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More Tests on DRDO Radar


Jul 6, 2009
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United States
More Tests on DRDO Radar -The New Indian Express

BALASORE: Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has pulled up its socks after Prime Minister Narendra Modi directed it to ensure delivery of cutting edge weapon systems to the Armed Forces in time so that the country can keep pace with other nations in the national security arena.


The DRDO plans to test nuclear capable Agni-I, sub-sonic cruise missile Nirbhay and longest range Agni-V.

While the Strategic Forces Command (SFC) of Indian Army is slated to carry out a fresh user trial of the 700-km range surface-to-surface medium range Agni-I on September 10, DRDO would conduct the second and third developmental trials of Nirbhay and Agni-V missiles too.

Though the exact date for the experimental tests of Nirbhay and Agni-V missiles has not been fixed, preparations are underway at the Wheeler Island test facility off the Odisha coast. If everything falls in place, the weapons could be test-fired this month itself.

At the annual DRDO awards function recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi flayed the ‘chalta hai’ attitude of the DRDO, which has been resulting in delay in projects and cost overruns.

While DRDO is not worried about performance of Agni-I and Agni-V missiles, all eyes will be on Nirbhay, which is India’s first home made cruise missile capable of delivering nuclear warheads nearly 1,000 km away.

While Agni-I has already been inducted in the Armed Forces after several rounds of successful trials, Agni-V has proved its might successfully twice in the last two years.

Nirbhay had failed during its maiden test on March 12, last year. The missile veered off as snags developed in its inertial navigation system (INS). Post failure, the DRDO is said to have made some corrections in the design of the missile.

DRDO Chief, Avinash Chander said the faults in the missile have been rectified and the missile is ready for the test which will be conducted soon. What makes Nirbhay significant is that the missile is very manoeuvrable and can fly at low altitude thus making it difficult to be detected on the enemy radar.

The defence scientists are also expecting third consecutive success of Agni-V missile that would pave the way for its early induction in the Armed Forces and maiden test of its next generation missile Agni-VI having a projected strike range of more than 8,000 km.

Sources said the Prime Minister is expected to witness Agni-V launch from the Wheeler Island. DRDO spokesperson Ravi Kumar Gupta said Modi’s attendance depends on his schedule.
well unoficialli modi has made it clear that if DRDO keeps on with this attitude they soon will be shifted and then suspended if they dont produce the equipment on time .... and they all know modi is no pushover and could be realli dangerous if treated the wrong way
All the best DRDO. Nirbhay and canister launch Agni-5 ICBM tests are most important.
If eveything falls in place,weapons could be tested this month itself
Nice! Things indeed seems to be moving,though some can argue that all of this has been planned,months before modi effect and has got nothing to do with change in power.
well unoficialli modi has made it clear that if DRDO keeps on with this attitude they soon will be shifted and then suspended if they dont produce the equipment on time .... and they all know modi is no pushover and could be realli dangerous if treated the wrong way
I have no doubt that he would have done tht ,looking at way few things were done @DRDO thats probably the only way to make the sloth bear run.
For seconds I though its about the DRDO's AESA Radar :woot:
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