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Mossad, Mumbai 2008 and Hafiz Saeed.


Apr 28, 2011
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I have been a student of defence, intelligence, national security and weapons for almost 18 years now. I have read enough about various intelligence agencies and how they operate and what they are famous for. MOSSAD is legendry for coming after anyone who kills an Israeli. It doesn't matter how long it takes for them to find that person, but they do find you and kill you. So now the question which keeps popping my mind is that in Mumbai attack of 2008, six jews including four Israeli nationals were killed. And if Israel fully believes India's claim of Hafiz Saeed and Hammad Lakhvi among others being involved in Mumbai attack How come Israel never have attempted to take out Hafiz Saeed or Hammad Lakhvi.

Or they tried and failed. I have tried to talk to Israeli journalists and other Indians on it and there is total silence on this matter from both sides. No one says anything. Not that I want something to happen to Hafiz Saeed and Hammad Lakhvi but knowing MOSSAD history there is no way hell that they never thought of it.

@PanzerKiel @Areesh @LeGenD
I have been a student of defence, intelligence, national security and weapons for almost 18 years now. I have read enough about various intelligence agencies and how they operate and what they are famous for. MOSSAD is legendry for coming after anyone who kills an Israeli. It doesn't matter how long it takes for them to find that person, but they do find you and kill you. So now the question which keeps popping my mind is that in Mumbai attack of 2008, six jews including four Israeli nationals were killed. And if Israel fully believes India's claim of Hafiz Saeed and Hammad Lakhvi among others being involved in Mumbai attack How come Israel never have attempted to take out Hafiz Saeed or Hammad Lakhvi.

Or they tried and failed. I have tried to talk to Israeli journalists and other Indians on it and there is total silence on this matter from both sides. No one says anything. Not that I want something to happen to Hafiz Saeed and Hammad Lakhvi but knowing MOSSAD history there is no way hell that they never thought of it.

@PanzerKiel @Areesh @LeGenD

You're jumping the gun. They are still relentlessly hunting down Nazis in South America. There is no time window on vengeance.
You're jumping the gun. They are still relentlessly hunting down Nazis in South America. There is no time window on vengeance.
Which Nazis? Dude it's 80 years since world war is over.
Just a few days ago. Get out of Pakistan for a change and see the world Zarvan. You're back on Twitter as well now.
I have been a student of defence, intelligence, national security and weapons for almost 18 years now. I have read enough about various intelligence agencies and how they operate and what they are famous for. MOSSAD is legendry for coming after anyone who kills an Israeli. It doesn't matter how long it takes for them to find that person, but they do find you and kill you. So now the question which keeps popping my mind is that in Mumbai attack of 2008, six jews including four Israeli nationals were killed. And if Israel fully believes India's claim of Hafiz Saeed and Hammad Lakhvi among others being involved in Mumbai attack How come Israel never have attempted to take out Hafiz Saeed or Hammad Lakhvi.

Or they tried and failed. I have tried to talk to Israeli journalists and other Indians on it and there is total silence on this matter from both sides. No one says anything. Not that I want something to happen to Hafiz Saeed and Hammad Lakhvi but knowing MOSSAD history there is no way hell that they never thought of it.

@PanzerKiel @Areesh @LeGenD
Not knowing anything about those two men, I can surmise that, if they were just the tail end of a command structure that recruited some simple guys to go and do the killings, it may be more important to focus on uprooting the network than go after the grunts. The proper way to measure success is did the India/U.S./Israel governments succeed in removing the terror network? I think they have achieved it based on lack of similar episode again - that makes me think whoever sponsored it have been suitably acted upon.
How come Israel never have attempted to take out Hafiz Saeed or Hammad Lakhvi.

Because they don't care, a few dead Jews actually helps further strengthen their cause if anything as it garners more sympathy for them. So, if anything they would actually thank them for attacking Jews.
I have been a student of defence, intelligence, national security and weapons for almost 18 years now. I have read enough about various intelligence agencies and how they operate and what they are famous for. MOSSAD is legendry for coming after anyone who kills an Israeli. It doesn't matter how long it takes for them to find that person, but they do find you and kill you. So now the question which keeps popping my mind is that in Mumbai attack of 2008, six jews including four Israeli nationals were killed. And if Israel fully believes India's claim of Hafiz Saeed and Hammad Lakhvi among others being involved in Mumbai attack How come Israel never have attempted to take out Hafiz Saeed or Hammad Lakhvi.

Or they tried and failed. I have tried to talk to Israeli journalists and other Indians on it and there is total silence on this matter from both sides. No one says anything. Not that I want something to happen to Hafiz Saeed and Hammad Lakhvi but knowing MOSSAD history there is no way hell that they never thought of it.

@PanzerKiel @Areesh @LeGenD

This is called beating a dead horse. It's time to let go.
According to Indians it's fine to murder Pakistanis by inviting them to your house, that's why they have forgotten about the samjota express attack, that's not terrorism. It's all about Mumabi BS.
Indian army officers were caught relating to the samjota express attack, to them that's OK as well.

Indian citizens took part in Mumbai attack as well, why don't we hear about them? That's all hush hush because they don't want to highlight the internal support relating to the whole episode.
There are several possible reasons why Mossad hasn't done that:

Mossad must be afraid of pak establishment

Mossad doesn't believe in violent retribution

Hafees being a holy man has put a jinx on Mossad

Or more likely, Mossad simply has other things to do than bother with you guys, given israel is on its 5th or 6th election in 2 years.

Another possibility is perhaps they think being stuck in a pak jail is punishment enuf
It was joint operation of MOSSAD with RAW.
Targeted killing of Hemant Karkare is the tell-tale sign that it was a planned operation.
The operation failed because India could not start an all-out war against Pakistan, which was the objective.
I have been a student of defence, intelligence, national security and weapons for almost 18 years now. I have read enough about various intelligence agencies and how they operate and what they are famous for. MOSSAD is legendry for coming after anyone who kills an Israeli. It doesn't matter how long it takes for them to find that person, but they do find you and kill you. So now the question which keeps popping my mind is that in Mumbai attack of 2008, six jews including four Israeli nationals were killed. And if Israel fully believes India's claim of Hafiz Saeed and Hammad Lakhvi among others being involved in Mumbai attack How come Israel never have attempted to take out Hafiz Saeed or Hammad Lakhvi.

Or they tried and failed. I have tried to talk to Israeli journalists and other Indians on it and there is total silence on this matter from both sides. No one says anything. Not that I want something to happen to Hafiz Saeed and Hammad Lakhvi but knowing MOSSAD history there is no way hell that they never thought of it.

@PanzerKiel @Areesh @LeGenD

First of all---this is not an appropriate question to ask.

Secondly---alive---they are doing more damage to pakistan's image---.
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