other such as Chinese are too poor to compete with vietnam! just like few decades ago they claimed usa is poorer than socialism republic of vietnam! ussr was the most powerful and richest nation on earth, viets didn't give a damn mind what usa is, but today is an absolutedifferent story! green dollars can make hungry viets forget anything include the history of being raped and tortured by amaerican!

btw, from all of that people can hilariously figure out how paranoid in the clueless though of vietnamese these days!

make sure people need to know that nobody is trying to fool those viets but themselves!

lol```cant reasoning with viets, my family from village kid. and in southern part of china's villages you see a lot of viet brides there,and can you get a reality check now?

why spend so much air for those retards, they even claim vietnam is much more richer than south korea and taiwan combined, in the other hands, vietnam has been speeding up the export of their indigenous mail order brides to poorer nations.....for charity!:azn:
lol```cant reasoning with viets, my family from village kid. and in southern part of china's villages you see a lot of viet brides there,and can you get a reality check now?

Not so a lot as chinese girls do prostitution job in La Vegas or in Afrika.
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